I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 100 Yellow ape concentration is slightly higher


Boom! !

A huge mushroom cloud slowly rises on the island surrounded by ice and snow.

Don’t think that this is the fourth time this island has exploded. It’s just a way to go back in time and bring the perspective back to Lynch and the others…

Back to business!

With the help of the Ghost Castle, Lynch and Robin easily left the burning institute. In front of all the marines and Zhan Momomaru, he flew away in a swaggering manner.


Hoo **** ho!

Between the snow-capped mountains, the cold wind howls.

Due to the earthquake caused by the explosion at the institute, the snow-capped mountains seemed to have taken off their white clothes, and the snow on their bodies shook off.

A castle portal opened on the chest of the stand-in armor.

Lynch sat at the entrance of the cave, and together with “B.I.B” flying in the snowy mountains, carefully observed the entrance to Vegapunk’s secret laboratory that would be revealed in the earth-shaking explosion.

Robin was sitting in the aisle behind Lynch, leaning against the wall and reading a book.

“Lynch, why did you call me captain?” she asked casually.

“Because I don’t want to be a captain.” Lynch answered casually.

“Oh…” Robin turned the page, and Huahuaguo’s arm grew on the ground beside him, brought the black tea to his mouth, and took a sip.

I’m going! My eyes are almost going blind…

Lin Qi stared at the white snow-capped mountains and searched for a while. His eyes suddenly felt sore, as if there was endless white lingering in front of his eyes, making him dizzy.

“Forget it!”

Lin Qi stood up and patted the wall at the entrance of the Ghost Castle, “Good brother, this glorious position is left to you! I think practicing martial arts is more suitable for me…”

He strode into the castle. Robin: “…”

Lynch returned to the training ground in the substitute castle and sweated profusely.

“B.I.B” naturally flew silently in the wind and snow, shuttled between the mountains, searching for another secret research institute of Vegapunk.


A ray of golden light came from the depths of the Grand Line and hit the ice around the island.

Lieutenant General Porusalino briefly condensed his body, pursed his lips and said “Oh!”, and his whole body seemed like a real light, silently reflecting an obtuse angle on the ice, and bounced towards the island town. over the sky.

The windbreaker of justice rustled in the cold wind high in the sky.

Polusalino’s figure once again dissociated into countless golden light points. In a blink of an eye, he flew straight away and condensed into a human form in the naval branch base on the island.

He appeared almost out of thin air, startling the sailors in the branch.

The branch chief spit out a mouthful of hot tea on the spot and hurriedly greeted him, “Lieutenant General! Lieutenant General Porusalino! I didn’t expect you to come in person…”

“After all, Dr. Vegapunk’s research institute is not a trivial matter…” Lieutenant General Porusalino’s tone is always so leisurely, or carefree. He walks in the branch base, with the white justice coat behind him. He looked extremely majestic, “Besides, the relationship between me and the doctor is pretty good~” he said, taking out the two fresh reward orders from his arms and handing them to the branch officer.

When the branch chief saw the contents of the reward order, he was immediately dumbfounded!

Seeing their leader being so rude, the sailors under his command also came over to take a look, and were so shocked that all their navy hats flew into the sky.

“One hundred million Baileys~~~?!”

Although they are sailors of the Grand Line, they usually don’t have many opportunities to see criminals with hundreds of millions of bounties on their heads… This time it is even more scary! If I’m not mistaken, this is the first time these two criminals have been wanted with a reward, right?

The first wanted bounty, a bounty of 100 million Baileys? !

In the judgment of the headquarters, they actually posed such a threat, such a terrifying danger? !

Seeing that these sailors were so rude, Lieutenant General Polusalino considered whether to tell them what the young man named Giorno had done in the West Sea… He thought about it, and then decided .

As long as this guy is caught this time, there is no need to waste words~

“Then, tell me all the clues about these two people…” Porusalino pouted and hummed, “We need to catch them as soon as possible!”

A few minutes later, Lieutenant General Porusalino’s body turned into golden light and flew away, arriving at another part of the island in an instant.

The sailors at the branch base clenched their fists and looked at the sky. Such a thing happened. As a member of the branch, it is really embarrassing! But as a member of the Navy, I feel honored and excited to see such a powerful lieutenant general.

That girl captain named Xu Lun, no matter how powerful her Devil Fruit is, she will not be able to escape the capture of Lieutenant General Porusalino of the headquarters!

No matter where those two guys are hiding on this island now…

They are all stuck!


In the training ground, Lynch, covered in sweat, walked on the floor with the iron bar across his legs.

