I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 098 Captain Xu Lun, use your invincible ability to think of a solution!


“Hey! Hey! Is there anyone inside? You have been surrounded. If you don’t want to die – come out quickly!!!”

The marines, who were urgently searching for the two disappeared brats in the research institute, heard the loud shouts coming from outside, and their faces immediately turned green with anger.

This is unreasonable!

That little devil is so unscrupulous, so arrogant, so rampant!

How can such a rampant criminal exist in front of the navy? Absolutely not allowed!

“Let’s go! We must catch these two guys!”

The marines, whose lungs were filled with anger, rushed out of the research institute angrily.

They saw the young man standing on a stone in the snow in front of the gate from a distance, arrogantly holding a paper tube on his hips and shouting loudly. The other girl stood silently aside, seemingly watching the fun without even thinking about it.

Lynch looked behind the navy and asked, “I’m just going to ask, is there anyone else inside?”

“You have no way to escape!” The navy raised his spear, “No one will be fooled by you this time! Let’s capture him without mercy…”

“All the garrisoned navy are here to capture you two brats! Don’t try to escape this time…” The navy all raised their guns and aimed at Lynch and Robin.

Little Fatty Dun and Momomaru’s expressions condensed, and he said to Lin Qi: “Are you really the ones who broke into the research institute?”

A sailor shouted: “That’s right, Zhan Momomaru! It’s them…”

Before he finished speaking, Lin Qi had already dragged Robin and hid behind Little Fatty Zhan Momomaru, shouting loudly: “Don’t shoot! One of our own!”

“Who is with your own people?!” the sailors roared with their guns raised. However, Lynch and the others used Zhan Momowan as a human shield, and these sailors really didn’t dare to shoot easily for a while.

Don’t say that Zhan Momomaru, the fat little guy, is a member of the navy. Even if he is just an ordinary passerby, as a navy that bears the name of justice, they cannot just shoot and kill people casually. !

“It’s so abominable to use me as a shield.” Zhan Taomaru said to the two people behind him.

Lynch smiled and said: “Aren’t you the most defensive man in the world? Now is your time to shine most…”

“I am the one who is most closely guarded, and my back is given to the person I want to protect…” Zhan Taomaru looked at the hesitant sailors opposite with their guns raised, and he slowly tightened his grip on his hands. The dirty bandage was wrapped around him, “Obviously, you two are not included here!”

“Yes! That’s a pity.”

Lin Qi dealt with it casually, and when he saw that no more sailors came out of the research institute, he raised a finger and said, “One Mukeke (one second passed)…”

He gave instructions to the stand-in in construction site Japanese, and his raised finger turned into a clenched fist. “Thief…Zero!”

After the words fell, everyone including Robin was filled with questions. At the same time, the eyes of the dark armor standing quietly beside him lit up slightly.

Its thoughts were instantly transmitted to the research institute at this moment, to the armor arm suspended in front of the huge skull button.

The mecha palm covered with flame patterns, wrapped in dark energy, slammed the button!


“It’s really a pity…”

Zhan Taowan tightened his fists. Without hesitation, he moved his steps, turned around and slapped Lin Qi’s chest with a roar.

If you actually think that you can only defend, you are totally wrong!

Zhan Taowan opened and closed his mouth and spoke softly, but was surprised to find that he could not hear a single sound of what he said.

Everything around him suddenly became extremely bright.

The snow on the ground is also melting rapidly.

His palm was met with the same palm from Lin Qi, which was blocked from the front and seemed to be silent as well.

Zhan Taomaru looked back and saw the sailors at the door, one by one, all staring dumbly at the research institute that exploded into a huge mushroom cloud, as if they had seen the most incredible scene…

Oh my God!

Oh my God! !

The research institute… why did it suddenly explode? !

This is a huge event! !

The sailors shouted to each other at the top of their lungs, as if they were communicating, but under the huge explosion, everything they said was as quiet as a mime.

“Damn it…!!”

Zhan Taowan looked away. Although he was young, he could see a fierce look on his chubby face.

“Did you do it?”

Zhan Taowan took a step forward and slapped Lin Qi in the face.

Little Fatty’s angry palm is not easy to receive forcefully! Lin Qi used the strength of his feet to dodge the palm, grazed Zhan Taowan’s arm and hit the chubby little man’s chin with an elbow.


Zhan Taowan was hit so hard that his mouth was full of blood and his teeth were cracked.

“I want to say that I didn’t do it, can you accept it?” Lynch said casually, looking into the huge explosion flames.

“Cunning villain!” Zhan Taowan wiped the blood from his mouth and rushed forward again, regardless of his own safety, “You should go to jail!”

Lin Qi really didn’t dare to take advantage of this little chubby guy’s iron palm. He relied on his excellent movement speed to constantly dodge, or he used his fairly good blocking and force-removing skills to fight Zhan Taomaru for a while. for a while.

