I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 114 Do you want the navy?


[Chapter Series・One Hundred Million Rookies 7・『……』]

[The Grand Line. The man wearing a cross necklace on his chest pressed his wine glass against the newspaper. Under the brim of the hat is a pair of sharp eyes like an eagle. He got up and left the tavern. ]


The dark, ghostly armor was speeding over the sea.

Ahead, an island is in sight.

“Let’s go down and take a look! Let’s have a good meal by the way.” A voice came from inside “B.I.B”, “Robin, how much money do we have left? No, that’s all?”

The substitute nodded and descended towards the island ahead.

A city gate opened on its chest, and Lin Qi blew the sea breeze in front of it. When the sea breeze hit the ability entrance on the body surface of “B.I.B”, it immediately shrunk its “body size”, and then slowly blew the sea breeze to Lin Qi and Robin came from behind with messy hair on his face.

“It’s time to make some money!” Lin Qi sighed with emotion.

“Lynch, you can no longer be a pirate hunter.” Robin reminded him.

“Yes.” Lin Qi suddenly realized, but he patted the wall beside his hand and said with a smile: “Isn’t there another one here? Bounty hunter Jotaro Kujo!”

Robin said: “Giorno and Jotaro Kujo always appear together, isn’t it bad?”

“What does it mean? If you are discovered, you will be discovered!” Lynch looked down at the coast of the island that was getting closer and closer. There were various sailboats docked, and there were even pirates on the inaccessible coast. The boat is hidden. He touched his chin and pondered: “But it should be quite close to the Red Earth Continent and the Chambord Islands… Maybe a domineering navy will appear! Forget it, just be careful…”

He looked casually and saw a ship that seemed familiar to him on the coast passing by.

The sails are printed with the flag of Happy Street.

Flower boat…

Lynch turned to remind Robin, “Don’t forget the disguise on your face. And your hair… Do you want to dye it a different color?”

He reached out and brushed Robin’s hair, which had grown quite a bit.

“Oh, okay.” Robin blinked, “What color do you want to dye it, red?”

“How about green?” Lin Qi was very interested, “Silver white is also pretty good-looking…”

The two walked back to the substitute castle.

『B.I.B』 flies into the island town.


In a very lively pub.

It’s very lively, which means it’s a mixed bag.

The table was filled with a lot of food, including steamed whole fish, pan-fried steaks, barbecued legs as big as half a person…Lin Qi ate like a wolf, feeling very happy.

Robin was more refined, and even more refined than usual.

“Why don’t you eat?” Lynch took a moment to take a look and found that Robin was actually drinking black tea and eating a few pastries at most.

Robin said: “You think everyone is you…”

Lin Qi said happily: “Don’t worry, just eat! If you get fat, I will help you digest it.”

As long as Robin wears “B.I.B” armor, he can naturally use “B.I.B”‘s life-returning ability copied from Lynch to quickly digest excess food and absorb energy.

At this moment, a huge figure suddenly sat down at their table.

When I sat down, there was a bang and the food on the table shook.

“If I’m not mistaken…” Facing the ferocious giant man, he looked down at the faces of Lynch and Robin, and said with a grin, “You two are the ones who offered a bounty of 100 million Baileys a while ago. Little thing?”

As soon as his words came out, some of the surrounding bar patrons immediately stopped talking and looked over.

A bounty of 100 million beli? !

Ordinary people would just stay away from such a ferocious reward criminal!

You may not even dare to go to the naval base to report the other party. If it was discovered and a hundred million-level pirates took revenge, that would be no joke.

Experienced pirates will not idle around provoking a guy like this with a frighteningly high bounty.

You can see Lynch and Robin…

Robin won’t go into details. One look at it shows a picture of a little girl who hasn’t spread her legs much yet. I guess she’s not even ten years old!

As for Lynch, he is not very tall, just over 1.6 meters at most. The key is that he looks young and is obviously not very old. The body shape also looks ordinary, with no built-up muscles, and he looks like he has no strength to restrain a chicken.

