I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 080 Killing Intent (please subscribe!)


The setting sun sinks into the outline of the mountains, making the world even darker.


In the small mountain village, the villagers were in twos and threes and could not help but look towards the foot of the mountain.

Why haven’t the village chief, Lin Qi and the others come back yet?


The man wearing a half-high silk top hat and carrying an inverted J-shaped cane on his waist slowly folded his broad white wings and stood up on the top of the tombstone, his figure appearing blurred.

“He…is this person…?!” The old village chief stared not far away. “Is it that – the ‘Devil Sheriff’?!”

“Hehehe…” Lafayette ignored the shocked old man, took off the cane from his waist and waved it around, lowered his head and chuckled at Lynch, “If I don’t come down, what will you do next?”

The answer to Lafayette was Lynch’s fist directed towards his pale face.

Lafayette’s smiling expression remained unchanged, and he moved lightly on the top of the tombstone, avoiding Lynch’s jumping punch as easily as in a dance.

Lin Qi threw himself in the air and twisted strangely, without hitting the tombstone.

Putting his hands on the ground, Lynch’s muscles in his limbs bulged, he jumped back with a bang, and hit Lafayette’s back of the head with a whip.

Lafayette held down his half-high silk top hat and squatted down elegantly on the top of the tombstone, once again making Lynch’s attack fail.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…

Lynch surrounded the tombstone and pounced on Lafayette again and again, but his strange footsteps and body twists caught him and evaded him.

The Devil Sheriff seemed to have completely seen through Lynch’s movements, and he did not touch a single corner of his clothes.

“Hahaha… I didn’t expect that the original little pirate would become quite good!”

Lafayette chuckled softly, stepped lightly to avoid Lynch’s flying attack, gently swung the inverted J-shaped cane, and hooked Lynch’s neck with a backhand hook.

Lynch grabbed the cane hooked around his neck, and his face turned red from being strangled——

This is the time!

Come on, “B.I.B”!

Lynch has no idea what Lafayette’s strength is at this stage.

Will he be domineering?

What is the true nature of the fruit’s power?

I don’t know, I don’t know anything.

The only way Lynch can win against his opponent is to be a substitute!

If the substitute is still invincible, there is no difference if you take action early or later.

But if it doesn’t work for Lafayette… Lynch can only try to maximize the chance of winning.

That was the moment when Lafayette took the initiative to attack.

Even if he is domineering, he is most likely to be negligent…

From the moment Lafayette appeared, he clearly had not communicated with the main body once, but he had a tacit understanding to hide himself from the beginning, and the stand-in armor was dormant and waiting… At the moment when the main body was attacked by Lafayette In an instant, like a dark ghost shadow, it flew in front of the birdman on the tombstone.

The eyes on the visor glowed with a cold white light. Its palms covered with flame patterns were held like claws and stretched towards Lafayette’s chest…

Lafayette’s smiling face suddenly changed.

For the first time, he really lost his temper.

In a hurry, Lafayette only had time to twist his body strangely, and his arms instantly turned into white wings. Bang bang, he flapped his wings vigorously, and retreated slightly into the air.

The mecha palms covered with flame patterns intersect with the body of the devil sergeant.


『……? ! 』

When Lin Qi and the stand-in armor saw this scene, they were both surprised and their hearts sank suddenly.

Poof… a wisp of blood splashed in the air.

“B.I.B” only had time to materialize when its fingertips overlapped Lafayette’s chest. In just half a second, it tore three **** wounds on the opponent’s chest.

Lin Qi grabbed the cane around his neck and was carried flying into the air.

Using strength from his waist and abdomen, Lynch rolled up and kicked hard at the temples of Lafayette, who was fluttering in the air with one wing.


Lafayette hooked the tip of his wing with his cane and threw Lynch to the ground with a heavy face.


Lynch fell heavily to the ground and his back curved in pain.


Lin Qi shouted and got up in the flying dust.

“…?!” Robin, who was standing next to the old village chief not far away, was stopped. She had crossed her hands on her chest. She planned to use the power of the flower fruit to deal with the birdman in the air and help Lin strange.

Lin Qi shook his head slightly at her.

If you use the Blossom Fruit ability in front of Lafayette, Robin’s identity will most likely be exposed. This time is no different than before, and the effectiveness of the substitute is greatly reduced. Lynch has no confidence that he can defeat the devil police chief in front of him…

“What on earth was that just now… such an astonishing murderous intention!!”