Zhan Momowan secretly knew that something was wrong. This young man was indeed not much weaker than him. The most troublesome thing was that the opponent’s actions were surprisingly agile! If the stalemate continues like this… Zhan Taowan glanced at the short-haired girl standing behind Lin Qi with an “indifferent” face.

There is another person on the other side!

Lynch, on the other hand, was still fighting and focused a little bit on other places.

Phew… The arm armor covered with flame patterns rushed out silently from the huge explosion of fire.

Zhan Taowan shouted loudly and slapped Lin Qi with all his strength at Lin Qi who had exposed his flaw.

Lin Qi and Xiao Pang Dun exchanged palms, and his right hand was so shocked that he almost lost consciousness!

Withdraw first! Zhan Momomaru immediately retreated to give the other sailors space to shoot.

“Little Fatty, do you want to run?”

Lin Qi jumped slightly, and put his numb right palm into the arm armor of the stand that was flying towards him.

The strength of the stand-in’s right arm replaced Lynch’s temporarily numb right arm and palm, as if he had been given a new lease of life.

“Come back you!”

When he landed, he grabbed the little chubby Zhan Taowan who wanted to move away temporarily and pulled him back!

Zhan Taowan was not a vegetarian either. After knowing that something was wrong, he took advantage of the situation and bumped into Lin Qi. It hit Lynch with a force as fierce as a calf.

Lin Qi and Zhan Momomaru struggled together, and the other sailors reacted no matter how stupid they were, and said angrily: “Catch these two prisoners!”

Even if they are afraid of Zhan Momomaru and cannot shoot at will, they are still marines! Immediately, more than a dozen sailors swarmed forward to help Zhan Momowan subdue the two heinous criminals.

When Robin saw this, he became a little nervous and took half a step back. Is it using flowers and fruits? Or hide in a ghost castle?

As she was thinking this, the jet-black armor standing quietly by her side completely enveloped her.

The remaining arm armor also flew from Lin Qi who was struggling with Zhan Momowan, click! Put it on Robin’s arm.

Robin instantly felt that he became fierce.

“You take action.” She said gently to the ghost who was probably wearing Lynch’s armor. I don’t know how to fight!

“B.I.B” did as she wished, controlling her seemingly delicate body to face the incoming navy head-on.

As if it were a thrilling first-person fighting game, Robin passively allowed his arms and fists to hit different marines, and his feet moved around at a speed that he had never experienced before. Between these well-trained sailors…is this Lynch’s strength? Even though he was fighting, Robin still had time to think about such things.

Lin Qi fought with the man Zhan Momomaru for a while, but he didn’t feel that the little fat man was showing any domineering skills, so he suddenly felt unlucky!

I’m bored, I won’t fight anymore!

Lin Qi took the opportunity to block Xiaopangdun’s attack, pushed him away, and shouted: “Captain Xu Lun! Use your invincible ability to think of a solution!!”

Hearing this, the other sailors and Zhan Momomaru were shocked.

It turns out that among the two young criminals, the silent girl is the leader?

No wonder a young girl is so skilled!

And in such a battle, this girl was dealing with a bunch of sailors, but she was obviously still distracted from time to time!

Huh? Robin was confused for a moment by Lynch’s words… What does it mean to use my invincible ability to find a solution?

Flower fruit…?

Before she was at a loss, she saw Lin Qi flying toward her, bumping into her with a bang, and then disappeared out of thin air.

Zhan Taomaru shouted: “What?!”

The other marines reacted and shouted: “It’s a Devil Fruit user! Shoot!!”

Bang bang bang! !

A series of gunshots rang out, but in the snow that had mostly melted away under the light of the explosion, there was no one in front of the sailors…

Not only the young man, but also the girl named Captain Xu Lun was missing.

Just like the previous times!

The sailors looked at each other, feeling extremely aggrieved.

What are you doing!

Come when you want and leave when you want?

What do you think our navy is? Too arrogant! !

A bunch of sailors were venting their frustration. Zhan Taowan, who was full of pride, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, clenched his bandaged fists, and secretly resented it!


“Bulu, bulu, bola…”

In the Navy Headquarters, in the room where the “Ambiguous Justice” plaque was hung on the wall, the phone bug on the table suddenly started chirping non-stop.

With his legs crossed on the desk and his hat covering his face, the dozing Vice Admiral let the phone bug chatter for a while and seemed to have no intention of moving.


The phone bug on the table was shouting, with a look of shame on his face, and he glanced at the lieutenant general who was still fishing and dozing off.

No way, it’s better to pretend to be asleep… The vice admiral didn’t move much, his face was still covered with a hat, he just raised his hand and reached out to the ringing phone on the table, and then… …His arm was cut off at the elbow level, turning into golden light spots, which swarmed towards the telephone bug’s receiver and condensed into a palm, and picked up the receiver…


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