I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 135 Hiss… Ouch (third update?)


[Chapter serial series·Big news 3·”Hahahaha, this kid is really interesting”]

[Navy Headquarters, on the side of the training ground. A certain naval hero was sitting casually on the edge of the wooden corridor, gnawing wildly on a bag of senbei, reading the newspaper and laughing wildly. A certain wise general sat aside and covered his head, not wanting to talk to this old man. On the training ground, a certain navy captain was practicing his newly acquired Devil Fruit abilities. He jumped up and down on the track, but made no sound. ]


Robin’s delicate palms have been burned slightly red.

However, her wrist was grabbed by an invisible hand and forced away. She immediately understood that this was Lynch’s ghost appearing again.

Knowing that Lin Qi was probably fine, Luo Guliang breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Qi opened his eyes and blew out a stream of hot air visible to the naked eye, making the scenery slightly distorted.

The entire pitch-black armor came out of his body.

“Pain and pleasure at the same time, this experience is really a bit refreshing.” Lin Qi smiled, and the heat in his body gradually subsided.

He glanced at Robin’s red palms, and the latter immediately shrank back, blinked his big eyes twice, and asked, “You don’t seem to be as uncomfortable as before?”

Lin Qi moved his hands and feet a little, and as he expected, the situation was much better than the previous situation where he could not move for a long time.

“Well, when I was on that island, I reserved part of the energy from every ton of food I ate and stored it in my body.”

Robin was surprised, “Is this okay?”

“Yeah, is that okay?”

Lin Qi also recalled the feeling just now.

When the stand-in returned to the body, a huge sense of fatigue like falling from the sky was instantly exerted on every cell of the body, as if it was going to tear his whole body apart, but it also stimulated the buried power in Lynch’s body. Strong strength.

“I just tried it with the mentality of giving it a try, and I didn’t expect that it really succeeded…” Lin Qi touched his chin and thought, “I don’t know whether it was successful or not, but I don’t know. How do you actively stimulate the buried physical strength… Or when the body is stimulated, in order to make up for the shortfall, the body draws out the power that is too deeply hidden…”

In other words, I want to rely on this method to save myself a second stamina tank, or even a third, fourth, and endless stamina tank…

This is not possible yet.

The pre-stored physical strength has been tried successfully, but I want to be like the old man Rao. ……

There is still a long journey of spiritual practice to return to life.

Speaking of which, after Lin Qi mastered the matter of pre-saving physical strength, he discovered that it may not be as mysterious and high-end a skill as he originally thought.

It’s just like…returning life, it sounds grand, but in essence it’s just “using the body”.

Every living human being in this sea is, in a broad sense, a user of the ability to return life.

It’s just that ordinary civilians, those with level 0.0000…01 life-returning ability, can only use some clumsy strength and have some basic fist and kick skills.

More powerful masters may not know about life return, but their use of muscle power can be regarded as a level 0.01 life return ability user.

The process of learning the six moves is probably the process of leveling up after returning life. As long as you break through level 1, even if you can’t control your hair, drink milk to fill your teeth, or digest food quickly… these flexible skills can still use advanced martial arts beyond ordinary people’s imagination, making your body invulnerable, walking in the air, and even using your own “physical strength” “This kind of mysterious energy can be chopped out directly and turned into a flying finger gun, Lan Jiao…

Lin Qi suspected that even before meeting CP9 in the Water City, Luffy’s unconscious level of life return was higher than level 1.

Luffy has never practiced as hard as Zoro. On the Meili, he only eats and drinks and sleeps.

And this is exactly in line with the natural state of life return practice.

Luffy’s vitality is like that of a small strong man. He managed to withstand Rob Lucci’s six-king spear several times and still survived. His strange physical strength is like a blood lock… It may not be because he eats food like crazy and accumulates physical strength unconsciously. Deep inside the body.

The evidence that best proves that Luffy has long conspired to return life…

Luffy’s “Second Gear”.

The principle of the second gear: transport blood in the body, accelerate circulation, thereby improving athletic ability.

How can normal people control their own blood flow rate?

Lynch is not a normal person now.

That’s why he felt that he could only do this if he was abnormal enough to be where he is now. Just like he can now control his hair like an arm, he can control the flow of blood…

But he will definitely not die like this to speed up his blood circulation.

Dangerous moves, please do not try if you are not a rubber man…

As for hair…his hair is too short to be funny…

Not noticing Lynch’s distraction, Robin said speechlessly: “Then if you didn’t succeed just now… wouldn’t you have to lie here unable to move for a while?”

On this island with powerful female warriors running around, Lynch and his ghost lost their ability to fight for a while?

It’s very dangerous…

“Just lie down!” Lin Qi came back to his senses and said nonchalantly, “Aren’t you still here to protect me?”

Robin was a little surprised and a little happy. But it didn’t show on his face.

In order not to reveal his secrets, Luo Guliang pointed with his small hand at the top of the tall city wall near the two of them, and said softly: “Just now I used Huahuaguo to observe on it…”

“Oh, did you find anything?” Lin Qi raised his hand and looked out.

At the same time, “B.I.B” picked up the green phone bug and was about to take out the Castle Fruit chip from its body. He paused and thought, if he takes out its Castle Fruit chip, then he would have separated the main body and Robin. Isn’t it meaningless to transfer the personal belongings to its castle? Anyway, it will be shaken out later… However, I was stunned by the back and forth sequence and could not react, and the same was probably true for the main body…

Thinking like this, “B.I.B” silently took out the castle fruit chip of the green phone bug. At the same time, the armor on the chest and back disintegrated and flew out, firmly holding the items that popped out of the small green body. Quietly placing it on the ground, then returning the breastplate and back, “B.I.B” silently implanted the Castle Fruit chip into the body of the main body who was talking to Robin. He silently filtered it again in the main body, copied the Castle Fruit ability, and used his backhand. Remove the Castle Fruit chip from the main body that is still focused on Robin, and re-implant it into the green phone bug. After everything was done quietly, “B.I.B” put the items piled on the ground into the castle inside his body, and stuffed the green phone bug, the castle fruit ability, into the main body’s pocket, while he stood quietly aside, just like Nothing happened.

Back to just now, Lynch looked up and Robin pointed to the top of the city wall, “Just now, there seemed to be an old man with a long gray beard standing on the city wall…”

“Huh?” Lynch asked with a question mark on his face.

Nine Snake Island is a forbidden area for men with women running around everywhere and no **** to be seen. Why is there still an old man with a white beard?

Robin didn’t say a word. He used the flower fruit ability again, opened his two heads on the top of the city wall, and looked to the left and right of the city wall.

“Hey, grandpa is gone…”

Lin Qi muttered to himself: “She must be my mother-in-law, no, she doesn’t have a beard either… Moreover, the old woman is still wandering alone on the Grand Line…”

By the way, what does it matter, old man!

“Are you okay?” Lynch turned to look at his stand-in.

The latter nodded and opened a castle portal on his chest, indicating that I was ready.

Lynch directly dragged Robin and jumped in from the castle portal. Their bodies quickly shrank and BIUBIU disappeared out of thin air.

The adventure of women’s country begins!

The dark armor was like a ghost, penetrating directly into the city wall…


Nine Snake Island, the sky is clear, the clouds have stopped, there is no wind…

Has it rained recently?




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