I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 029 Freezing has arrived


It gets even later.

There are fewer people on the street. Some are going home to eat, but others have already finished eating and have gone out in small groups to gather together and discuss what happened today.

“The **** is arresting people today!”

“Not just the escort, but also people who heard about gunpowder participated…”

“It seems they are here to capture the Devil’s Son! I heard that the Devil’s Son is the evil spirit of One Piece that has been rumored on the island recently!”

“Hey – is there such a thing? Please explain it carefully…”

“Ah! What is that?!”

Under the hazy night, among the passers-by walking in the park square, someone suddenly shouted and pointed somewhere as if they had seen some incredible sight.

Soon someone else screamed: “The box… is floating by itself?!”

In the dimly lit square, I saw a black suitcase one meter above the ground, floating forward precariously.

Passers-by were startled and moved out of the way.

“Is it a ghost?”

“The rumors of ghosts are indeed true!”

“Oh my God!?”

The atmosphere of uneasiness and tension spread quickly, and the **** soldiers lingering nearby, as well as several “Gunpowder” members in black, hurriedly approached.

Then they saw a suitcase floating low in the sky suddenly click open – clatter, and a wad of Bailey’s bills spilled out, as if they were caught by invisible hands and lifted into the air with force.

The crowd that gathered suddenly became commotion, yelling at each other not to push, not to be impulsive, and then quickly grabbed a handful of flying bills, and finally started fighting each other.

“Who stepped on my hand?!”

“Ah, I’m sorry – shit, the money under my feet is mine!!”

“Damn it, who messed with me?!”

“Ah!! Who punched me!”

“This is my own wallet. I don’t know why it fell to the ground!!”

“Who believes you? The money here belongs to everyone!”

The **** and the “Gunpowder” people reacted suddenly and shouted: “The ghost has appeared! Inform others that the Son of the Devil must be nearby!”

“Quick, quick, bring more people over and intensify the search!”

“The money box has run away, chase it quickly, there is still money in it – no, it’s a ghost that has run away, catch it quickly!”

“B.I.B” is like a ruthless money-spreading machine, leading the chaotic crowd to move, making more noise, and finally throwing the money box into the sky.

The crowded crowd below all raised their necks, staring at the box that slowed down to its peak and scattered banknotes one after another.

“B.I.B” strode through the crowded crowd, ignoring any obstacles. From time to time, he would punch or kick that person, or take out the person’s wallet and put it into the hands of the people next to him…

The crowd became more chaotic and the guards had a headache. They had to allocate manpower to maintain public order.

“B.I.B” passed through those guys in black like a ghost, and the members of “Gunpowder” were suddenly struck by thunder, leaving a field of screams behind “B.I.B”.

Looking down from the sky, the town is centered on the square, and the sound of chaos quickly spreads to the surroundings… And “B.I.B” is like a real ghost, walking leisurely in the chaos.

As it shuttled between streets, walls, and houses, it sensed the approximate location of its body. Suddenly, when passing by a room, it heard someone mention something like a devil fruit.

“…The guy who is pretending to be a ghost, what a ghost! It’s nothing more than mastering some kind of devil fruit! How dare you challenge our ‘Gunpowder’ like this? The headquarters asked me to come here just to let that kid who doesn’t know the heights of the sky know. He is not the only one who possesses the Devil Fruit!”

“B.I.B” stopped, this person also has a devil fruit?

It followed the sound and drifted over, and saw the person speaking. It was a guy wearing a black cloak, holding a big cigar in his mouth, cleaning his gun, and showing the sinister smile of a standard gangster.

In front of him, several “Gunpowder” members looked excited. The boss of the Devil Fruit ability user at the headquarters, this was not easy to see!

“As long as that kid dares to show up, I can use my ability to ‘manage fruits’ to send explosives directly to his mouth, hahahaha…”

The gangster smiled ferociously, and the cigar in his mouth quickly transformed into a short hollow tube under the helpless eyes of others.

He walked up to his subordinate and raised his hand to hold the latter’s shoulder. A circular hole appeared on the subordinate’s face, as if the entire head had become a channel through which he could pass.

The gang leader took a deep breath and exhaled forcefully. A stream of cigar smoke passed through the pipe on the man’s face like a sharp arrow. Whoosh, boom, completely shattering a corner of the wall.

“It scared me to death…” The man’s face returned to normal after the gang leader took his hand away. He touched his face with fear, and then breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that it was nothing serious.

“Hahaha! So, no matter it is a ghost or something else, in the face of my ability, it can be connected by pipes… uh, **** ho ho…”

After the cigar returned to normal burning, the man laughed proudly, but suddenly his laughter stopped suddenly, and he clutched his neck in pain, and his face quickly turned blue.

Who is it…the evil spirit? ! He had difficulty breathing, and he clearly felt an invisible hand pinching his neck, but he couldn’t see anything in front of him!

He immediately wanted to use the fruit’s ability to counter the invisible ghost in front of him, but he found that the ability that was once as familiar as instinct seemed to have never existed at this moment, and there was no movement at all.

The invisible hand crushed his throat.

He fell softly to the ground, and the frightened screams of his men were fading away in his ears… He was too lazy to think about why the invisible hand could grab his throat through his own skin and pinch it…

The cigar rolled down into the pool of blood dripping from his mouth, and his vague consciousness muttered a question: Why is my Devil Fruit ability missing?

The palm covered with blue flame patterns grasped an inverted triangular chip covered with tubular patterns.

“B.I.B” put the fruit chip given by the enemy into the inverted triangle “reactor” on his chest and continued to walk between walls. The main body’s location has not left the city yet, and it will continue to create some chaos and divert other people’s attention.

『B.I.B』passed through the wall and entered a tavern this time.

The tavern was noisy, with many people arguing loudly about the chaos outside. It was about to cause some trouble in the bar, but suddenly looked at the bar counter to the side.

A very tall man, wearing a vest suit, tie, and a sleep mask on his face, picked up the wine glass on the bar in front of him and blew into it gently.

Click, click… The inner wall of the cup was immediately enveloped by a layer of cold air, and scattered ice shards appeared on the surface of the wine.

The man with a lazy face drank the wine in one gulp, exhaled a breath of cold air, and said casually: “Ah, someone seemed to have come in just now?”

He pushed up the blindfold and glanced back, “Are you leaving now?”


Lin Qi, who was leading Robin and carrying his bag and was walking out of the city, suddenly turned around with emotion and saw the dark armor rushing back toward him.

“Why are you back now?” Lin Qi was a little confused.

“An unexpected situation has occurred…” “B.I.B” responded with a voice like an electronic mix, and immediately wrapped it around Lynch like an Iron Man suit and asked him to put it on.

Lin Qi led Robin around the corner and was about to leave the city. He was about to check the eye view of the armor helmet when his hand touched the corner wall and suddenly felt a biting coldness.

“I see, this is really an unexpected situation…” Lin Qi sighed.

“What happened?” Robin wondered, but suddenly he saw a layer of frost condensing on the wall at the corner and on the road, spreading towards their feet.


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