I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 146 Getting Started


Robin woke up leisurely.

Blinking, she touched the thin blanket covering her body.

Sitting up, she thought about what happened before.

The flower fruit was replaced by Lynch’s gas fruit…

Robin suddenly became curious and wanted to try the elementalization of the natural fruit ability user that Lynch had often used before.

The green phone bug was dozing on the ground in the woods. Suddenly, wisps of air jumped out of its body… As soon as the air flow left the body surface, it magnified dramatically and turned into cloud-like things.

It is already noon outside.

Robin’s head appeared in the flying clouds, and she giggled. This was quite fun.

Suddenly, she heard a blow coming from nearby.

Bang! boom! ……

Robin turned around and saw that on the ground not far away, there were arms that looked like adult men, and they were attacking something invisible in the air together.

“Hey, morning!”

Lynch’s voice came from above Robin’s head. She looked up and saw Lin Qi chewing on a red fruit and leaning on the treetop with a relaxed expression. When she saw her flying out of the green phone bug like smoke, she lowered her head and raised her hand to say hello. , and threw a piece of fresh fruit down casually. Robin didn’t react for a moment, the fruit fell into her gas body, and she caught it in time. Arms formed from the clouds, holding the fruit to her mouth, and took a bite.

Like a cloud, she flew to the treetops and circled around Lin Qi. She gnawed on the fruit and looked at the ground on the other side. The circle was still there, but Lin Qi’s arms were not limited to it. The surrounding areas of that circle attack the inside of the circle…

Robin immediately realized that Lynch could see his own ghost, and of course it didn’t need to be limited to a circle.

And Lynch is different from Robin in that he can meet his own substitute.

Even the arms he grew out of flower fruits actually hit various parts of the body of the headless armor, which made the latter miserable. He could only concentrate more and must awaken to the color of seeing and hearing as soon as possible. of domineering.

I just felt something coming here, and the punches and kicks coming from all directions with flowers and fruits from the main body have not appeared for a long time.

The headless armor was stunned in place, with a question mark slowly appearing on its neck.

It waits patiently. Throughout the morning, the main body has done similar tricks. After intensive attacks, it deliberately pauses for a while, and then suddenly attacks…

It waits patiently. The body is still waiting? It can almost imagine that at this moment, it may be surrounded by more than a hundred fists, ready to attack at close range, laughing at it that is unaware…

It continues to wait patiently…

Wait a minute!

Calculate the time, it’s almost noon, the main body must be looking for lunch! !

The pitch-black helmet flew out of the green phone bug’s body. It glanced over there and saw the headless armor below its own head. As expected, it was all alone and stupid, thinking that there were fists ready to strike around it. of…

How silly!

『B.I.B』 thought to himself, as expected of his true form, he was able to do such a thing.

There are no fists around the headless armor, only petals scattered on the ground. When the wind blows, they are picked up and scattered with the wind…


A petal falls.

The flowers condensed into Lynch’s fist, hitting the headless armor’s shoulder.

On the treetop not far away, Lynch and Robin sat side by side.

The latter is reading a book, with a good-tempered and peaceful temperament; the former is casually using flower fruits to create many fists and kicks around the headless armor on the ground, and attacks irregularly. Holding a lot of food and eating like crazy… Several days have passed since he tried to take off his helmet to get started with the Substitute Practice of Seeing, Hearing, and Color Haki, and during these days, he never took back the “B.I.B.” ……

Ahhhhhhhh! Lynch ate faster and faster.

The energy I have saved for several days should be enough to repay the beatings it has received in the past few days, right? Lin Qi thought and took a few more bites.

In the past few days, in addition to training on his own side and trying to get started, he and Robin also used camouflage phone bugs to travel to and from the city of Nine Snakes. He could secretly observe the daily training of the Nine Snakes warriors in the city. After all, he might be able to hear some inspirations by analogy. Moreover, experiencing the domineering leakage of these domineering ability users up close might also help him awaken his own domineering power. ? When I was hungry, I drove the Phone Bug up the city wall and climbed out to find food, and at the same time, I let my hands and feet go to train my stand-in…

The fist hit the headless armor’s shoulder.

The latter twisted his shoulders slightly and actually hid.

