I’m Not Interested in Devil Fruits: 001 The boy who walked out of the garbage heap


When his consciousness slowly recovered, Lin Qi almost vomited. It stinks so **** much!

Then there was pain all over the body, and the dull feeling of being pressed down by a heavy object…

What happened?

Where is this…

I remember that after returning to the dormitory, Lao Wang took the JOJO peripheral prop “Arrow” bought on Taobao and greeted the brothers to come over…

What happened after that…seems to be fragmented…

Lin Qi was confused in his heart, and he forced himself to open his eyelids, but he could not see anything clearly. There was only darkness in front of him, with a glimmer of light in the gap.

The indescribable stench lingered and lingered, making people want to vomit.

As soon as Lin Qi moved, he found that his body and limbs were pressed down by heavy objects, making it difficult to move.

It smells so bad, maybe I ran into the garbage dump…

Did the unscrupulous boys in the dormitory bury it for me?

Lin Qi continued to exert force, and the heavy object on his body made a squeaking sound, but his current posture was awkward and he could not push it easily, and he could not push it away no matter what.

He was so tired that he was panting.

Lynch stopped to rest for a while. His nose was filled with the smell of garbage dumps, which made him almost die on the spot.

At this moment, a broken picture flashed through my mind——

The blurred face of a woman, the rapid breathing and crying while running, the stormy ship, the majestic rough sea, the fighting and laughter of pirates, the pouring blood and the shadow of swords, the flower-filled On the hillside, the sheets and clothes fluttering on the rope under the warm sun…

Lynch stopped struggling.

He was stunned.

These broken memories that suddenly appeared are definitely not his own!

Sea, flag!

Pirates, swords!

There is also the name in the mouths of those laughing pirates in the memory screen – “One Piece” Goldo Roger!

Lynch continued to work hard, pushing hard against the garbage pressing on him.

My heart is pounding.

How is that possible?

How can it be!

How could I have traveled through time, and so blatantly into a world created by a comic book? !

It has just been two years since Roger died, this is the world of One Piece!

The agitated and complicated emotions seemed to make Lynch realize his full potential, and he struggled with greater strength. The **** on his body shook with a swishing sound.

Suddenly a hand with blue flame patterns stretched out in front of him.

“Thank you!” Lin Qi quickly took hold of it.

The blue hand grasped him tightly, and with a “boom”, Lynch was pulled directly out of the depths of the garbage pile.


Lynch lay on his back on the top of the garbage pile, grinning and taking a greedy breath.

Although the weather outside was gloomy and drizzling, Lynch was in an exceptionally beautiful mood.

What a fresh air!

Phew, take two more breaths… Wait, after getting used to it, the air on top of the garbage pile is not so fresh… Lin Qi stood up on the top of the garbage pile angrily.

It was then that he realized that his hands and feet had become slender. He obviously did not look like a young man in his early twenties, but more like a little kid in his twenties or thirteen years old!

It is indeed soul-piercing…

Lin Qi suppressed his complicated emotions, forced a smile, turned around and said, “Thank you for your help just now…”

As soon as he turned his head, Lin Qi’s pupils tightened!

It was drizzling and the wilderness was empty.

Everything was quiet except for the tiny patter of raindrops falling on the garbage pile at my feet.

Where are the people with blue arms?

Lin Qi felt creepy and her hands and feet were cold. If you keep getting wet in the rain like this, I’m afraid I’m going to catch a cold…

Suppressing his racing heart, he turned around and looked at the “terrain” around the garbage dump, trying to find a way to climb down quickly.

Suddenly, Lin Qi’s wandering gaze met a pair of bright dark green eyes, and he suddenly froze.

The little girl with big dark green eyes has long straight black hair, beautiful side bangs, and wears a simple suspender dress. Her face is pale and yellow, she is obviously malnourished, she is quite haggard, and she seems to have not rested well. At this moment, he was staring blankly at the big boy who suddenly appeared on the top of the garbage pile – the movement in the garbage pile just now was actually a person?

Lin Qi was also looking at her, but his eyes were quite playful. A Robin at the beginning?

Tsk, how vulgar!

I won’t be fooled!

He Jiejie smiled and said: “?Sword? Isn’t this a walking 79 million Bailey?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Qi’s feet went weak and he accidentally stepped on the hollow of the garbage dump. His whole body rolled down from the top with a clang, and fell to the ground with a “bang bang” sound. Sour and refreshing.


It took a long time for Lin Qi to get up, grinning in pain.

