I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 066 Do you think our encounter is meaningful?


[Chapter serial series·Do you believe in gravity 8·”I am such a pathetic person”]

[At the entrance of the naval base, Lynch greeted Morrie and other navy personnel familiarly. Behind the far corner, Robin squatted on the ground, covering his face and crying. ]


On the vast sea. The huge three-masted sailboat of the Fang Pirates is cutting through the waves.

“Hahahaha! Kids, let’s celebrate together!”

“Those nasty, **** navy’s got away again… Cheers!”


On the deck, dozens of pirates were laughing and drinking, singing and dancing.

Some pirates drank happily and started fighting each other. The more they fought, the happier they became.

With a bounty of 8.1 million, the bearded captain known as “The Beard of the Fang” drank a bottle of rum, put the bottle down, and laughed happily: “In this way, the Navy It will also increase my reward! Click, click, click!”

The drunken subordinate laughed and said: “The captain will soon reach the 10 million bounty!”

“Ten million! Ten million!”

The others all cheered and complimented.

“With a bounty of 10 million, that’s a real big pirate!” The pirate on the boat pulled out his knife and waved it above his head, whistling and shouting, “Captain, we are also a big pirate group that dominates the Western Sea. Oh! ”

The pirates laughed again. The bearded captain was proud for a while and said modestly: “What the hell! Isn’t this all the credit of our new partner!”

As he said that, the pirates looked at the corner of the deck together. They saw the thin, tall, pale man with short hair, who looked like a frail scholar.

“Oh oh oh oh!”

“Don’t be so cold! Let’s celebrate together! The great hero – Finch!!”

The bearded captain laughed, “Thanks to the clever mind of our new partner, we can teach those nasty navy a lesson! Of course, it’s also thanks to my awesomeness!!”

He was proud to drag the tall and thin man Finch over to drink together.

Finch gently avoided it, took the initiative to go around to the front, and drank some wine with the other pirates.

“You are so cold, you guy!”

“It doesn’t cost money to speak, so why don’t you speak more?”

“And I rarely smile, so smile more!”

“How could such a lively guy want to be a pirate? How strange!”

Finch, who was as weak as a dog-headed military strategist, did not pay attention to the teasing and joking of other pirates. He only drank half a glass of low-quality malt wine and retreated to the edge of the crowd.


Where the pirates couldn’t even notice, a mask wrapped in dark energy flew over from the distant sea.

The eyes of the visor glowed with white light, hovering above the heads of the drinking and laughing pirates.


“Captain, Hiccup~” the vice-captain came to the side of the bearded captain, raised his glass and smiled, “Maybe… we can also go to the Grand Line!”

“Oh oh oh oh oh! Are we heading towards Rath Gap Island?” The other pirates immediately became excited.

This era is called the Age of Great Pirates. It does not mean that there were not many pirates on the sea before Roger was executed. As soon as Roger was executed, people who were living a good life all over the world suddenly went crazy and rushed to the sea to do things. Pirates arose.

But originally, there were countless pirates on the four major oceans of this world.

It’s just that more than two years ago, the man who conquered the dangerous and terrible great sea route and was called the Pirate King by the world said his last words, focusing the attention of countless pirates around the world on the man he hid in the final The ONEPIECE of the island, the huge treasure left by the Pirate King… Therefore, countless pirates and evil strong men, for the sake of ambition and dreams, have flocked to the unpredictable great route!

“The Grand Line!” The bearded captain raised his glass.

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!” the pirates were excited.

The bearded captain burped and put down his glass, “Forget it about the Grand Line!”

“So you just forgot about it?” The pirates were shocked, but soon they laughed loudly on the deck again, “Forget it, forget it! Hahahaha!!”

The bearded captain said: “The place we are going to next is not Rath Gap Island. It is Mu Zexin Island! To attend that wedding…”

The vice-captain burped and said with a smile: “I didn’t expect that the people from ‘Bullet’ would be so arrogant and join forces with us pirates directly…”


“Muzexin Island?”

In the “channel” in the water, Lin Qi was held by the faceless armor and flew through it.

Through the virtual screen unfolded in front of his face, he heard the voice coming from the visor.

“Wedding? Bullet? Isn’t Bullet the gangster of Capone and Becky… This guy is really destined to the wedding!”


Beside the boat, a pirate was so drunk that his hand shook and his wine glass fell into the sea.

“Ah!” He screamed, stumbled down on the side of the boat, and looked down. Next to him, the new dog-headed military advisor said: “Are you looking for this?”

Finch held the wine glass in his hand and threw it to the other party.

The pirate caught the wine glass and said blankly: “It obviously fell…” Suddenly, he glanced and found that there seemed to be some unusual waves swimming on the sea not far away.

“What is that?”

The drunken lookout searched for a long time before he aimed his eyes at the eyepiece of the monocular telescope.

“What a big wave!”

“Is it a sea monster?”

“Could it be an island whale? That’s really lucky!”


While the other pirates were laughing and joking, the bearded captain’s expression suddenly changed.


The bearded captain suddenly woke up from his drink and shouted, “A bunch of idiots, that’s not a sea beast at all!!”

“Swim so fast!”

“Ah! That’s…” Someone could already clearly see the white clothes that were vaguely visible under the water, and the huge blue seagull-like logo, “It’s the Navy!! Oh my god, how can it be so huge!!”