At that time, that little chubby boy’s movements… demeanor…

Lin Qi carefully recalled every detail of Zhan Momowan’s practice under the big tree, and wanted to find out the secret to practicing domineering.

While he was meditating, petals were flying on Lin Qi’s shoulders, swirling and condensing…


Lin Qi noticed something on his shoulder, and as soon as he turned his head, a finger poked his cheek.

Lin Qi still hasn’t recovered yet, immersed in thoughts about Haki. “What’s wrong?”

My fingers felt the vibration on his cheek, and I moved away and pointed to the other side, in the direction of the castle entrance.

“Oh, have you found it?” Lynch threw the iron rod aside and took a towel to wipe his sweat, “I almost forgot…”


Outside the town, in the snow, Zhan Momomaru said to Porusalino in front of him: “The first time I saw them, it was almost like this in the snow… The two of them were heading towards the mountain… …It seems that he planned to go to the institute from the beginning…”

“What kind of Devil Fruit ability is it? Didn’t you notice it when you were at the scene?” Porusalino asked with his hand in his pocket and lowered his head.

No clues were obtained from Zhan Momomaru, and Lieutenant General Porusalino turned into a golden light again.

He stopped in various towns on the island, looking for clues about the two criminals.

“I haven’t seen them since then…” The girl Kidman held the dog and waved her hands repeatedly.

“That’s it…” Porusalino turned into golden light and left.

In the blink of an eye between each appearance, the golden light must circle the entire island at least several times, searching for the island over and over again.

Lieutenant General Porusalino’s knowledge and color domineering is not very proficient.

The blind swordsman in purple robe was eating noodles outside the house. Suddenly he raised his head slightly and said to himself: “Such a powerful person has been sent here… An incredible event has happened!”

Of course it’s a big event. The destruction of Dr. Vegapunk’s research institute has begun to be called the nightmare of this “future country” Balkimoa!

People denounced the murderers who committed such crimes and hoped that the navy would catch them as soon as possible.

The golden light condensed into Lieutenant General Porusalino over the ruins of the still-burning institute. He looked down for a moment.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…

The golden light searches like a carpet among the snow-capped mountains on the island.

Unexpectedly, and as expected, it didn’t take long…Dense golden light particles gradually condensed into the figure of Lieutenant General Porusalino in front of a deep cave on a mountain wall.

“It’s so scary. Could it be in here?”


Lin Qi quickly arrived at the entrance of the substitute castle. Robin was holding the book she had read before and was looking at the wind and snow outside.

On that mountain wall, hula, a pile of snow slid down, revealing more of the entire entrance to a certain cave.

Lin Qi lightly tapped the wall of the substitute castle, and “B.I.B” immediately flew towards the cave dug into the mountain wall in front of them.

Is this why Lynch insisted on blowing up that research institute… Robin thought so and jumped out of the “B.I.B” castle. She curiously observed the situation in this smaller research institute… Unlike the previous one, which was more about cultural research, the style of this research institute was actually more focused on weapons manufacturing… Various The shaped mechanical device and the strange-looking liquid are installed in the vertical glass cabin, still bubbling and bubbling…

Zizzi… The lines in the research institute were flashing with sparks of electricity.

Lynch picked up a piece of research information and took a few glances before he was immediately attracted to it.


The cave was a little dark. A tall figure walked inside, and his eyes suddenly burst out with two golden light pillars, illuminating everything in the cave.

“I see, it’s a hidden research institute…”

Lieutenant General Porusalino walked in the empty research institute, picked up the messy piles of drawings on the ground, and took a brief look at them.

“It’s so scary… I have been doing such dangerous research for a long time~”

He walked around the institute, observing a room full of terrifying devices and research results.

“Should we say… We should be thankful that we did not have enough resources to satisfy the doctor’s research at that time… Otherwise, I don’t know what kind of terrible weapons would be created~!”

Lieutenant General Porusalino commented in a frivolous tone, then took out the miniature phone bug in his arms and dialed the headquarters directly.

“I made an incredible discovery~”

After a long time, Lieutenant General Porusalino walked out of the cave research institute. The marines from the branch base received the news and were rushing here in groups.

“Let’s go look for two more times~” Mr. Lieutenant General turned into golden light particles like rain, scattering to the entire island. “A ghost that can only be sensed by seeing and hearing Haki… Is that lazy guy Kuzan joking? I’ve been looking for so long, but I haven’t even noticed it at all… It’s really going to cause trouble for people~!”

In the air of Guan Island, the concentration of kizaru is slightly higher.


Outside the cave, in the white snow, a pair of innocent eyes suddenly opened. The color of its whole body blends perfectly with the white snow…



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