I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 129 Let’s explore the front first


“Now that I think about it, on that day on the flower boat… I was still a bit greedy! I originally wanted to just kill that scumbag Caesar with a knife, but if I kill him first, his devil fruit will disappear… …”

Beside the lake, behind the rocks, Lynch looked up at the stars wearing a battle armor mask. Of course he wasn’t regretting it, nor did he feel there was anything to regret. It’s just that I’m bored and have nothing to say.

Since he feels bored, why not hide far away and play with the cute animals on the island?

He took the visor of “B.I.B” off Robin’s face, so naturally he couldn’t protect Robin. This island is full of ferocious beasts, and it cannot be ruled out that there are also water monsters, giant fish, etc. in this freshwater lake… Of course, Lin Qi is worried about going far away.

Clattering, there was the sound of water in the lake behind, and then Robin’s voice: “Didn’t you say you’re not interested in Devil Fruits?”

“Anyway, I came here at that time, so I just wanted to take it over and play with it.” Lin Qi said nonchalantly, “Do you want it? I can exchange it for you now. Speaking of which, you must have never experienced the natural system. Devil fruit, right? Elementalization is quite interesting!”

The sound of water rushing. “No, I quite like Huahuaguo.”

“Speaking of Devil Fruit, there is a saying of ‘awakening’! The awakening of the superhuman fruit can transform the natural environment into a similar ‘matter’, and the same must be true for the natural fruit…”

The sound of water stopped for a moment, probably thinking. “So, this is why your clothes can turn into gas?”

“So I suspect that the natural type is a natural semi-awakened fruit.” Lynch looked at the stars in the sky, “If Vegapunk’s theory is correct, the power of the devil fruit is a special factor, which can turn the ground, Does the awakening skill of material transformation such as houses prove that everything in this world actually has the same essence at the most microscopic level? Human flesh and blood, cold stone, actually contain similar factors? Is this why objects can eat devil fruits? A gun that eats an animal fruit is actually very similar to the awakening skill… although the awakening of the animal type is not in that form…”

“…” Robin sat on a stone in the shallow water of the lake, looking helpless as many white and tender arms wrapped and scrubbed her. Lynch was talking about something she couldn’t follow again, awakening? Flesh and stone? Objects eat devil fruits? Why did it feel like he spoke so casually and indifferently even though it sounded like very confidential information… She continued to wash, and also bathed with flower petals made from Huahua Fruit, and said, “Can Huahua Fruit also awaken? I don’t know. What would it be like…”

She thought for a moment… The flower fruit’s ability is to create petals that can be condensed into body parts of the person with the ability…

So, according to Lynch’s description of awakening… after the Huahua Fruit awakens, can stones, the ground, buildings, and even trees be transformed into the “flowers” of the Huahua Fruit?

How different is this from directly making “flowers” by yourself… Robin secretly sweated, this kind of awakening skill seems to be nothing powerful…

But thinking about it, if the entire island was transformed into a huge version of itself in a sea of ​​flowers… Robin thought about it, that would be quite interesting.


After taking a shower, Robin stretched out his hand and waited for a while, but found that the ghost on his body did not respond. Only then did she remember that before taking off her clothes and entering the water, Lynch stretched out his hand and shook it on her face…did he take away the armored head from her head?

“Lynch, clothes…” Robin had no choice but to ask.

A set of clean clothes quickly popped up on my chest. Robin hurriedly caught it and changed it again and again. Although she can’t move one arm, with Huahuaguo’s strength, she can have countless arms to help.

Behind the stone, Lynch stood up and took off the substitute mask on his face.

“In the name of Heavenly Father, I order you to go explore the way…” He held up the visor and murmured in front of him, and then in the other party’s silence, he threw the substitute visor into the night sky. The jet-black visor only flew about ten meters into the sky, its eyes glowed with white light, and it swayed in a circle under the starry sky, floating in a ball of energy. It randomly chose a direction and flew away without looking back.

Robin, who came ashore, saw this scene and was confused.

“Split up!” Lynch simply explained, “Let me remind you, Xiao Hei can’t listen or see for you now. Be careful on the island and take the initiative to control its power…”

Can it still be like this? Robin was surprised, and added another stroke to the summary of Lynch’s ghost ability in his mind, and nodded: “I know.”

Lin Qi had already shouted, took two leaps, jumped towards the lake.

Robin sat behind the stone where Lynch had been sitting. The place where he heard the “plop” sound of water entering was different from when he was taking a shower. He thought to himself that Lin Qi seemed careless, but he actually paid attention to details… It was also the case that he had taken away the “eyes” of the armored ghost in advance… Robin thought While sitting, I suddenly felt something was wrong. Why was there no sound of water at all?

A minute later, Robin watched nervously from the middle of the lake. With a crash, Lynch floated out of the water. He let out a big breath and laughed: “I accidentally jumped too far and sank directly.” …”

The left arm armor covered with blue flame patterns flew out from the water, grabbing the gas fruit chip taken out from the main body, following the induction of other mecha parts, it flew back to Robin’s left arm, and returned Bit.

Lynch finished washing in two minutes. Robin found that her left hand had been grasping something invisible… She guessed that this was probably the “Devil Fruit” taken out by Lynch’s ghost power… She played with the “air” in her left hand as if playing with the air. , switched to his right hand, but heard Lynch shout: “Hey, it’s fallen!”

“Huh?” Robin was nervous and hurriedly squatted down, catching it like a blind man on the ground, “Where did it fall?”

“It’s really fallen now…”

“…” Robin glanced at him dissatisfied, and the latter smiled and said: “You are quite skilled! You even know how to switch to your right hand. Well, it has already been picked up in your right hand.”

Robin walked up to Lynch and stabbed him directly in the chest.

Before, I was stabbed, but now from a different perspective, Robin thinks this is quite interesting…


Stayed on this island for two more days.

Lynch relied on her fists and kicks to deal with ordinary level beasts.

It was a huge monster that was too powerful and ferocious enough to fight and sparring with Gear 4 Luffy, but Lynch used the gas fruit to reduce his dimension and easily escaped from danger.

Robin searched for the remains of human structures on the island with interest.

“According to the clues that have been found, the human kingdom once existed on this island… However, according to the laws of nature, human civilization lost to the animals on the island and was eliminated…”

Robin’s little face showed some sadness.

This is history. It is also the significance of studying history… What is the truth about the huge kingdom in the “blank hundred years” that the doctor said?

“It’s snowing.” Lin Qi stretched out his hand to catch a falling snowflake.

Robin looked up and saw goose feathers and snowflakes flying all over the sky. The climate of the Grand Line was already weird enough, but they didn’t expect that the climate of this windless island would be even weirder… In the first few days after they arrived on the island, the climate changed from autumn-like to scorching summer, which lasted for about a week. It looks like it’s snowing suddenly again…

Snowflakes fell on the crown of a large tree that looked like a giant white radish in front of them.

“The closer you get here, the fewer wild animals there are. There are no traces of animals at all near this [pencil novel www.qbxs.me] tree…”


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