Illimitable Until Death Chapter 249: The result of being guided out?


At this moment, all the students present were stunned.

“No…no right to refuse?”

“What do you mean?”

Not only the students in other classes, but even the D class students who are Fang Li’s classmates are dazed. They don’t know what the **** Fang Li is doing. get up.

Only Horikita Suzune, frowning tightly, stared at Fang Li, as if she wanted to see what he wanted to do.

And what Horikita Suzune wants to do is exactly what Ryuen Sho wants to do.

Long Yuanxiang was uncharacteristically silent and just looked at Fang Li as if he wanted to see through his heart.

Because, Long Yuanxiang knew that Fang Li couldn’t have spent tens of thousands of points to call all the first-year students here, just to bluff.

What he said needs to be done for him by the people present, that is the key.

This matter will completely determine the outcome of this special exam.

Long Yuanxiang realized this, and the hand holding the phone with the list on it tightened slightly.

At this time, Katsuragi Kangping stood up.

“What do you want to do now?”

Ke Cheng Kangping asked Fang Li this question.

“The exam is over, and no group has answered the status of the favored person so far. Is that enough to set the outcome?”

The rules have made it clear that once an answer is made to the status of the preferential treatment, no matter whether the answer is right or wrong, the examination of the group of the student who answered the answer will end immediately.

At that time, all the students in the group will be disbanded on the spot, and there is no need to take the exam, let alone perform the two-hour standby obligation every day, just wait until the results of the last day of the exam are announced.

And so far, none of the twelve groups has announced the end of the exam.

This means that no one in the entire group has responded.

“Since no one answered, it proves that no one has the confidence to guess the preferential treatment. The preferential treatment of each group has not been confirmed. All groups will usher in the result of the preferential treatment. This is the end of this exam.”

Katsuragi stared straight at Fang Li and said so.

“Our Class A strategy has been successful, what else can you do?”

This should also be the ending that many people believe in?

Because none of the groups responded early, there is a high chance that none of the favored recipients will be identified.

In this case, Class A’s strategy is complete.

After all, their purpose is to let all the favored win and keep the gap the same.

Therefore, many people think that this special exam was delayed by Class A.

There must be many people who are unhappy about this, right?

But no matter how unwilling it is, Class A’s strategy has been successful, it’s a fact.

At least, that’s what everyone here thinks.

But how do these people know?

“Of course no one will answer.” Fang Li said lightly: “Because, this result was guided by me.”


Ke Cheng Kang Ping was stunned there.

“You led it out?”

The rest opened their eyes even more.

However, it is true.

“Isn’t that difficult at all?”

Fang Li pursed his lips and spoke indifferently.

“Class A and Class C have no possibility of answering, but Class B and Class D only need to manage in advance, don’t they?”

This is a situation that can be understood if you think about it carefully.

Because of Katsuragi Kangping’s strategy, Class A wants all the preferential recipients to win, so no one will answer in advance and end the exam.

C class because Long Yuanxiang intends to find out all the preferential treatment in one go, and is still looking for clues. Under the constraints of Long Yuanxiang, no one will answer rashly. After Long Yuanxiang’s plan, it’s over.

In this way, only students from Class B and Class D will answer.

Fang Li had asked Hobami Ichinose in advance to restrain the students of Class B, so that the students of Class B would not answer.

Class D is also in the same situation. Fang Li asked Karuizawa Megumi, one of the central characters of the girls’ group, to come forward and tell the girls not to answer. For the boys, Hirata Yosuke persuaded them. The reason is unknown, and even now I don’t know what happened, but as far as the result is concerned, everyone was still successfully restrained and did not answer rashly.

This leaves the twelve groups of all first-year students with no answers.

As Fang Li said, this was led by him.

Understanding this, Katsuragi’s face sank.

Since this result was led by Fang Li, it proves that Fang Li must have some purpose.

This purpose is absolutely impossible to give victory to Class A.

“What do you want to do?” Ge Chengkang asked in a low voice: “What is the purpose of doing this?”

Two questions, all the inner unease of Katsuragi and everyone present.

Suzune Horikita also made a sound.

“Restrict all classes so that no one can answer. I can understand this. If it is to prevent someone from answering incorrectly due to impulsiveness and being deceived, this is indeed a strategy that must be implemented to prevent other classes from answering. It’s the same situation, you can avoid being guessed and deserve recognition.”

Suzune Horikita spoke very calmly and said this.

“However, if this situation was brought about by you, then you should also have a way to break this situation, right?”

This is required.

If you don’t get rid of it, this situation is just for the benefit of Class A, allowing Class A to sit back and enjoy the success and realize the strategy.

There is no way Fang Li could have done such a stupid thing.

This man must have a way out of this situation.

And thinking of what Fang Li and Long Yuanxiang had sworn to mention before, the preferential treatment of this special exam is all selected in some way, as long as you find this selection method, you can find all Preferential treaters, why do people present still not understand, what is the most effective way to break this situation?

“Seven… Seven Nights Classmate?”

Kushida Kikyo was surprised to say this Have you found all the favored people? “

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was shocked.

Ke Cheng Kang Ping was suddenly moved.

Long Yuanxiang narrowed his eyes.

“Find all the favors?”


The rest of the students also made a noise.

Until there is a response from Fang Li.

“I did find all the favored people.”

Ignoring the reactions of all the students present, Fang Li answered the question in surprising words, and took out his mobile phone from his pocket.


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