Lin Qi immediately stood up, startling Robin next to him, “What’s wrong? I didn’t want to sneak into Nine Snakes City to look for a book… Huh?”

She saw Lynch jump directly from the very high treetop, land with a bang, and walk towards the terrifying scene of dozens of intertwined arms not far away. She waved her hand, and the dozens of densely packed arms disappeared into thin air. The petals disappeared all over the sky.

The petals fell off and condensed into only one arm.

Lin Qi stared at the headless armor, clenched his fist and waved lightly.

Over there, the fist of the flower smashed into the headless armor that seemed to be unaware.

The latter dodged to the side and dodged the fist.

“Yo! I finally figured it out!” Lin Qi waved his hand happily, “As expected of me!”

As he waved his hand, a second arm grew out around the headless armor and grabbed the latter’s ankle.

The headless armor just raised its feet, dodged over, stepped down, and stopped just where it was about to touch Huahua Fruit’s arm.

The third arm, the fourth arm, the fifth arm, the sixth arm…

More and more arms grew around the headless armor, and it seemed to be becoming more proficient. It was a little uncomfortable at first. It was occasionally hit by fists coming from different angles, but later it began to predict it. He looked like he was skillfully moving between a dozen fists that were attacking at the same time, and he still seemed to have some strength left.

Lin Qi nodded secretly. “B.I.B” completely copied his abilities, and his physical fitness was no longer ordinary. In other words, his level of domineering should have exceeded the level of ordinary people. It just lacks an opportunity to tap out the domineering energy and use it. Now “B.I.B” has started to learn Haki. Although it is more difficult to awaken than other Haki geniuses, after getting started, it quickly passed the novice stage and got started easily.

“Is there any progress?” Robin turned into a cloud and flew up, surrounding him.

“Seeing and hearing the domineering style seems to be the beginning.” Lin Qi nodded and smiled, “I was shocked. I thought I was really a domineering idiot! Isn’t that funny?”

Although, for a moment, he did think that it didn’t matter if he wasn’t domineering. If he returned with his life, he might not be able to make a way on the sea.

Does the armed color mean it must be harder than iron?

Garp’s Iron Fist, even without the weapon, can crush the heads of countless pirates who know how to use the weapon.

It’s not as tough as armed color, it can only be said that the iron block is not strong enough.

As for dealing with those with natural abilities… the best thing to do is spend a little more effort and find some Sea Tower Stones.

When he doubted that he, the genius who returned life, might not have the ability to be domineering, Lynch immediately thought about Smoker’s ten hands, but the ten hands on Smoker’s hand that he had seen before were actually The sea floor stone fragments have not yet been embedded. As for the other Sea Tower Stones that have clearly appeared in the comics, in addition to Smoker’s weapons, Lynch also remembered the Sand Crocodile imprisoning Luffy, Smoker’s prison, and the fence of the Dressrosa Sword Arena. There are sea stone handcuffs in the Punk Hassad Research Institute, as well as a large amount of sea stone minerals in Wano…

However, now that I have successfully started to learn about Se Haki, these naturally don’t matter.

Although Lin Qi thinks it’s no big deal if he only knows how to return life, he is certainly not so pedantic that he insists on rejecting this skill even though he can use Haki…

“However, the introduction to armed domineering…”

Lin Qi touched his chin, took out the helmet of “B.I.B” from the belly of the phone bug, looked at the glowing white visor, and said to himself, “It seems that if there are other domineering ability users who are sparring, More efficient! ”

Robin reminded from the side: “When they were training yesterday, they seemed to have mentioned that today is the day they leave the city for training every month…”

“You mean, let’s kidnap one?” Lynch educated, “Wow, you are so bad, the son of the devil!”

Robin: “…”

I didn’t suggest that…

She lowered her head and saw Lin Qi’s right arm buried in her chest. He exchanged the flowers and fruits for them.


The city gate with the huge nine snakes pattern opened on both sides. On the small embankments on both sides of the river, two groups of girl warriors ran out.

The second sister with long green hair said happily: “I finally got started with armed domineering, and I can go out of the city to participate in training!”

The orange-haired third sister also said happily: “This is my first time out of the city.”

“There is nothing interesting outside the city.” Hancock was not interested and followed the crowd to look at the horizon of the sea. “The place with wind is called outside.”


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