I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 004 I am not interested in flowers and fruits


“How did you…”

Lin Qi looked at the eight-year-old girl with long black hair in front of him in surprise, then looked down at the stray puppy at his feet, and suddenly said, “Did you follow it here?”

Robin said nothing and nodded slightly.

“Do you think I can trust you because I didn’t tell that person about you?”

Just when the little girl started to feel a little embarrassed, Lynch smiled and said: “Actually – you just don’t even know where to go! How pitiful.”

Robin’s thin body trembled and he clenched his fingers.

“That person yesterday… did not die.”

She spoke. This was the first time that Lin Qi heard her speak, but her childlike and clear voice was a little hoarse, probably because he had not spoken too much for a long time.

“Those gangsters…may still cause trouble for you…”

“You think you’ve caused me trouble, right?” Lynch smiled, “You came to remind me?”

The little girl with long black hair bit her lower lip and remained silent.

“Then don’t worry, I’m not a good person! Those who want to kill me can line up from here to Momonosuke’s urn in Wano Country and then to Rafd Drew, a few gangsters and three-legged cats. What?”

Robin was a little confused. Rafdru looks familiar, but where is the Country of Harmony? What is Momonosuke?

However, Lynch said that, but it would be really difficult if he was targeted by local gangsters.

Lin Qi felt that he had to find a way. As a newbie here, the first thing I need to do is to develop steadily. Only when my level is high can I have enough energy to cause trouble with others…

At this moment, white light flashed in the narrow eyes of the “helmet” on Lynch’s face, and “B.I.B” made an electronic sound: “Extract…release…”

Lin Qi looked at his hands as if he had a tacit understanding. The “armor” on the left arm is blue with flame-like patterns, and the right arm is red. The shape of the flame pattern is vaguely swirly, and it seems to be very similar to the characteristics of something…

Devil fruit?

The boy who was one or two years older than Robin seemed to be winking at the air again before Robin saw him. He couldn’t help but think of what he did to the gang member last night…Sauro said, there are many people eating on the sea. He has acquired all kinds of weird devil fruits and has incredible abilities. This boy should have eaten some kind of fruit just like she had eaten the flower fruit… was it a ghost fruit?

Just when she was thinking this, the boy in front of her suddenly stretched out his right hand towards her. Just touching the breast of Robin’s shabby dress, he poked it, frowned and then retracted it.

“…?” Robin was a little confused when she saw Lynch changed his left hand. This time, there was no obstacle and he inserted it straight into her chest.

“…!?” Robin lowered his head and stared blankly at the boy’s hand, which was completely immersed in his body.

But…why doesn’t it hurt…

Or is it too painful, causing paralysis?

At this moment, a series of scenes flashed back in Robin’s mind.

My aunt was not very kind to me when I was a child. She always had neither enough to eat nor clothing to keep warm, and was ordered around… I finally got admitted to the Ph.D. in history, thinking I could study history with Dr. Kloba and the others, but it turned out that My hometown was razed to the ground by the navy’s demon-slaying order…I made my first friend, a giant, and taught myself how to laugh, but he died trying to protect me…I finally met my mother, thinking that this time I could finally be with him She walked together and lived together, but in the end she was pushed away…

I am already the last person left in O’Hara. As a result, the hope that Dr. Cloba, my mother, and everyone else have fought to save will be extinguished here…

Sorry, Doctor, Mom, people like me will disappoint you after all…

Sauro, you said that as long as you go to the sea, you will always meet your friends, but I’m sorry, I will be stabbed through the chest, my bleeding heart will be dug out, and I will die…

When his body cools down, will it be eaten by wild dogs and crows on the roadside, or will it be picked up and taken to a naval base in exchange for a bounty?

“Hey, what are you doing?”

The boy’s voice suddenly woke Robin up and brought him back to reality.

She discovered that even though her thin chest was still intact, there was no pain, and even her dusty dress was not damaged.

The boy’s hand has been withdrawn. Robin stared blankly at the boy’s left hand, not even a drop of blood on it. It was as if it hadn’t stabbed into her chest just now.

“Kid, do you have a lot of question marks?” Lynch teased, imitating Robin’s dazed expression when he was walking around. “Ah, wasn’t I killed by him? What on earth is going on——”

Robin gritted his teeth secretly, a little embarrassed and a little angry.

At a level that she couldn’t see, Lynch was holding an inverted triangular “crystal piece” with a faint blue light in his left hand, which was wrapped in a layer of blue flame-patterned arm armor.

The surface of the triangular crystal piece is engraved with a swirling pattern like a cluster of flowers.

“What did you do?” Robin asked softly. She was good at observation and noticed that Lynch’s eyes were always staring at his own left hand – what was he holding in his hand? His ghost powers?

“Try it, can you use the ability of Huahua Fruit?” Lin Qi suggested.

Robin was shocked, and immediately crossed his arms, following his original instinctive method, trying to use his ability to “flower” and grow arms on the face and chest of the boy in front of him, but it had no effect.

My body felt empty, something had been lost.

It’s because I lost my Devil Fruit ability…

Lin Qi smiled slightly, and switched the inverted triangular-shaped flower fruit “chip” from his left hand to his right hand – the right hand full of red flame swirl patterns, and slammed the chip into his chest!

Robin couldn’t help but scream in shock when he saw him suddenly “harming himself”.

But the next second, she had a flash of inspiration and opened her mouth in shock, could it be——? !

After the Huahuaguo chip was implanted in his body, Lin Qi took a deep breath and felt a strange “intuition” all over his body. He smiled slightly and raised his hands slightly, and two arms “bloomed” on both sides of Robin’s slender neck – Lynch’s arms!

The two hands on her neck pinched both sides of Robin’s cheeks, and she said inarticulately: “You… you grabbed the porridge… you’re so damned… you can’t get tired of it…”

“It seems like this.” Lynch smiled, “It’s a very interesting ability, quite fun.”

As he spoke, the two hands that were squeezing Robin’s cheeks quietly turned into petals, which were spread on the girl’s thin shoulders.

“You-” Robin looked at the petals falling on his palm and said in panic and loss, “How could you do this…”

This is the ability you rely on to protect yourself! How can an eight-year-old girl like me survive in this cruel sea without flowers and fruits?

Little Robin’s heart sank a little bit, and he didn’t know what to do.

“Hey, you two kids!” At this time, a voice suddenly came from the entrance of the alley.


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