Illimitable Until Death Chapter 241: The bottom of the bottom again


Everyone is different.

There are people with high status, and there are people with low status.

There are strong people, and there are weak people.

This is an unavoidable social phenomenon.

Sunny, cheerful, gentle, kind people are generally loved.

Dark, gloomy, negative, evil people are generally excluded.

Then, depending on the level of ability, the status of a person will have a decisive change.

A capable person is surrounded by all kinds of people.

Incompetent people are often looked down upon by others.

Although the measure of status is not solely based on interpersonal relationships, it is indeed an important factor that is understandable.

Then, the weak, who are excluded, looked down upon, and regarded as the bottom of the pyramid, will have no human rights at all.

Karuizawa Megumi understood such a thing.

Also, I understand it better than anyone else.

So, Karuizawa Megumi swears when she comes to this school.

“No matter what means you use, you must become strong.”

Because, only the strong can dominate the weak, and only with the highest status can there be a way not to fall to the bottom.

The feeling of being reduced to the bottom, Karuizawa Megumi——”I’ve had enough.”

Therefore, even if it is a parasite, Karuizawa Megumi will not hesitate.



Karuizawa Megumi made a trembling voice as she looked at the three people in front of her.

That is the sound that the strong will never make.

Karuizawa Megumi, who vowed not to be reduced to the bottom, has not made such a sound for some time, and even once thought that she would no longer make such a sound.

Unfortunately, the reality is cruel.

With the oncoming persecution in front of her, Karuizawa Megumi once again fell to the bottom.

I saw that Karuizawa Megumi is now heading to the corridor of the emergency stairs on the fourth floor.

In front of Karuizawa Megumi, three people slowly approached.

“I’ve said it before? I won’t let it go!”

Shiho Manabe looked at Megumi Karuizawa, who had been pushed to the wall by himself, and showed a happy smile as if he had succeeded.

Behind him, Yabu Nami and Yamashita Saki were also present, with the same expression on their faces as Manabe Shiho, looking at Karuizawa Megumi contemptuously.

Karuizawa Megumi knows that look and expression best.

There is no reason for this, I just read too much.

Because of this, Megumi Karuizawa also knows what kind of fate she is about to usher in.

The eyes and expressions of Shiho Manabe, Nami Yabuna, and Saki Yamashita all harbored an emotion.

That is————“violence”.

“…what do you want to do?”

Karuizawa Megumi made a trembling voice again.

If someone from Class D heard such a worthless voice, they would be very surprised, right?

The strong, proud, and arrogant Megumi Karuizawa actually made such a voice?

That must have caused a complete uproar.

But, in the final analysis, this voice belongs to Megumi Karuizawa.

Even if Karuizawa Megumi knew that in this situation, if she made this voice, it would definitely lead to the most tragic results, but the wounds deep in her heart have been dug up, making it impossible for her to calm down. down.

And sure enough, Shiho Manabe’s attitude became tougher and tougher.

“We’ve already confirmed with Ewha.” Shiho Manabe stared at Megumi Karuizawa and said, “You really bullied her during the summer vacation, didn’t you?”

Of course Megumi Karuizawa knows about this.

This is a fact.

In order to declare to those around you that you are strong, the existence of the weak is also necessary.

By squeezing the value of the weak, the position of the strong will be guaranteed. This is what Karuizawa Megumi realized.

In view of this, Karuizawa needs the weak in order to declare herself a strong person in front of others.

Unfortunately, the pear flower in Shiho Manabe’s mouth is the weak one chosen by Megumi Karuizawa.

Karuizawa Megumi did bully the person Shiho Manabe said during the summer vacation.

And, in front of my classmates.

In this way, others will know that a girl named Karuizawa Megumi is not easy to mess with.

Karuizawa Megumi sacrificed the girl named Pear Flower in this way.

But more unfortunately, this incident became the fuse that led to today’s situation.

Karuizawa Megumi has been cornered.

As of now, Megumi Karuizawa cannot admit it.

Karuizawa Megumi could only speak with difficulty.

“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

This is the final struggle.

Whether it works or not is another matter.

Yabu Nami and Yamashita Saki spoke out one after another.

“Do you still want to play stupid?”

“We secretly took your photo and showed it to Lihua.”


The last retreat is blocked…

As a result, things can’t end well.

From the eyes of Manabe Shiho, Yabu Nami, and Yamashita Saki, Karuizawa Megumi only saw this ending.

The memory of the past suddenly reappeared.


Karuizawa Megumi’s breathing suddenly became unavoidable.

“Don’t…don’t come here…”

Karuizawa Megumi seemed to be in pain, shaking her head, holding her head, shrinking her body, and making a weeping sound.

How can such a Karuizawa Megumi still have such a strong and thorny appearance in people’s mouths?

At this moment, Megumi Karuizawa lost her status as a strong man and became a weak man.

This is something Karuizawa Megumi wants to avoid anyway.

But no way.

The status so far was only earned by Karuizawa Megumi with some small tricks.

The strong are strong because they have power.

Karuizawa Megumi has no power, let alone make herself powerful, just pretending to be powerful.

Now, this false mask has finally been lifted.

“Do you think it’s useful to pretend to be poor?”

Seeing Megumi Karuizawa like this, Shiho Manabe didn’t feel happier, but became more angry.

“Where did that annoying look go? Ah?!”

Shiho Manabe, whose heart was dominated by his emotions, approached Megumi Karuizawa.

Looking at that aggressive appearance, I’m afraid that if Shiho Manabe really gets close, Karuizawa Megumi will definitely be reduced to a tool for venting.

That is, Megumi Karuizawa is subjected to violence.

Karuizawa Megumi has seen through this for a long just now can’t even support the mask.

As a result, Karuizawa Megumi has not avoided it.

Just when Megumi Karuizawa was full of fear, but she even released her voice…

“What are you doing here?”

A calm voice resounded throughout the corridor.


Karuizawa Megumi stopped shaking.


Shiho Manabe also stopped in place, looking at the entrance of the corridor with Yabu Nami and Yamashita Saki with a stiff face.

Karuizawa Megumi knows who the owner of this voice is.

“Seven…seven nights…”

Amazingly, it is Fangli.


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