I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 028 Go out


After returning home, Lynch slumped down on the sofa and said, “Robin, please help me pack out two backpacks. Just one or two simple changes of clothes will be enough. We are ready to run away.”

Robin pursed her lips and nodded. The changes in the atmosphere in the town and the movements of the guards made her feel uneasy.

Lynch said to pack up and leave here, Robin already had a premonition about this.

“I need to regain my strength…” Lynch rubbed his forehead.

Recovering the avatar after exercise, the impact of the “extra double” fatigue, experience, and memory is very strong. After Lynch gritted his teeth and got through it, the situation will ease a lot. After all, people are highly adaptable creatures. .

In other words, Lynch’s body is very adaptable.

But… after a day of double exercise, it is okay to go out for a walk and have a meal, but it is too reluctant to drag such a tired body to continue exercising or deal with possible battles.

Of course, Lynch does not think that at this stage, as his own body, there is any need to fight.

Because they don’t have the strength to fight head-on.

Although this body is of excellent quality, after more than 20 days of training as a substitute, he does feel that his body has become much stronger and his strength has also improved significantly… But in the final analysis, this is just a 10-year-old Just a boy.

Not to mention fighting against those big men in the escorts and serious gangs, he should be incomparable to Ace, Sabo and even Luffy at his age.

Those three brothers have been beaten by Iron Fist Garp all year round. They have been “beating” their muscles and bones since they were young, and they live in the jungle all day long fighting tigers, bears, and crocodiles. Their fighting ability is as fierce as a mess.

Before he has the strength to fight head-on, the battle is left to the stand-in armor to carry out surprise attacks. This is why Lynch can safely exercise his body to such exhaustion every day.

“The money is just lying around on the bedside table in my room, unlocked.”

Lin Qi tried his best to relax on the sofa. After eating a full dinner, he felt that his physical strength was rapidly recovering.

“As for the books you read…”

Robin said: “I have finished reading the book, so there is no need to bring it with me.”

“It’s okay if you haven’t finished reading it.” Lynch tapped his temple with his finger, “I just read it casually when I had nothing to do. Well, I read every book at least once…”

He said with a smile, “I actually have a bit of photographic memory skills that are not worth mentioning.”

Lynch certainly doesn’t have a photographic memory.

But as long as it is something his eyes have seen, as long as it is something that leaves traces in his mind…

After being perfectly “copied” by the stand-in “B.I.B”, the mechanical-like intelligence of “B.I.B” can be used to retrieve the corresponding memory fragments anytime and anywhere. It doesn’t matter even if Lynch himself forgets everything. .

The books that Lynch has flipped through almost like “quantum reading” can be recalled by “B.I.B” and recreated.

Robin quickly finished packing, carrying one backpack on his back and another in his hand, handing it to Lynch on the sofa.

A bunch of Bailey’s bills that smelled like ink were put into Lynch’s backpack.

At this time, a hand came in through the main door and opened the door from the inside.

Robin was startled when he saw the door open by itself. Then he saw a suitcase floating in the air outside the opened door and entered the house.

She immediately realized that it was Lynch’s ghost knight who opened the door.

This also confirms Robin’s conjecture that Lynch’s ghost can indeed ignore physical obstacles and pass through walls and doors…

The jet-black armor walked to the sofa, placed the money box he was carrying along the way on the coffee table, and opened it with a click, revealing stacks of Bailey’s bills that were tightly coded inside.

Robin was obviously a little surprised. She was completely unaware of the fact that the “B.I.B” group destroyed the Wind Chaser Pirates and received the bounty. She thought Lynch had asked his ghost to blackmail someone like Hogcuba again. A rich man like that.

Lin Qi glanced at the box of money casually. Although he was a little surprised why there was so much money, he didn’t care much.

“Come back. Although your current fighting style has little to do with strength, a little more is.”

Lin Qi raised his chin to signal that the black armor returned to his body.

The thing in front of him was released by Lynch again after exercising in the evening. What it reproduces is actually the exhausted body at that time. Although its characteristics mean that even if it is equipped with an “exhausted” debuff, it will not lose its physical strength during independent activities – all its consumption during independent activities will be mined when it returns to its original form. Write off the account in the form of ontological potential.

When “B.I.B” went to collect the money, Lynch had eaten enough and rested until now, and his physical strength has recovered a bit.

“B.I.B” drew out the fruit ability of the main body and returned it to his body. After the main body twitched like water splashing on the sofa, it was released by the main body.

“There is quite a lot of noise in this raid.”

Lin Qi rubbed his forehead and quickly reviewed what he saw and heard on the way to collect money from “B.I.B”. He saw the escorts in the streets and alleys and got a general understanding of the situation.

A ball of dark energy invisible to the naked eye emerged from his body, forming a humanoid Iron Man-like armor. After appearing, it immediately removed the Huahua Fruit chip stored in its chest and re-implanted it into Lynch’s body.


Lin Qi let out a long breath, turned over and left the sofa, took out some of the banknotes in the cash box, and weighed them, probably 30 million.

He stuffed 10 million of them into Robin’s backpack, and stuffed the rest into his own backpack.


Lynch closed the box with the remaining 20 million yuan and handed it to the black armor beside him, “For the operation funds, go to the city to make some noise.”

Let the stand-in go off and attack, while he and Robin took advantage of the chaos to escape.

“B.I.B” nodded, took the box, and floated away, this time through the open door. Carrying a box cannot go through a wall.

Robin was more silent than usual and felt a little down.

This period of stable life… has finally come to an end.

Lin Qi thought for a while and went to find the makeup equipment of the former hostess of the house.

The Huahua Fruit has the ability to create more than a dozen arms. Lynch operates them with astonishing efficiency, while applying simple makeup to Robin and himself. The whole scene is very scary, as if the table is covered with busy greasy tentacles…

Lin Qi also shaved off his hair.

After shaving, he made a face at Robin. The little girl who was originally in a depressed mood couldn’t help but laugh. She remembered that Lin Qi was like this that day, and he gave her a shave without any explanation.

“Sure enough, only really handsome guys can hold this hair style.”

Lin Qi took a look in front of the mirror handed over by the hand made by Huahua Fruit, and put on a little makeup on his face. Although the original substitute had almost destroyed the sketch of him caused by “gunpowder”, and after this period of exercise and nourishment, his whole image and temperament had also changed greatly – but he still had to take precautions. .

After shaving his hair, changing his clothes, and applying some fancy makeup on his face, Lin Qi almost couldn’t recognize himself.

Oh, he doesn’t have a deep sense of “immersion” in the appearance after time travel…

“Flower mask.”

After putting on makeup and changing clothes for the two of them, Lynch made a move with both hands, and immediately flower petals flew towards his and Robin’s faces, creating a second layer of disguise, or in other words – disguise.

Suddenly, the two people, one cute and one handsome, turned into ordinary children.

“It’s a pity that I’ve lost one year’s rent…”

Lin Qi carried a bag on one shoulder and looked at the furnishings in the room. Although he didn’t express much emotion, he could not help but sigh.

With one last look, he greeted Robin and strode out the door.



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