I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 147 The origin of Nine Snake Island is just an idea in this book. I may not write it directly, but it feels pretty easy to guess


Casmos and other adult female Nine Snake warriors led a group of girls out of the city, and were quickly dispersed into three small teams and entered the woods around Nine Snake Island.

They are said to be girls, but they all have at least a certain sense of domineering.

Either Armed Haki, which can enhance attack power, or Sensorial Haki, which can sense danger.

What’s more, the area around Nine Snakes Island has been cleared away from overly ferocious animals for hundreds of years, so even for these reserve Nine Snakes girls, it’s not that dangerous.


A huge black-maned wild boar jumped out and stopped the group of nine snake girls.

Swish, swish, swish, the girls immediately stopped, formed a formation, and found the right angle and position. The pet snakes they carried stood up and formed a bow, and they drew arrows and put on the bowstrings. Everyone’s movements were well-trained and uniform, and there was no trace of panic.

If you are new to Armed Color Haki, just wrap Armed Color Haki around the top of the arrow.

Sanda Sonia, the second sister with long green hair, is less skilled and can only attach the arrow body directly, as if dyed with a layer of black. The orange-haired third sister, Marigrud, is more proficient in armed color. The arrows she put on the snake bow do not seem to have changed at all. Only the girls around her who are familiar with the domineering color can know that her arrows are wrapped in With a layer of flowing domineering! After Sandasonia’s black arrow is shot, the attached domineering power will quickly fade away, but Marigrud’s flowing domineering power is different. It can last for a long time and cause more destructive power.

It’s just that their reaction was fast enough, but someone was faster than them.

The black wild boar roared low, and before it made much movement, its hooves suddenly stiffened, foaming at the mouth, its eyes turned white, and it fell to the ground twitching.

Swish, swish, swish… the girls’ arrows passed by the mane, and all failed. Some were nailed to the ground behind, and some exploded with a bang, but they could not wake up the unconscious head. wild boar.

The orange-haired third sister Marigrud said coquettishly: “Sister!”

The second green-haired sister Sundar Sonia said depressedly: “Sister…”

Casmos, who was leading the group of girls, couldn’t help but feel ashamed. Together with the other girls, he looked at the black-haired girl in the crowd, Boya Hancock, who had just turned eleven at the time.

With so many eyes on him, Hancock didn’t feel any discomfort at all. He calmly brushed his black hair and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Although I didn’t feel anything happened at all…” a girl said.

“But no matter what, only Hancock, your domineering domineering spirit can do such an exaggerated thing…” The girls next to him added in response, including Hancock’s second and third sisters, everyone They all nodded.

Hancock asked puzzledly: “Isn’t this more efficient?”

This wild boar is too weak. Instead of having to go through the trouble of letting Samero harden into a snake bow, bending the bow and nocking arrows, coiling armed domineering, aiming, and shooting…Hancock Of course, he directly released a shot of Overlord-colored domineering energy, accurately bombarded the wild boar, defeated it with amazing Overlord-colored domineering energy, and made it lose consciousness.

“That’s true…” The girls looked like they couldn’t resist Hancock’s charm, even though the latter was about the same age as them and even the same gender. “Hancock, who knocked down his prey without even taking a step, is so beautiful and powerful… Oh hoo!”

The second sister whispered beside Hancock: “Sister! How can you train us like this?”

The third sister also nodded in agreement, “Yes, yes…”

Hancock glanced at the third sister, who immediately became as quiet as a snake, shutting up together with the pet snake on his shoulder.

“Only older sisters can possess the domineering beauty of a king…” The second sister was ashamed and couldn’t help but act coquettishly, holding the eldest sister’s arm, “Anyway, didn’t Lady Snake Ji also say that the king’s beauty cannot be improved by exercise? ? In this case, sister, why not practice armed **** and knowledge **** together…”

Hancock said depressedly: “What can I practice with these things?”

“…” Casmus had a long snake coiled on her arm. She walked up to the unconscious wild boar, gently touched the tough pig skin and the long, sharp fangs, and said secretly: “Hanku Ke’s overlord-like domineering energy actually avoided all of us, and only attacked this prey with precision… I have only seen this kind of usage on Lady Snake! Hancock…” Thinking of this, it’s hard to avoid feeling sour. “It’s really different from us…”

I remembered again that even though I said so, in fact, with such domineering looks, Kasmos had only seen the contemporary Snake Princess and Hancock in his life.

After all, he has the qualifications to be one of millions of people. It is an unparalleled miracle that Nine Snake Island can have overlord colors for two consecutive generations.

Even if she has been to the outer sea, she has never seen other users of Bawang color Haki. Not to mention the Overlord’s Haki, in the first half of the Grand Route, even the Armed Haki and the Wisdom’s Haki were rarely known. Otherwise, the Nine Snakes Pirates would not be so invincible, making pirates and merchant ships frightened…

Thinking randomly, Kasmos led the girls to continue walking in the woods near the island, teaching them various field skills, which terrain is suitable for ambushing enemies, which materials are suitable for making traps, etc. of.

Suddenly, the ground lifted up and the soil shook off. It turned out to be a large snake more than ten meters long. It was originally buried on the surface. When they woke up, it hissed and raised its thick body.

“Wait!” Cosmos raised his hand and shouted loudly, “Don’t be nervous…eh?”

Before she could finish her words, she saw the eyes of the ten-meter-long snake in front of her turned white, its body twitched and twisted, and it fell limply to the ground with a roar.

Casmos and the other girls turned their heads and looked at Hancock in the crowd.

To the left and right of Hancock, the green-haired girl and the orange-haired girl held their foreheads in unison.

“Sorry, I couldn’t hold it back for a while…” Hancock bit his pink and plump red lips, showing a pitiful look.

The other girls were immediately smitten and said that everyone can’t help it sometimes, so don’t worry about it.

Casmos is an adult warrior after all and can still stay awake. She educated: “What I was just about to say! The snakes on our Nine Snakes Island are all animals that get along well with our Amazon Lily people. …”

A girl raised her hand and asked like a curious child: “But, why?”

The friend next to him seemed mature and said clearly: “I see, our Amazon Lily is the daughter of snakes…”

“No way!!” the other friends yelled.

“…” Kasmos explained, “I don’t know the specific reason. I just heard from the old people in the village that this is because hundreds of years ago, we Amazon Lily established a country on this island. When I was there, I received help from the snakes on the island…”

The girls’ thoughts jumped very quickly, and they suddenly asked curiously: “Huh? So we moved to Nine Snakes Island? Then our ancestors lived in the open sea before?”

“It’s so strange, why did you go to this windless zone?”

“Are our ancestors lost?”

“Idiot, the ones that drifted to this island are either debris or skeletons…”

Kasimos listened to the chatter of these girls and smiled: “Well, I think the past hundreds of years ago is not important anymore. What is important is our current life on Nine Snakes Island. . The old man in the village just said two things to us. First, this is the land of women, Amazon Lily! Second…” She raised one and two fingers.

The girl warriors shouted in unison: “Men are not welcome here! Cluck…”

Everyone burst into laughter. Born on this island, they don’t even know what a man is, and they are not curious about men for the time being.

Hancock was not curious either, but said a little impatiently: “Then I might as well act alone.”


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