I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 130 is a bad sign


Lynch knew that this was probably the “safe area” where Luffy would store his straw hat during the “two years”.

Looking at the bare trunk of the big tree, which was as white and tender as a big radish, he immediately wanted to check in on it as a souvenir. He turned to Robin and said, “Write some words on it for me, please?”

Robin asked doubtfully: “Didn’t you learn how to write?”

“I mean, that kind of writing.” Lin Qi chuckled, “It’s more ceremonial, Robin Light Moon.”

Robin was confused.

What is this and what…

“What do you want to engrave?” Robin took the iron rod from Lynch. With the assistance of “B.I.B”, she didn’t find it difficult to carry the heavy iron rod.

“I came here to lead everything to the end…” Lynch said, looking at the person who said this and the person who was about to carve the words, “Wait, this sign doesn’t seem to be good… Let’s change it. ! ”

The end of the stick in Robin’s hand was pointed at a tree trunk that looked like a giant white radish. He turned around and asked, “What should I replace it with?”

“Let me think about it…” Lynch pondered, “I can’t think of anything…Robin, what sentence do you think is more confusing to people?”

“You are making me very confused now…”

“My ability to complain is getting better day by day!” Lin Qi smiled, “Okay, just write this sentence-“

Robin nodded, lifted the iron rod with one hand, held it on the huge radish-like tree trunk like an arm, and wrote down the ancient times that only she herself could understand in this world. Word.

“Destiny is a sleeping slave. – Attack on Titan”

Robin stopped writing and returned to Lynch. He read several times the square-shaped ancient text he had written on the tree trunk and savored the words.



I always feel very philosophical.

However, looking at Lin Qi next to me, I felt that he probably didn’t think too complicatedly… maybe he just thought such a sentence was interesting…

However, this signature made Robin full of questions.

“Why Attack on Titan?” Robin asked blankly. Does this have anything to do with the Mori they met before? Or some other giant?

Lin Qi said: “I didn’t say this, I can’t sign it with my own name.”

“Oh…” Robin nodded and asked, “Then-Roger really said that?”

“What did you say?” Lin Qi was at a loss.

You don’t even remember that kind of thing? Robin was speechless and reminded him: “Human dreams…”

“Oh! That’s the sentence.” Lin Qi suddenly said, not caring, “If Roger is not satisfied, can you let him jump out and beat me? A little bit…”

Robin: “…”

He is really so casual…

At this moment, Lin Qi suddenly looked towards the sky and reached out to catch something invisible.

Robin suddenly understood that it must be the “face” of his armored ghost that Lynch said two days ago “split up” and returned…

“Did you let it find a way out of the windless zone?” she asked curiously.

“Who said I was leaving…”

“Then let’s look for a nearby island?”

“Absolutely…” Lin Qi played with the pitch-black visor in his hand, “I heard that in the Windless Zone, there is an empire of women, and there are many female warriors with high martial arts skills living there!”

“The country of women? I thought it was a place that only existed in fairy tale books…” Robin paused, warrior?

Lynch put the visor on Robin’s face and said with a smile: “Guessed it? Yes, they are both domineering! Rayleigh is too far away, or is it closer here?”

That’s it…Robin nodded and heard Lynch ask: “How is your arm?”

Robin touched his arm, “I felt basically recovered yesterday…”

“Then take it off! Let’s enter the castle…” Lynch snapped his fingers, and Robin’s black armor immediately disintegrated and fell away. Robin felt that the strength in his body was leaking out like a tide… He had the illusion that he had become extremely weak. But after getting used to it for a while, I realized that this is my true self. The external power that enveloped him before was, after all, an illusion.

She noticed that Lin Qi looked at the empty air in front of him, seemingly lost in thought… couldn’t help but smile and said: “You haven’t taken it back for a long time, right?”

After following Lynch for so long, of course I have already figured out the rules.

The longer his ghost is away from him, the more uncomfortable Lynch will be when he takes it back…

“Why aren’t you sorry?” Lin Qi glared at her.

“‘I’m sorry, Lynch, it’s all because you want to protect me…'” Robin imitated the way Lynch used to be sarcastic to her, blinked and said, “Do you want me to say that?”

Lin Qi said: “Hope.”

“Huh?” Robin was confused. This reaction was beyond her expectation.

“You’re too easy to tease!” Lynch laughed and pressed Robin into the castle inside “B.I.B”.

“B.I.B” look at him.

“We’ll talk later… Let’s take a look at the situation first…” Lin Qi guiltily avoided the stand’s gaze and dove into its castle.

For more than a week, in order to protect Robin on this island where beasts are everywhere, and to deal with the crisis that may pop up at any time, “B.I.B”‘s amount of exercise has not been much lower than his…

Entering the castle, Robin patted the wall and asked curiously: “Has it found the island of the land of women?”

“That’s not true!” Lin Qi said with a smile. When the visor flew back just now, what he reported was not the location of Nine Snakes Island, but…


The pirate flag is hanging limply.

Without a breath of wind, it naturally cannot float.

The huge building ship has two huge bearded sea snakes tied to the left and right sides of the bow, dragging the ship on this windless and waveless sea.

On the deck of the huge building ship with the main theme of red, there are a group of women dressed in cool clothes, like flowers, each with different colors, some are tall or short, some are fat or thin, the only thing in common is that they are all dressed in warrior attire. And everyone is accompanied by a long snake as tall as a person. From time to time, they talk and laugh with the snake, and they get along naturally. They seem to be the most sincere companions.

A graceful female warrior as tall as a giant squatted and said to a black-haired girl in a strapless floral dress: “You are really amazing, Hancock. You can go to an outer island to take an archery test when you are only 10 years old.” Refining…”

“Who wants an archery test! I want to go to the island outside, more outside!” The black-haired girl in colorful clothes tried her best to open her arms and describe how outside it was, she huffed. He said, “It’s the kind of windy outside! Also, I’m almost 11 years old!”

A female warrior came over, playing with the snake she carried with her, and reminded: “Get ready, there is Luskaina Island ahead.”

Hearing this, all the female warriors on the deck looked solemn.

The girl named Hancock also waved, and her beloved snake Salome wrapped her arm around her with a letter. She looked at the island getting closer and closer in front of her, and said disdainfully: “Isn’t it just armed and domineering? , this also requires practice?”


PS: I originally wanted to engrave “My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is just.” But thinking about justice and injustice, it has nothing to do with the character of the protagonist… I also wanted to engrave “I, Lynch , Twelve years old…” It’s too long, forget it. I also wanted to engrave “This giant, no matter what era he is in, will keep moving forward for freedom…”, but I thought it would be more appropriate to play JOJO memes, so I gave up…


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