I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 118 Serving the Nobles of the World


Lynch immediately started parkouring on the town streets. He was so fast and nimble that he could pass through walls on the streets with ease.

Huo Shaoshan jumped up and appeared behind Lin Qi, who was looking into the distance.

He waved his long knife, turned around, and slashed back!


Robin jumped up immediately and appeared behind Huo Shaoshan. He kicked over and collided with Huo Shaoshan’s blade.

Iron piece? Will she? Huo Shaoshan was both surprised and a little depressed. When did high-end martial arts like Six Styles become so common? Two and a half-year-old kids are so proficient!

“Are you still chasing me?” Lynch swung his bat and hit Huo Shaoshan in the back. “We have been fighting for a long time and we can’t decide the winner. You should just forget it!”

“Forget it!”

A thick white smoke enveloped him, and a fist emerged from the smoke and hit Lynch in the face.

“As long as you are pirates and we are the navy, it will never matter!!”

Smorg’s stern and young face emerged from the smoke, but it soon turned into shock. His fist actually hit Giorno – but the opponent smiled slightly under the punch.

“It’s useless, it’s useless! This kind of fist is too weak!”

Lynch and Robin changed opponents and fought from one end of the town to the other, from one street to that street…

The two navies refused to give up.

Whether it was Kujo Xu Lun or Giovanna Giorno, Navy Captain Huo Shaoshan could not capture them immediately; Navy Sergeant Smoker was already out of breath and gradually showing signs of fatigue.

Where did these two new pirates come from? During the chase, Huo Shaoshan’s gentle face was also a little embarrassed. How do these two half-year-old children have such good physical strength?

The headquarters set an exaggerated reward amount of 100 million beli for them, which really did not treat them badly at all!

“That’s it?” Huo Shaoshan looked up and saw that they were chasing the two pirates and unexpectedly reached the beach.

On the shore ahead, there is a huge flower boat slowly leaving the shore, heading deeper into the Grand Route.

On the coastline, a group of people were either still unfinished or envious, watching the flags of Happy Street flying in the sea breeze leave.

With two whooshing sounds, two black shadows flew from behind, setting off a gust of wind and rushing towards the sea on the heads of the passers-by on the shore.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to drink wine!” Lin Qi laughed.

Robin let him pull him, and when he looked back, he saw the two marines chasing after him among the crowd on the shore. The navy who could turn into smoke was about to catch up, but another one shouted loudly to stop him!

“Two righteous gentlemen of the navy!” Lynch shouted to the shore, “Thank you and the navy soldiers for your generous support. I, Giovanna Giorno, and my captain Kujo Xu Lun will definitely Have fun in Happy Street! Hahahaha…”

Pa, pop, pop… He took Robin away through the air and caught up with the huge flower boat that had not gone too far.

These two people left, but if they stayed just now, the shore would explode!

“What does that boy mean?” The man who had shown longing for Hanafune before changed his expression, “Giobana Giorno, Kujo Xu Lun – that’s not the one that scared people a while ago. A pirate with a billion-dollar bounty?”

“Wow!! Your navy actually sponsors pirates to go on a boat trip?! Can you lend me some…”

“I misjudged you, you stinky navy!!”

“Hey, no one is surprised how those two little devils can walk in the air…”

“I really want to board the flower boat…”

“Who cares about that! The navy is so useless!! Even if you can’t catch two little brat pirates, you actually give them money to go on a boat and play with them?!”

Naval Captain Huo Shaoshan was a gentle man. When he heard these misunderstandings from the people, he just looked helpless and patiently wanted to explain.

Smorg was very angry. He was so angry that his head was smoking, and he roared: “Shut up! Do you believe what the pirates say? Who funded them! This kind of nonsense! It’s just fake!”

“Okay, you still dare to attack us?” The people immediately became even more angry, and the crowd was excited. However, some of the men who got off the flower boat had Buddhist-like faces and were still trying to break up the fight.

“Smorg, how can you talk to everyone like this?” Huo Shaoshan said in a deep voice, holding back the impulsive Smoke. After all, he was only 15 years old. Although he had excellent qualifications, he was actually not as good as that Giorno. The same, just a half-grown boy.

It’s just that Giorno is younger than Smoker, right? How can it be so powerful…

Colonel Huoshaoshan thought about this and couldn’t help but take a puff of his cigar melancholy.

Smoker was pulled away by Huoshuoshan. His head was filled with smoke. In the smoke, he said angrily: “Colonel Huoshaoshan, why did you stop me just now? I can obviously use the Smoke Fruit to catch up. ! ”

“That’s the flower boat on Happy Street, Smoker.” Huo Shaoshan waved away the smoke, his gentle face even more melancholy, “This kind of gray industry cannot be explained in just a few words…”

“What did you say? Those two pirates got on that ship!” Smoker couldn’t understand, and his world view was shocked.

Huo Shaoshan said depressedly: “That’s why it’s called ‘can’t explain it in just a few words’…”

“The pirates got on that ship, can’t we follow him and investigate?!” Smoker raised his voice and said loudly, “What the **** is this rule!!”

Huo Shaoshan has a good temper and said in a low voice: “Smog, we serve in the branch on this island. That ship is not under our jurisdiction…”

“Whose jurisdiction is that? I want to transfer it!” Smoker was so angry that his whole body was smoking. When he encountered this kind of thing, he was really angry. Even if he couldn’t defeat a girl, he could only watch them run away so arrogantly, which seriously frustrates his naval heart! Justice defeats evil, and even if the evil trembles and flees, how can it be so arrogant and take refuge in another less glamorous place?

Huo Shaoshan paused when he heard this and just shook his head.

Seeing this, Smoker suppressed his anger, and the smoke around his head gradually subsided. He asked suspiciously: “Could it be that… in Happy Street, only people from the headquarters have the right to board their flower boats to handle cases?”

Huo Shaoshan took a long puff of his cigar, his face turned bitter, thinking to himself, why do you insist on asking such a troublesome thing?

In the end, under Smoker’s calm gaze, he shook his head and said: “The industry on Happy Street…is related to the world’s nobility. For the rest, I really can’t say much.”

Nobles of the world…

Smorg was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

For a moment, he felt as if the world in front of him had changed a layer of filters.

From the original world of bright and distinct colors, it has turned… back to the real world of black and white and gray.

Some rumors about the world’s nobility that I have heard before come to mind… How luxurious and extravagant the life of the world’s nobility is…

Smorg looked silently at the sailing flower boat on the sea.

Is Happy Street… an industry that exists to serve the pleasures of the world’s nobility?

“That flower boat, which way is it heading this time?” He grabbed a passerby.

The man he grabbed pulled his clothes dissatisfied, raised his head and said: “We are going to the Shampoo Islands! What do you want?”


Time goes back a little bit.

Bah! Snapped! Snapped! …Lin Qi and Robin stepped on the moon steps to catch up with the flower boat, sliding down to the deck like birds.

At the same time, behind a window in the cabin, Stussy lowered the curtains and said to himself: “What a great guy… What do you think, Mr. Father?”

On the sofa in the room, the old priest was playing with his beautiful sister and did not hear what Stussy was saying at all.


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