I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 030 Do you believe in gravity


Before meeting Lynch, Robin had only one person who could be called a friend: Haguvar D. Sauro.

Sauro is a former lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters. He is also a giant like a hill, but has a gentle and kind personality. If it hadn’t been for his risking his life to save her, Robin would never have survived the artillery fire of the Demon-Slaying Order that covered her hometown of O’Hara Island; if it hadn’t been for his righteous words, the Vice Admiral Kuzan, who seemed to be made of ice, would never have survived. We will not let her, the “son of the devil,” escape from O’Hara…


Ice…Robin looked at the frost spreading on the ground to his feet, with unconcealable horror in his eyes.

She will never forget that Sauro was frozen into a huge ice sculpture by this ability, and died with a smile… Is that terrifying, invincible and powerful navy chasing after him?


Lin Qi patted Robin’s head gently with his palm, “Let’s go, why are you dazed?”

Robin suddenly woke up and was dragged by Lynch to continue running away.

She couldn’t help but look back. The frost spreading on the ground followed their footsteps like a poisonous snake.

Lynch certainly noticed this.

“What does that guy Aokiji mean?” He wondered in his heart, “At this stage, he probably still wants to see Robin, O’Hara’s last fire that his former friend Sauro desperately saved, and finally How far can we go, so we don’t want to kill her… In this case, what does this guy want to do when he shows up?”

Could it be that Qing Pheasant came for him?

Is the substitute exposed?

It’s that guy Aokiji who simply doesn’t want Nicole Robin to settle down and doesn’t allow the little girl to have a friend or something?

Lynch’s pace gradually slowed down.

Robin was surprised and slowly stopped. She looked at the distance ahead and looked back at Lin Qi who had stopped. Suddenly, an uneasy panic surged into her heart.

She saw Lynch’s left hand slowly inserting into his chest.

It was like that day when this hand entered her body.

“Could it be…” Robin bit her lip. She had fantasized about this possibility countless times these days, but at this moment she didn’t want it to really happen.

Lin Qi took out an inverted triangular chip with a flower pattern from his body and handed it to his right hand wearing an arm armor full of red flame patterns.

The petals fell off his face, he smiled, and walked towards Robin who looked helpless.

The disguise on Robin’s face is also being lifted, and the petals fall off, revealing his true appearance.

Her sensitive intuition realized Lin Qi’s attitude, she took half a step back and begged softly: “Don’t… let’s go together, okay?”

“Nicole Robin, do you believe in ‘gravity’?”

walking up to Robin, holding the girl’s slightly trembling slender shoulder with his left hand, Lynch looked directly into the latter’s dark green eyes, “Maybe soon, or maybe twenty years later… no matter what, no matter How vast the sea is, we are destined to meet again! ”

As he spoke, his right hand covered with red flame patterns grabbed the Huahua Fruit chip and inserted it into Robin’s chest, whose eyes were red.

For a moment, it seemed as if a tiny electric current surged into his limbs.

Robin felt it and was back, everything about Blossom Fruit was back.

The air-conditioning and chill also came after me.

Robin couldn’t help but shudder. She looked at Lynch, but she could no longer muster the courage to ask him to go with her.

A “child of the devil” like her is destined to be hunted down by the world government…

“Let’s go, now you should be able to make better use of the flowers and fruits.” Lin Qi said, “If you are alone, that person will definitely not make things difficult for you!”

Does he know about the navy… Robin has long noticed that Lynch always seems to know everything about her.

Lin Qi pushed her gently and said, “Let’s go!”

Robin clenched the strap of his backpack, his mind in turmoil, turned around to wipe his tears, and asked back: “Why are you so nice to me?”

Lynch suddenly laughed and said: “Sister Robin, because I am your fan!”

Robin was even more confused after hearing this. She held back her tears, and through the rising chill, which almost formed a big hand of frost, she took one last look at Lin Qi, and finally ran away with her head buried in her bag, disappearing into the haze. in the night.

“It’s so cold!”

“What’s going on? Has the temperature dropped suddenly?”

Lin Qi vaguely heard some exclamations coming from the direction Robin was escaping. Perhaps Aoki Pheasant was using his power to clear the way for her?

This unlucky navy is so awkward helping a little girl! Seeing how open-minded Capu was, the Pirate King entrusted his son to him and took him back to raise him as his grandson. How could he be like Aoki, following and monitoring like a stalker, and he seemed to be so ungrateful that he drove an eight-year-old girl to run for her life across the sea…

Lin Qi thought as he walked on the street where there were not many pedestrians.

He put one hand in his pocket and held the backpack slung on one shoulder with the other. There were tens of millions in cash. Although the face value of Bailey’s bills was large enough, they were also heavy enough. However, after so many days of high-intensity exercise, this level of weight-bearing is not too troublesome for the restricted Lynch. Through the eyes of his helmet, he carefully examined what he saw along the way when “B.I.B” caused chaos, especially the scene where he met Aokiji in the tavern…

“Hey! You kid!” At this moment, someone suddenly called Lin Qi.

Is a uniformed escort. In the hazy night, the **** squinted at Lin Qi passing by and asked: “It’s so late, don’t run around…”

As he came closer, Lin Qi rolled his eyes and shrugged – the “B.I.B” that he had a tacit understanding with instantly left his body and turned into a dark phantom armor. He came up to him and planned to do it. What kind of **** punch.

Bang! He punched the opponent **** the back of the head, and he was caught off guard and fell to the ground unconscious.

Lin Qi didn’t even stop, holding the bag in one hand and continuing to walk forward.

『B.I.B』 followed slowly.

To outsiders, it looked as if the **** was trying to get into trouble. They took a few steps closer and before they even touched the child, they suddenly lay on the ground…

Lynch chose a place that was different from the direction Robin left and planned to leave the city.

It would be best if you could leave without anything happening.


Lin Qi suddenly stopped, a trace of chill wrapped around his ankles, and the cold cyclone swirled and slowly dissipated.

Sizzling, patches of frost spread forward from Lynch’s toes…

Frost climbed up the tires, the poles, the seats, the black leather shoes, the clean trouser legs, the straight trousers…

Under the pale moonlight, there was a bicycle lying across the middle of the road.

The tall man with natural curly black hair and a sleep mask on his head stepped on the ground with one foot, pressed his elbow on the head of the bicycle to support his cheek, and played with the swirling frosty air with his other hand, yawning lazily. , said in a rich voice: “HO~HO~, kid, is the one next to you the so-called evil spirit of the Pirate King?”

Lynch clenched her backpack strap nervously, and said warily and “confusedly”: “Who are you?”

“In other words, you don’t deny it?” Kuzan’s tone became a little more serious.

Flicking his fingers, a few shards of ice flew into the air. He left the bicycle and strode up to Lynch with his hands in his trouser pockets.

A tall man over two meters tall, standing so close, created a huge sense of oppression even if he did nothing.

Kuzan looked at the seemingly empty air next to the boy. The dark armor that ordinary people couldn’t see stood quietly in front of him, looking at him with glowing white eyes.

“Is it a ghost-type Devil Fruit ability?”

“How do you know?!” Lin Qi suddenly changed his color and said in shock.


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