I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 120 Scum appears


“Don’t think too much about unhappy things! Let’s go have something to eat or drink.” Lin Qi called her, “This flower boat seems to be going to Shampoo, but it’s on its way! ”

In the hall, dynamic and rhythmic music was playing… When Lynch sat at the bar, he looked around and found special phone bugs crawling on the four corners of the wall. They were playing music hard, and their eyes were shooting light beams that switched colors. , swaying on the dance floor. Lin Qi took out the green phone bug from his pocket, threw it on the bar, poked it, and said instructing: “Look at how hardworking people are? Look at you, you are too lazy to move and refuse to move…”

The green phone bug opened his eyes dissatisfiedly, now too lazy to bite his finger. The breeder’s fingers are getting harder and harder, and he is gnashing his teeth!


Lin Qi snapped his fingers and ordered two glasses of milk.

It’s weird enough to run onto a flower boat at such a young age, but it’s even more outrageous to go to the bar and only drink milk!

However, there is no shortage of outrageous guys on the Grand Line. The bartender girl at the bar didn’t show any surprise at all. She smiled slightly, turned around and poured two cups of mellow lotion for Lynch and Robin, which was full of milky fragrance.

The bartender girl smiled and said that there was no milk on their flower boat, only special sea animal milk, and asked Lynch and the others to try it.

“Awesome enough, sea beast milk?” Lin Qi and Robin took a sip in unison, leaving a “white beard” on their lips. Lin Qi smacked his lips, “It’s a pity that there are no flowers. Have tea!”

“Hua’er?” The bartender leaned over from behind the bar, with a faint smile on her face, and said jokingly, “Isn’t that what I am…?”

Robin licked the milk stain on her upper lip, blinked her eyes, and looked at the indescribable lines below the collarbone of this woman. The other party also glanced at her, straightened her body, and chuckled: “Ah, sister, I…ah, Sister Stussy!”

A cloud of fragrance appeared next to Lynch. A blond woman wearing a top hat and sunglasses sat on the seat next to her with her legs crossed. “Pop!” she snapped her fingers.

“Give me a glass of rye whiskey.” Her voice was soft but magnetic.

“Okay!” The bartender nodded honestly.

Lynch and Robin both looked at Stussy.

This voice… If Robin heard it right, this woman was the one who was talking to others about buying and selling orphans in a certain room before.

Stucy tilted her head, pulled down her sunglasses with her slender white fingers, revealing her beautiful eyes, looked at Lynch with a smile, and then turned her eyes to Robin’s face and body.

“Sister, your wine.” The bartender pushed a glass of wine over.

Stucy stopped looking at Lynch and the two, pushed up her sunglasses, with a faint smile on her lips, held the wine glass and left.

“Morgance, why are you, a bird-man, here?”

“Haha, isn’t it the right time for me, a birdman, to come?”

In the distance, I vaguely heard Stussy teasing someone.

“…” Lin Qi tapped the edge of the milk cup with her fingers and suddenly said to herself, “Old Hei, tell me, has she seen you?”

Robin blinked. She realized that Lynch was speaking to the armor ghost she was wearing, but she couldn’t hear what the armor answered…

The bartender girl was full of questions. What was this boy talking to himself?


In a room in Huachuan, Robin was leaning on the bedside, holding a book and reading.

A few minutes ago, Lynch plunged into her body like a dive… and jumped into the castle of the ghost armor she wore on her body.

Robin knew without thinking that Lynch was continuing to exercise inside.

Although, she knew very well that what Lynch entered was his ghost’s castle, which had nothing to do with her… Although, she was wearing an armored ghost at the moment, and she couldn’t feel any quality, and she couldn’t move, sit or lie down. Regardless of the feeling of “wearing an extra piece of clothing”, the physical condition is far better than before, filled with the powerful power of the armored ghost…


I always feel like something is weird…

She was wearing an armored ghost, and Lynch got into the body of the armored ghost… Robin always felt that Lynch was like a little mouse, getting into her body somewhere, maybe it was in her hair now, just like Between the bones, in the blood vessels, in the stomach, in the intestines, in the seams of every bone, in the rapidly beating heart…

Having breathed out, Robin tugged at the lapel of his clothes and realized that he had even held the book upside down.

She has never been so distracted while reading a book…

Touching his cheek, it felt so hot… Robin simply spread the book and covered his face, and his eyes suddenly dimmed.

Did Lynch do it on purpose? Robin thought confusedly. But according to his character, it’s not like he would do it on purpose…

Suddenly, Robin realized something.

I’m still wearing Lynch’s ghost…

Shouldn’t it have seen everything? Robin was stunned when he thought of this. Fortunately, with the book covering his face, he could pretend that it didn’t happen and didn’t realize…

Sleep, sleep quickly, Robin quickly closed his eyes…

At this time, although “B.I.B” is wearing armor on Robin, most of its attention is on the castle inside the body. It transforms into its own form on the training ground and fights fiercely with the original body.

The main body lets her wear Robin Armor to assist her strength, not to spy on others…


With the improvement of the body’s strength.

Even if the substitute is not taken back for just a few days, there will be a slight strength gap between Lynch and the substitute.

Every day, Lynch is improving.

The talent of returning life allows him to quickly digest food and accumulate energy.

Through fighting, you can absorb this energy bit by bit and become your own strength.

On the other hand, the substitute “B.I.B” is also gaining experience against the main body, which is several days ahead in strength.

When it returns, this experience of fighting “a master who is slightly better than itself” will be fed back to the main body Lynch.

Left foot steps on right foot, I train myself to form a permanent motion!

Crash…a huge flower boat, sailing on the Grand Route.

The lookout held up a monocular and observed the sea ahead, and suddenly exclaimed: “What is that? Something is flying over…!!”

Soon, a substantial “cloud” flew above the flower boat, floated down, and condensed into a tall and slender figure.

The people on the flower boat suddenly said: “It’s Caesar Courant! It’s okay, he is our old customer…”

“Is it that Caesar? That Courant? That genius who is so popular among scientists?!”

“I saw news about him in the newspaper a few days ago. He seemed to have published a very powerful paper or something…”

“What a romantic genius, so handsome!”

“Suck, cluck, cluck, cluck…” Caesar smiled mischievously, seemingly not paying attention to the comments around him, and even feeling a little secretly happy.

He swaggered into the cabin of the flower boat. I just got a lot of money, so I naturally want to go to Happy Street where there are so many girls to spend some money!


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