Lafayette flapped his wings in mid-air, looking embarrassed and frightened.

At that moment, he felt a chill of death, a dangerous feeling that was about to pinch his heart.

Killing intent?

Killing intent? ?

Lin Qi raised his head when he heard this, and the corners of his eyes couldn’t help but twitch. What the hell, is there such a setting? !

When “B.I.B” used its killing move, did it release the so-called killing intent? Why didn’t I know I still had this skill?

Lin Qi’s face was as dark as water. Is this my strong murderous intention, or is this dead-faced birdman’s perception too sharp? !

“I was quite surprised when I saw in the newspaper that a boy like you, who should have died long ago, turned into a so-called young hunter…”

Lafayette folded his wings and landed on the top of the tombstone again.

The white shirt on his chest was torn in three rips, and bright red blood dripped down his body.

The wings turned back into palms, Lafayette lowered his head and touched the blood all over his body, put it on the tip of his tongue and licked it, showing a pervert-like smile, “Now it seems that you who can resurrect from the dead are indeed Something is different… Let me guess, did you eat some kind of devil fruit by chance?”

“Get down here quickly!!”

The old village chief couldn’t bear it anymore, roared angrily, rushed over with his walking stick, and hit Lafayette on the top of the tombstone with all his strength.

The cane was swung empty, and the old man fell to the ground.

Lafayette’s ghostly figure appeared on the ground and walked straight towards Lynch without paying any attention to the old village chief’s intentions.

“This makes me want to kill you even more…” Lafayette’s crimson lips curved, revealing a cold and bloodthirsty smile. He swung his cane casually, “It’s so interesting. It will definitely be more interesting to kill criminals one by one…”

The mecha’s palm covered with flame patterns stretched out and reached towards his head.

Lafayette’s pupils were constricted, and the strong killing intent was like thousands of needles pricking his temples, pulsing.

He turned his head to avoid another attack from “B.I.B”.

Lin Qi exploded with strength and took the opportunity to rush forward.

Whew – the cane made a heavy sound of wind. While dodging, Lafayette actually hit Lynch with the stick as he flew toward him.

Do it! There was a huge difference in combat experience…Lin Qi was hit in the head, screaming in pain, and blood flowed freely.

Lafayette swung his fist at the uninhabited air with murderous intent, but found nothing. Instead, he once again aroused the familiar cold murderous intent… His pupils shrank, and he twisted his body strangely with his footwork, narrowly missing that murderous intent.

Poof, a shallow wound opened on his pale cheek.

“It’s really strange…” Lafayette frowned his eyebrowless eyebrows, “What kind of ability is it? Is it something tiny that I can’t see with my eyesight, or…”

Without giving him time to think, Lynch, whose face was covered in blood, attacked again.

“B.I.B” cooperates with the main body to attack Lafayette together.

“Hehehe… It is indeed a very strange ability!”

Unexpectedly, Lafayette became more and more comfortable in the constant cross-attack between Lynch and “B.I.B”.

“But, I’m starting to get used to it a little bit…”

As nimble and light as a bird, Lafayette turned around to avoid the omnipresent cold murderous intent, and kicked Lynch in the abdomen with a black leather shoe, sending him flying far away.

Damn it!

Killing intent, killing intent, what kind of murderous intent is this? !

Lin Qi was in pain and bruised all over his body. He gasped and tried several times before he got up again.

How can I eliminate the murderous intention of “B.I.B” while wanting to kill this guy?

Lin Qi raised his bruised eyelids and looked at another sneak attack from “B.I.B” over there, but Lafayette dodged it more freely.

Da, da, da… Lafayette walked slowly towards the embarrassed Lynch over there, gently shaking his cane, “It seems that he has exhausted his skills?”

Suddenly, someone hugged his legs from behind.

“You almost killed this child!” The old village chief dragged Lafayette’s feet and said loudly, “I won’t let you…”

“Old sir, please don’t hinder me.” Lafayette raised his foot and kicked the old village chief aside.

Lafayette continued to walk forward, but his footsteps suddenly tripped again. There were actually several hands growing on his legs, grabbing his movements.

Robin crossed his arms, bit his lip tightly, and resolutely used his ability.


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