That’s it?

In the bar, many people had almost forgotten the two reward notices even if they had seen them. When they remembered them, they began to wonder if they had drunk too much and remembered them incorrectly.

Just these two little guys, can they offer a reward of 100 million Baileys?

If it is really worth 100 million, then it will just happen to be captured by the Navy!

“What are you doing? Do you want our heads to be exchanged for bounties in the Navy?” Lynch raised his head and asked without stopping.

The burly man sitting at Lynch’s table grinned and pointed at himself, “Navy? Who do you think the uncle is?”

Like a compliment, another man with glasses holding a knife came over and sneered: “Our boss is a big pirate with a bounty of 53 million! Dayadi, known as the Little Giant!…”


“Is it that Dayadi?!”

The people in the bar were startled. The slightly drunk people were so frightened that they woke up. They rubbed their eyes and looked carefully at the face of the burly man.

“I heard that Dayadi once destroyed a warship alone…”

“What a misfortune for those two little devils, they actually made the little giant angry!!”

Bara Bala, what did the spectacled man and the onlookers say later? Lynch was too lazy to listen carefully and said to Robin: “His bounty is much lower than yours before!”

Robin was unmoved and drank some black tea, “Have you finished eating? Let’s solve it quickly…”

“You’re just a brat, but the bounty is so much higher than my uncle…” The little giant’s Dayadi’s huge fists clenched loudly, “It really makes me angry just thinking about it!!”

The anger in his eyes was blazing, and he became angrier as he thought about it. He punched Lin Qi directly.

The bespectacled pirate said with a smile: “Boss, don’t beat him into a puddle… eh?”

His eyes widened, that kid actually disappeared out of thin air!

“It’s useless! Your fists are okay, but such a slow fist can’t hit me.” The kid’s voice actually sounded above his head, “Are all 53 million fists so slow? ”

The bespectacled pirate suddenly raised his head and saw Lynch squatting on top of his boss, the giant Dayadi, eating noodles while hula hula!

The onlookers exclaimed: “What happened?” “He… when did he…” “I didn’t see clearly at all!!” “The situation is a bit wrong, let’s run quickly…”

“Damn it!!” Dayadi was so humiliated that his eyes almost burst out with fire, and he slapped his head with his hands as big as casseroles, “I’ll beat you to a pulp!”

Lin Qi jumped slightly, avoiding the “bang” slapping palms. While continuing to **** the noodles, he stepped on the big man’s palms with his feet.

“Ah!!” Dayadi’s palm was directly broken, and the top of his head was stepped on by Lynch. He suddenly became dizzy and swollen.

“Captain, are you here to teach him a lesson?” Lin Qi stood on top of the little giant, raised his foot and kicked it, creating a strong wind and knocking away the bespectacled man who was attacking with his sword.

The man with glasses rolled aside with a cry of pain. He couldn’t believe that the boy’s feet didn’t even touch him!

What happened?

How could such a thing happen? !

Is this really just a kid? !

Still… he is really a terrifying monster with a bounty of 100 million beli! ! ?

Robin was a little speechless at Lynch’s words. Does she look like someone who likes to fight?

The “B.I.B” was put on her body.

After putting on the armor, Robin put down the teacup and felt a steady flow of power.

This is Lynch’s current power…

Thinking this, she took a deep breath and punched the little giant directly in the abdomen.



The huge man was punched away, causing a large crack in the wall of the bar. The ceiling trembled, shaking off dust and sand.

The bar was already quiet at the moment. Everyone watched blankly as the boy named Giorno smiled and took out their respective money bags on the male swordsman pirate with glasses and the burly pirate who could not move. .

“Are there any other pirates here?” Lin Qi weighed his money bag, looked around at the stunned people in the bar, and added, “The very rich ones.”

“There are no pirates, how about the navy?”

Outside the window of the bar, a cloud of white smoke rushed in, and at the top was a human fist, heading straight for Lynch’s head!


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