Boom! Wow!

The huge figure broke out of the water beside the pirate ship, and Mori set off a shocking wave, covering all the pirates on the ship and washing the deck.

“It’s the rumored giant sailor!!!” The bearded captain raised his head and looked at the bearded giant man, his face became extremely ugly, “Damn it, how did you meet this guy?! ”

“Huh?” Mori tilted his head and said to the densely packed pirates on the boat, “Why are you all looking at me? Do you like me so much?”

“You swim really fast, Morrie.” Someone was speaking on the giant’s shoulder.

The pirates took a closer look and saw that it was a black-haired boy. The vice-captain’s wine had been doused by the wave of water just now. He saw clearly the figure of the young man on the giant’s shoulder and exclaimed: “It’s him! He’s the young hunter who has been rumored recently!”

“Why did the bounty hunter and the giant marines get together?!”

“Who knows!! Shoot quickly!!”

“Where are the cannons? Second Captain, you **** push out all the cannons!!”

The bearded captain roared angrily, and at the same time he pulled out the pistol on his waist and shot the giant sailor holding the side of the ship.


Morrie just raised his hand slightly to block the bullet. The lead bullet left only a faint mark on his thick skin.

On the wet deck, the pirates launched a cannon and aimed it at Mori’s head.

“Zi…” They finally lit the fuse, but were covered by a shadow.

A few pirates raised their heads in despair.

Morrie just casually picked up a handful on the deck, beat the cannon and several pirates to pieces, rolled to the side and screamed in pain.

“Would you like to leave some for you?”

While cleaning the pirates on the ship, Mori took the time to say to the boy on his shoulder.

Lin Qi smiled: “Of course!”

He jumped lightly and landed on the deck with a “boom”.

My foot slipped and I almost fell down. Fortunately, I kept practicing the set of Lily gymnastics every day. My body coordination was excellent and I could stand firmly.

“Heh…” Behind the crowd, someone seemed to be chuckling, but he stopped quickly.

Lin Qi briefly glanced at the source of the laughter, quickly looked away, and smiled at the wet and embarrassed pirates in front of him: “This way, those who can defeat me will give you a chance to jump into the sea and escape. . How about it? It’s a good deal.”

The pirate captain and the others were stunned and couldn’t help but look up at the giant. They saw that the giant didn’t react and didn’t seem to object.

“Damn boy!”

“Stop looking down on others!!”

The pirates roared and rushed towards Lin Qi.

The bearded captain was even more rude, standing directly behind the crowd and aiming his gun at Lynch.

“No guns allowed!” Morrie stretched out a finger and knocked down the bearded captain.

Over there, Lin Qi had already dodged, and was quickly passing between the pirates and other fish that were rushing towards him. Dong-dong-dong, the pirates rolled their eyes and fell to the ground behind him.

“It doesn’t matter if you use a gun.” Lynch stepped towards the bearded captain and faced the other party’s black muzzle directly, “If you shoot, I will win if you shoot.”

The visor flew towards the faceless armor and clicked together. “B.I.B” floated to the side and watched.

“Damn brat!” the bearded captain roared, raising his gun, “pay the price for your arrogance!!”


He pulled the trigger.

The green phone bug in Lynch’s pocket was startled and shrank into a ball. But it clearly felt a lightning-like spin, and Lynch’s movement speed became faster!

Then, through the pocket of his clothes, Xiao Lu heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

It poked its head out of its pocket and saw a bearded human with a dent in his throat and his eyes rolled back, lying on the deck. The gun he held tightly in his hand still had wisps of smoke coming out of the muzzle.

Lynch put his foot down.

He wiped his cheek under his eyes, which was a shallow wound caused by the bullet just now.


Lin Qi whistled and laughed, “It was so dangerous! I almost got killed!”


Lynch turned around and glanced at the other pirates who were still standing, “Who’s next? Come again? Are there any guns? Knives are fine too!”

Seeing this young hunter begging for battle like a lunatic, the other pirates were so frightened that they cried.


A few minutes later, Lynch sat on a pile of piled-up bodies of pirates.

“It’s so tiring!”

Lin Qi shook his neck and stepped on the head of a pirate under his feet, “Just pretend to be dead and don’t move!”

Ugh… The pirate cried silently in frustration, and glanced in one direction unwillingly, as if to say, why didn’t you hit him? Why?

Lin Qi looked over.

At this time, only the last pirate was left standing on the deck of the ship. It was the tall, lean man who looked like a weak military advisor.

Finch pursed his lips and controlled himself not to retreat. He watched closely as the young man sitting on top of the pirate pile jumped down, swayed his arms, and slowly walked towards him with a smile on his face.

“Do you believe in gravity?”

Lynch walked towards the opponent and stretched out his left hand into the air.

“Do you think our encounter is meaningful?”

Phew, the dark energy that ordinary people couldn’t see with the naked eye flew over, wrapped in an armband covered with blue flame patterns, and clicked, it was put on Lynch’s left hand.

Lin Qi walked up to the man, raised his hand and inserted it directly into the man’s chest.

“Nicole Robin?”

Lin Qi suddenly pulled out his hand, holding a triangular chip covered with swirling flower patterns between his five fingers with blue flame patterns.

The body of the man in front of him seemed to have collapsed, with countless petals peeling off and falling like a tide.


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