I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 131 Fist Seal


“Hancock, it’s not okay to be so proud. You might suffer a loss in the future.”

After hearing this, all the female warriors on the deck of the building turned around and saw a blond woman who was two meters tall. She was wearing a red dress and was followed by a huge fierce snake, which seemed very aggressive. But what my beautiful face reveals is a gentle and tranquil temperament…

“Lord Snake Princess!”

“Lord Snake Lady…”

The female warriors of Nine Snakes greet their empress together.

On the other hand, the black-haired girl Hancock (named after Xue Guo), who claimed to be 11 years old, had no reaction. Instead, she put her hands on her waist and said disapprovingly: “I will suffer a loss? How is that possible?”

“Hancock! You are so rude…”

“How could you speak to Lord Snake Princess like that?”

The female warriors expressed dissatisfaction. Lord She Ji is the emperor they all share on Nine Snakes Island, the most powerful warrior, and the most beautiful woman.

She Ji brought her snake to Hancock, leaned over and touched the little girl’s tender face, and said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter, Hancock is so cute and beautiful, just please Please forgive her.”

Hancock thought to himself, isn’t this a matter of course? Pushing away Snake Ji’s hands that were touching her face.

The other female warriors laughed and said: “Sister Snake is right! Hancock is so cute…”

“She is so beautiful, of course I have to forgive her.”

Tall like a giant, wearing a hat with a nine snake pattern on her head, wearing a white cloak similar to the navy, with a long sword across her back, the female warrior Avandra (name derived from Dan Yaohua/Zebra Flower) laughs Said: “Hancock…maybe will grow into the most beautiful woman in our Nine Snakes.”

Hancock glanced over secretly, is there still any doubt? I made a mental note to Alfreda who said this.

At this time, the two giant black-whiskered snakes tied to the front of the building slowly slowed down, bang… stopped and docked.

“Then, this archery trial is almost ready to begin.”

She Ji took a group of well-trained female warriors from Nine Snake Island off the ship and landed on the shore.

These female warriors, including 11-year-old Hancock, all keep a companion snake with them.

After arriving on the island, they all stretched out their hands to grab the snake’s body. The long snake, which cooperated with the soldiers tacitly, immediately tightened its body and turned into a long bow. The neck and tail of the snake were tied with a tight bow string. He was so skilled that it was impossible to see how the bow string was made… Hancock followed the soldiers into the island. Although it was in the sea near Nine Snake Island, there was no thing called “wind” that she longed to feel. But after all, it is the land of an outer island, and the different smell of the forest makes the girl warrior feel a little excited.

Snake Ji led a group of female warriors and introduced as they walked: “The magnetic field in the sea area around Luskaina Island is very special… The climate of this island changes every week, so it is also called ‘The Island of Forty-eight Seasons’ ”

Some female warriors who have never been to this island can’t help but marvel, is there an island with such a strange climate?

They thought that the weather on the Grand Line was weird enough…

She Ji reminded her people: “The animals that have been naturally eliminated and survived on this island are all very ferocious and terrifying. Even I can’t defeat some of the giant monsters that are too powerful. Grasp…”

“How could…”

“Can’t even defeat Lord Snake Lady?”

“It’s a lie…”

The female warriors looked in disbelief, which made Snake Girl laugh. She said gently: “There are so many powerful monsters in this sea that are incomprehensible. I’m not just talking about ferocious beasts… Among humans, Same thing!” After a pause, Snake Ji added: “So, in this archery trial, the priority is to train archery, and the competition between them is not important. In other words, as a warrior who wants to protect the country in the future. You guys, what you need to train this time is unity and cooperation… Do you understand?”


“Don’t worry, Lady Snake!”

“We will work together.”

“Where’s Hancock?”

The speaker is Belladonna (whose name is derived from hyoscyamus). She is not very old, only fifteen or sixteen years old, but her skills are not bad. The most important thing is that she is very talented in herbal medicine. A good doctor, so she was also brought along for the archery trial on Lusikaina Island. Treatment of injuries was secondary. Female warriors have strong bodies. Some minor injuries do not require treatment at all. The main purpose is to prevent female warriors. We encountered some toxins on the island.

After hearing Belladonna’s reminder, everyone discovered that Hancock was missing.

“Really, she is too messy.”

“Still so willful… I have no choice, who made her so beautiful, I can only go to her.”

“Isn’t she in danger alone?”

“Don’t forget, Hancock is very powerful.” She Ji stabilized everyone and said with a calm smile, “Although you are not old, how many of you dare to say that your domineering power is much more powerful than hers?”

When the female warriors heard this, they thought it was true.

A beautiful person is indeed equal to being strong.

Hancock is so beautiful that no one can even envy him, and his strength is also extraordinary.

“Eflandra, you have a better view, please go and find Hancock.” Snake Girl raised her head and said gently to the tall female warrior, “You must also pay attention to safety. Show up. If something unexpected happens, send out a sentry arrow to call for help.”

“Okay, Lady Snake.” Avandra bent down and saluted obediently, then pressed the huge hilt of the sword behind her waist with one hand, walked away from the team with her long legs, and shouted loudly: “Hanku Ke, where are you…”

On the other side, Hancock held the snake bow that his pet Salome had turned into. When he heard the faint shouts coming from behind, he rolled his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention.

Deeping deep into the jungle, I suddenly saw a huge beast lying on the roadside ahead.

Hancock bends the bow and sets the arrow with skillful and smooth skills.

The salome snake head at the top of the bow spit out the letter, and she felt a force called domineering power by the Nine Snakes female warriors, wrapped around the master’s arrow.

With a “collapse” sound, the arrow shot out at extremely high speed.

This arrow accurately hit the body of the huge animal lying on the roadside in front, but it did not nail the target silently like an ordinary arrow; instead, when it hit the beast lying on the roadside, There was a loud explosion, leaving a large **** wound on its body, with bones visible…

Hancock wrinkled his beautiful eyebrows and said, “Salome, is it already dead?”

Even if it didn’t react to its own arrow, it should at least scream for a while when it was hit.

Snake Bow hissed the letter and responded briefly.

Hancock stepped forward with his bow and touched the flesh and blood at the wound. It had already become cold. Moreover, the flesh and blood smelled fishy… This huge animal lying on the roadside was indeed dead long ago.

“This is…”

Hancock found a very obvious fist mark on the head of this huge, cold beast.

Under the fist mark, the huge beast’s head collapsed slightly, its seven orifices were bleeding, and the blood had turned black and solidified.

Can you smash the skull of such a huge beast with one punch?

Hancock pressed his fist up and compared it. Not much bigger than his own fist.


“Is this a trace of everyone’s previous visits?”

The female warrior curiously opened a long-dead black bison on the side of the road. The horns were bent, and the back seemed to have been broken by something and collapsed.


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