I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 047 Much the same but slightly different


According to Shanks…

The Six Styles, just like the various moves performed after being entangled with Armed Color Haki, are six powerful martial arts based on the application of life return.

“To put it simply,”

Shanks lay on the bed and stretched out his hand towards the ceiling, smelling alcohol and saying, “‘Return of life’ – it is the complete control of the human body itself! And Haki, such as armed Haki,”

His palm was quickly wrapped in a layer of black, “It is a use of the potential energy flowing in the human body…”

Lin Qi nodded silently.

Haki, at least armed Haki, whether it is from the principle of the “Ryuu Sakura” move or from the “haki consumption” problem that Luffy often encounters in comics…

It all shows that domineering is undoubtedly a kind of energy that does exist in the human body.

In the comics, when Rayleigh was teaching Luffy, he said that Haki actually exists in everyone’s body, but most people are not aware of this power and don’t know how to use it.

Being able to detect this energy in the body, use it flexibly, and wrap it around the body is the so-called armed domineering energy.

“By controlling your own body and completely mastering it, you can unleash your potential far beyond that of ordinary people. You can even harden your body and make it as indestructible as iron, and you can also explode at terrifying speeds in an instant…”

Shanks was obviously talking about the moves that the woman who turned into a humanoid antelope had used on the deck of the flower ship.

Lin Qi also nodded in cooperation and echoed: “Oh, that’s it! No wonder the pirate’s sword couldn’t hurt that woman, and her speed was so fast that she couldn’t even see… By the way, she seemed to use her fingers You can instantly leave fatal wounds on the pirate’s body. This is actually through your so-called ‘life return’ technique, perfectly controlling the body, and flexibly using the ‘iron block’ effect you call, but it is just hardened – ―The finger part, and it is not for defense, but for attack skills…”

“You have a very quick mind.” Shanks put down his hand and nodded with a smile, “Yes, that’s what it’s all about! The technique of hardening the body is called ‘Iron Block’, which is made with fingers. That kind of attack is called a ‘finger gun’, and it’s really no different in essence. It’s all about hardening different parts of the body after skillfully using the life-returning ability…”

“So, that incredible high-speed movement and the incredible ability to stay in the air are probably the same thing?”

“Haha, it’s actually three moves. The one that moves at high speed is called ‘Shaving’. The ability to stay in the air you mentioned is actually not just staying in the air, it can even be like walking in the air. That’s called ‘Moon Step’.” Kes smiled slightly, “And the last move the animal-type woman used…”

Lin Qi said: “Use your hands and feet as swords to cut out the ‘wind blade’…”

“Yes, that’s called ‘Lan Kou’!” Shanks nodded.

“I see, ‘Shaving’, ‘Moon Step’, and ‘Land Kick’ look like three martial arts skills,” Lin Qi sat up, clasped his fingers, and suddenly realized, “But if you think about it carefully, you will know , these three moves are almost all related to ‘foot power’. It seems that through the skillful use of life return and perfect control of the body, the legs and feet can produce amazing explosive power in a short time, thereby using high-speed movement and stepping. Air, tearing the air and kicking out like a slash…”

Lynch paused, then suddenly high-fived: “No!”

“What’s wrong?” Shanks was still lying down, smelling of alcohol.

“Iron Block, Finger Spear, Shave, Moon Step, Lan Kick…these five moves are basically the same thing.”

Lin Qi curled his lips, opened his palms, and slowly held his fingers.

He smiled and said, “Essentially, they are all about mastering the return of life, and after perfectly controlling the body, they can autonomously activate different parts of the body to produce amazing explosive power! However, the iron block and finger gun allow this This explosive power forms the hardening of the body, and the latter three, Shave, Moon Step, and Lan Kou, turn this explosive power into powerful athletic ability. But in fact, these five moves are very similar!”

Shanks sat up immediately, looked at Lynch carefully, and said with a smile: “I was right, you kid – you do have some talent.”

Just after listening to his description of the Six Forms and Life Return, you can see at a glance that these five of the Six Forms are essentially the same thing.

This kind of high-level vision is really rare.

Lynch didn’t take this seriously. He felt that what he was doing now was no different from talking to people on forums in his previous life.

“Isn’t it the six moves? What about the other move?” he asked casually.

“Another trick is ‘paper painting’.” Shanks said, but changed the subject, “Did you know that it is said that those who are the most proficient in the return of life can even command every part of their body at will? Even the hair can move like a living snake!”

“I understand!” Lynch lay back again, “When that woman was dodging bullets, her body looked like plasticine, or like paper? In short, her body shape changed very strangely… I think, then It’s just ‘paper painting’, right?”

“Yes, that’s ‘Paper Painting’.” Shanks smiled, “Control every part of the body freely, making it bend and change at will like a piece of paper… This move of returning life , the most powerful thing is to give self-consciousness to every part of the body. From this point of view, the iron block, the finger gun, the shaver, the moon step, and the slender feet are not closer to the original intention of returning life. ”

Lin Qi sighed with emotion: “Return of life! Return of life! The so-called perfect control of the body, from the literal meaning of return of life, is probably the so-called control of life force, or life energy, right?”

He turned to look at the dark armor – the stand-in “B.I.B” – who had been standing quietly beside the bed. There are many theories about the principle of avatar, some say it is the “nether wave pattern”, some say it is the embodiment of “spiritual energy”…but there is also another theory:

“Life Energy”.

Shanks smiled and said: “Do you know why I said you must have a certain talent?”

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Shanks said to come in. Soon, the waitress came in pushing a cart of delicious food.

The waitress placed plates full of delicacies on the table. Although she was wondering why the two guests seemed to use their flower boat as a hotel and restaurant… she still wore a polite and gentle smile. After saying “please have a meal”, he pushed the dining cart out and gently closed the door.

“According to what you said, the characteristics of your ghost allow you to have two of you exercising. While you gain double the growth, you also have to endure double the fatigue.

“Most people practice like you do, and don’t care about their endurance. I’m afraid their bodies will have collapsed long ago.”

Shankersti slipped Lynch out of bed and placed him at the dining table.

Lin Qi was indeed hungry, so he asked “B.I.B” to take out the fruit chip from his body and return it to his body. Lin Qi skillfully twitched his whole body twice, then immediately swept up the food on the table and started gobbling it up like a hungry ghost.

Shanks pointed at him and said with a smile: “And by taking in a large amount of food in a short period of time, we can quickly make up for the body’s shortcomings, and by sleeping deeply, we can overcome the fatigue that is too heavy for ordinary people.” Sweeping it all away…these are actually typical manifestations of those with the ability to return life.”

Lin Qi devoured his food so hard that his cheeks bulged high.

My talent in returning life is probably something that comes with my “life energy” after awakening as a substitute…


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