In the broken memory, the original owner of the body seemed to have been thrown into the garbage dump after death. The bones of this body cannot withstand the damage now!

“The little white rabbit ran away really fast…”

Lin Qi sat on the spot in the drizzle. He looked around and saw that little Robin had disappeared.

I don’t know how much I just revealed the identity of 79 million, how scared little Robin was when all his compatriots on the island were slaughtered by the navy and fled across the West Sea, so that he disappeared in the blink of an eye…

“Why am I still so empty in my heart…”

Lin Qi said sourly.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching Sui Yu. Lin Qi turned around and saw, “Where is the dice bag hidden?” A strong man wearing a black suit and a black hat came running.

What especially made Lin Qi’s pupils shrink was that the strong man in a suit was holding a gun in his hand.

On a rainy day, a little boy and a man in black with a gun.

Something’s wrong, something’s wrong!

“Hey! That boy over there!” The strong man in a suit and gun held a dirty stray dog ​​in front of Lynch and asked loudly in the rain, “Have you seen a man with long black hair and a very strong physique?” A thin girl, about a head shorter than you? Hmm… She has dark green eyes and a tall nose…”

The stray dog ​​was rudely thrown to Lynch’s feet and whined twice, looking very pitiful.

Lin Qi looked up blankly, looked at the face of the strong man holding the gun, and asked innocently: “How strange, uncle, it’s cloudy and rainy, and you wear sunglasses, can’t you see the road clearly?”

“Boy! I’m asking you, have you ever seen that girl?” The strong man in a black suit grabbed the gun in his hand, kicked the dirty stray dog, and scolded, “This dog has touched She ran all the way here! Tell me, have you seen that girl?”

The puppy whimpered again after being kicked and walked towards the garbage pile nearby. Lynch grabbed its tail and fished it out.

“Is it true that you can’t see clearly?” Lynch grabbed the puppy’s two front paws and asked doubtfully, “It must be difficult to see clearly, look at how cloudy the weather is!”

“Smelly boy!”

There was a muffled thunder in the gloomy sky, and the strong man in a suit kicked Lynch down, “Am I asking you a question that I can’t see clearly?”

As the rain fell, the stray dogs whined and growled, surrounding Lynch, but they did not dare to really rush towards the strong man in the black suit.

I’ll do it! Lin Qi gritted his teeth secretly, if it hadn’t been for the fact that he had changed his body, or if it hadn’t been for this body being too weak… He glanced at the gun in the strong man’s hand, and secretly cursed me again!

“You’ve been pretending to be stupid with me here, it seems you have really seen me!”

The strong man in a suit took out a rope, tied Lin Qi’s hands behind his waist, and threatened with a sinister smile, “If you don’t answer honestly, I won’t even shoot you, but just leave you here. Guess… …How many days will this dog be so hungry that he can’t help but eat you?”

Damn it, you are so cruel to children, why don’t you be so heartless!

Lin Qi was furious.

But the man in black was not polite to him. Seeing that his mouth was tight, he came up with a few punches. Lin Qi, whose hands were tied, fell into the rain with stars in his eyes.

The stray dog ​​whined and ran over to lick the blood from the corner of his mouth, with tears in its eyes.

The strong man in a black suit grabbed Lin Qi and wanted to torture him, but he saw the black-haired boy frowning coldly and his eyes full of anger and tenacity.


The strong man in black suit paid no attention to the child’s gaze, but suddenly he yelled, as if his head was hit hard by something.

He covered his head and looked around. In the rain curtain, apart from this **** kid, where was anyone else?

“Who? Who hit me?!”

The strong man in black suit shouted into the drizzle of garbage.

The stray dog ​​whined alertly at Lynch’s legs. Lin Qi looked at the empty place in the eyes of the strong man in black suit in surprise.

There, there stood a “strange man” who was about the same height as Lynch and covered in pitch black!

Generally he looks like a human, but he looks like an Iron Man suit.

The body is full of mechanical feeling, and the aesthetic lines outline the outline of the visor. There is no mouth or nose, and there is only a white light in the place of the narrow eyes.

The blue flame pattern on the left arm and the red flame pattern on the right arm seem to contain special abilities. The patterns extend and converge on the chest, forming a slightly glowing white inverted triangle.

Just now, Lin Qi saw with his own eyes that this thing suddenly appeared and punched the strong man in the head.

At this moment, the rope tied around Lin Qi’s waist suddenly loosened.

When the rope was loosened, there were also pieces of falling petals, which were wet by the rain and looked particularly beautiful.


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