I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 113 You’ve gained weight


[Chapter Series·One Hundred Million Rookies 6·”I don’t want to read this!” I want to get on board! 』]

[An island. At the seaside, someone who got off the big boat handed the black-haired girl a newspaper. She threw it to the ground with dissatisfaction and angrily stepped on it. When she kicked it away, two wanted notices flew out of the newspaper. ]


〖The Great Line, Boeing Islands——〗

Lynch and Robin stopped temporarily.

Although he has the short-term goal of going to the Shampoo Islands to find Rayleigh and learn Haki.

However, Lynch did not want to miss the scenery along the way.

As Shanks said, when you have the opportunity to learn Haki, you can learn it naturally.

Rayleigh is right over there, and he won’t run away.

As long as you move forward on this great sea route, you will always encounter it.

On the other hand, Lynch was very interested in Hercules, who lived in seclusion on the Boeing Islands composed of giant carnivorous plant stomach Earls like a fairy.

Lin Qi didn’t know that he didn’t have the talent for domineering either.

At least, you haven’t shown your overlord talent for the time being, right?

But…it is certain that I have the gift of returning life.

And he is a great talent.

Without anyone’s guidance, I naturally mastered the tricks of quickly digesting food, grabbing energy, and replenishing my physical strength. I can even drink milk to supplement my calcium and instantly replace my missing teeth…

Six postures, I have seen the woman on the flower boat who is probably CP0 use it once, and I can slowly learn how to get started…

After meeting Hercules like this, Lynch certainly wanted to communicate.

Even Hercules himself couldn’t explain the reason, and Lynch was secretly observing the other party.

Surviving in an extreme environment like the Count of the Stomach, Hercules has perfected all kinds of survival skills… Not only has he completely memorized all the plants and wild animals on the Earl of the Stomach, there are also some He is also aware of the strange seeds that have never been recorded in books in other places; and his body has been trained to be most suitable for the environment here.

If necessary, Hercules could go without food or drink for a week in extreme conditions.

Lynch followed him, swung the iron rod, smashed the head of a giant mantis that jumped out, and asked casually: “Don’t say a week, if I don’t eat for two days, I will probably die!”

Exceeding the physical ability of ordinary people brings about energy requirements exceeding ordinary people.

Especially for someone like Lynch who often uses life to return explosive power, and also needs to bring the additional energy requirements of “B.I.B”, the food intake is even more outrageous…

Thinking about it this way, it is quite optimistic to die if you don’t eat for two days! Lin Qi felt a little melancholy when he thought about this. Did he evolve or degenerate?

Hercules led Lynch into a dimly lit jungle area and explained handsomely: “It’s very simple, just store the energy from the extra food you eat!”

The terrain was difficult to navigate, so Robin used flower fruits to help him follow up. Hearing this, he was surprised and said, “Is this okay? It’s just like the hibernation of animals…”

The light was dim and it was even more difficult for Robin to walk. At this time, an iron rod stretched out. Robin held it and sat on it… Lynch put the iron rod on his shoulders, and Robin sat sideways on the end of the rod. With her weight, Lynch could not feel the weight of holding it with one hand. nothing.

Hercules, however, was at ease in such an environment. The dim light showed no hindrance to him.

“Can you see at night?” Lynch asked, kicking away a black shadow hanging from the tree that seemed to be a giant spider.

Heracles flexibly climbed over the terrain, “I didn’t know either! I mastered it without realizing it… At first I thought it would never get dark! I worried for many days and thought the world was ending.”

The helmet you are wearing covers your entire head. What is the difference between it and at night? Robin thought to himself, and suddenly his eyes lit up. They passed through the dim jungle, and were not far from the edge of the island.

A huge lion, like a mountain, appeared pacing.

Robin jumped down from the end of the iron bar.

Hercules introduced: “The closer you get to the edge of the island, the more powerful the beasts are… and the closer you are to the outside, the richer the aroma the entire island exudes!”

Hooray! On the seaside ahead, a ball of water rose up, but it was a huge sea beast with a rabbit face that was attracted by the attractive fragrance and washed up on the shore.

The rabbit sea beast drooled, jumped to the shore, opened its mouth and gnawed, tearing a large piece of the fleshy ground, and soon started fighting with the huge lion as big as a hill.

“You see, this island is easy to enter, but very difficult to leave!” Hercules reminded, “These beasts guarding the edge have all survived countless fights…”

“Really? It doesn’t look very powerful!” Lynch looked with one hand and said, “Is it okay to stay here for a few days before leaving, Captain?”

“Okay.” Robin chuckled, “The scenery here is very good!”

Lin Qi turned back and looked at the strangely painted jungle around him, with all kinds of weird plants and seeds. From time to time, a group of salivating, twisted piranha flowers would pop out… What a nice view?

Six days later…

An iron rod stood on the ground, with a wooden board placed on top. Lin Qi sat on it, eating the fruit calmly and looking into the distance.

In the sky, seabirds fluttered their wings.

“It’s almost time to leave!” Lin Qi bit off the core and swallowed it.

It’s not because he was tired of eating – although he did eat almost the entire island – mainly because in the past few days, Robin has finished reading all the books that Robin bought and put in the castle.

Lin Qi moved slightly, and the wooden board under his seat immediately tilted, slipping from the top of the iron rod.

Lin Qi fell to the ground, raised his foot and lightly kicked the bottom of the stick, causing the iron stick to spin rapidly on the spot.

Lynch casually reached out and grabbed the middle part of the rotating iron rod, and quickly found the green phone bug lazing among the flowers.

“Have you gained weight?” Lynch tapped the shell of the phone bug with the end of a stick. This force is controlled extremely accurately, compared to the time when my fingers could accidentally pop its shell and it was no longer the same.

The green phone bug lazily didn’t want to touch him, then opened a city gate on its body, and Robin poked his head out, “Are you leaving?”

She came out of the Phone Bug Castle and stood in front of Lynch.

“Huh?” Robin was surprised and raised his hand to point between the top of his head and Lin Qi’s body, “You’ve grown taller, a lot!”

Lin Qi looked down at her, stretched out his hands to tug both cheeks, and commented back: “You seem to have gained weight.”

Robin: “…”

Hercules flew over on a giant beetle and asked, “Are you leaving? I’m still thinking of introducing you to those special seeds!”

“Forget it, Hercules, I’m not interested in seeds.” Lynch smiled, “Maybe there will be a more suitable person to learn these things from you in the future.”

At the same time, dark energy surged in his body, and the stand-in armor floated out, retrieved the Castle Fruit chip from the green phone bug, passed it through the main body, and copied the Castle ability to himself.

Lynch asked: “Hercules, haven’t you ever thought about leaving here?”

“I left, but finally came back!” Hercules crossed his arms and said, “I have been on this island since I can remember. I don’t know who my father is, I don’t know who my mother is…here I am familiar with everything, every meal on the island, the characteristics of every plant, the strength of every beast… But the islands outside are too complicated. Some places have more plants, some places have fewer plants, and even the four seasons The changes are irregular! The number of people surprised me… I thought I would never get used to it, so I came back.”

“That’s right.” Lin Qi nodded.

Heracles asked: “How are you going to leave?”

“Leave like this.” Lynch said, snapping his fingers and hitting Robin, who disappeared out of thin air.

Heracles was startled, and then he saw Lynch reaching out and wiping from top to bottom, starting from the head.

“Goodbye, Masked Superman.”

Lin Qi just disappeared.


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