I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 119 People start to gain weight in middle age, so forget about monthly steps


As a secret intelligence agency directly under the World Government, independent of CP1~CP9, the elite agents of CP0…

The intelligence that Stussy can master is unimaginable.

When Lynch and Robin flew over from the shore of the island to the flower boat, she recognized them – they were the leaders of the newly established naval science force and world geniuses a while ago. The research institute in the hometown of scientist Vegapunk blew up two little guys, one named Giovanna Giorno and the other named Kujo Xu Lun…

Stucy also knew that these two little guys not only bombed the navy’s research institute on the island that was a forbidden area, but also accidentally exposed another hidden research institute hidden in the mountain cave of Vegapunk. It exploded. According to Lieutenant General Porusalino’s report to the Navy, the information in the secret research institute had obviously been tampered with. It was most likely that Xu Lun and Giorno had escaped at the time…

Even Vice Admiral Porusalino, the fastest user in the Navy and even the world’s fastest Shining Fruit user, returned without success!

The girl named Xu Lun is suspected of possessing an unknown devil fruit that can make people invisible, disappear out of thin air, or teleport… And her crew member Giorno, before entering the Grand Line, was already A well-known young bounty hunter on the Western Sea, the number of pirates he had captured was so impressive compared to his early ten years at the time… And such a powerful young man was so powerful that he was… Another girl is the captain.

Now, Stussy saw these two little guys using martial arts such as the Moon Walk…

The evaluation of these two people has inevitably improved a few points.

As for where they learned the Moon Steps, Stussy is not interested in knowing… In this world, there is never a shortage of wizards who can learn the opponent’s moves even after they have only fought once. , geek, genius!

It is not impossible to learn the Moon Steps without any teacher. Although the possibility of this is very slim, almost zero… Stussy thought of one of her “best friends”. She was a genius, a geek, and a wizard in the true sense! She didn’t even need to learn the Six Styles, a martial arts technique that others had struggled to master, she could master it naturally! However, in recent years, she has been getting fatter and gaining weight. I am afraid she is too lazy to use moves like the Moon Step anymore…

Haha… This kind of thought is unscrupulous, Stussy then thought of another thing. I heard that there was a nine-year-old boy on the island where CP’s training base was recently, and he had amazing talent in the six movements…

Although, he probably can’t be compared with Xu Lun and Giorno.

But then again…the Six-Style martial arts was not pioneered by the Navy or CP agents. Where did it come from? Stussy did have some information to look up, but she wasn’t very interested in this kind of research on cultivation. Who created the Six Styles first, who inherited them, and who carried them forward… What does it matter?

She is an agent, a tool for carrying out special tasks.

Many of the above thoughts passed by, Stussy smiled softly, sat down gracefully with legs crossed on the exquisite sofa opposite the old priest, and continued their previous topic, “So among the children in this group… …”

As for Xu Lun and Giorno, the two wanted criminals with bounties on their heads, does she want to catch them?

Don’t be ridiculous, that’s a bounty from the Navy. What did she do to a CP0 agent…

The old priest hugged him left and right, smiling wildly, and discussed the price with Stussy.

On the back of his sofa, an ear growing on the leather of the sofa listened for a while, then quickly withered into petals and disappeared…


After Lynch pulled Robin into the cabin of the Happy Street flower boat, he did not take Robin’s “B.I.B” back into his body.

After all, this is CP0’s territory. Although there is no master who can see his stand-in on the flower boat in the West Sea, the situation is different on the flower boat on this great route… There is a mixture of fish and dragons on the flower boat, saying There might be some domineering pirates out there. The rule of Happy Street is that private fights are prohibited on the flower boat. If you want to control those lawless pirates, criminals, and people with gray identities, the agents CP0 arranges on the boat must be one level higher than the monsters and monsters of all walks of life, otherwise they will not be able to suppress them. Living in a venue will only damage the brand value of Happy Street in vain. People who want to go on a fancy boat in the future will have to think about it. This is obviously not cost-effective for CP0 who uses Happy Street as an intelligence channel.

In this way, if “B.I.B” is taken back into the body and something unexpected happens on the flower boat, it will inevitably be discovered by others…? The sword? The empty bar with a bounty of 100 million beli. Xu Lun, Why are you so weak? !

As for “B.I.B” being applied to Robin, even if someone possesses the Haki of Wisdom and Knowledge, they may not be able to see through the details for a while.

Well, there seems to be something about this girl named Xu Lun… So what, it’s almost this girl’s strong aura or special ability!

Which person with a big brain would immediately guess that it was actually an invisible layer of armor worn on the body of this girl who was actually of average physical fitness?

Lynch himself doesn’t care whether the existence of “ghost” is exposed or not.

But packaging his captain, Kujo Xu Lun, into a young master whose skills are equal to or greater than his own… can effectively separate him from the image of Nico Robin.

In this way, even Qing Pheasant may not doubt that Xu Lun is actually Robin!

Lin Qi walked around this more spacious flower boat with great interest. The dance floor, restaurant, tea room… various places were much more luxurious than the previous high-end boat in the West Sea. However, these people coming and going are not much different from those on the flower boat in the West Sea. They are all there for consumption, so at most they will be richer. Lynch estimated his family’s balance, as well as the funds sponsored by the navy from Smoker and the others, it should be enough for him and Robin to eat, drink and have fun on the flower boat for a while!

After all, the two of them don’t have that need, so they invite a few flowers to play…

“What are you doing?” Lynch leaned against the fence on the second floor and looked at the things twisting on the dance floor below, which was very lively. But when he turned around, he saw that Robin was a little distracted.

Robin just shook his head.

Lin Qi muttered: “Did you use your ability to eavesdrop? Don’t just hear other people exercising…”

“…” Robin’s cheeks were slightly red, she glared at him and whispered, “You didn’t remind me that behind this kind of flower boat, is…that one?”

Even though her voice was very low, she was very careful not to say the words world government or agents.

It’s okay that Lynch didn’t remind her. After he reminded her, Robin inevitably became worried and became cautious. When she walked in the cabin, she would grow an ear out of flowers and fruits in the corner of each room… randomly As she further mastered the abilities of flowers and fruits, especially under the influence of Lynch, Robin also learned to develop tricks like flowers. When she was eavesdropping, her ears bloomed, and she didn’t even have a pinna. It is enough to just have an ear piercing, the size of a fingernail, which can be quietly pierced in the corner of the room without being discovered at all.

While stopping along the way, those sounds that made people blush were okay. Robin had not encountered them before when he was on the run.

But in a certain room, there was an old man and a woman talking about the sale of orphans in a normal tone, which really made Robin feel very uncomfortable.

After all, she is also an orphan…


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