Illimitable Until Death Chapter 238: I owe a lot of people


Cruise ship, aft deck.

As a friend of Hobami Ichinose said earlier, at this point in time, there was absolutely no one here.

Fang Li and Ichinose Hobami came here together.

“It was really hard today, all kinds of things happened.”

Ichinose Hobami put his hand on the guardrail, looked out at the sea, turned his head, and showed a complicated smile, although still bright, to Fang Li who was standing beside him.

The sea breeze blew past, just bringing up Ichinose Hobami’s waist-length straight hair, letting the beautiful long hair sway through the air in a circle of delightful arcs, and with Ichinose Hobami The delicate smile on her pretty face is really as beautiful as a painting.

Seeing Hobami Ichinose like this, Fang Li felt a little emotional.

After the special exam on the uninhabited island, it seems that I often come to the deck to look at the sea like this with the girls I know.

Whether it was Airi Sakura, Kikyo Kushida, or Hobami Ichinose, they all stood beside Kuo Fangli, looking out at the ocean with him.

The most precious thing is that these girls are also very cute.

If in this world, the highest score for beauty is 100 points, then all these girls can get 95 points or more, right?

Being able to watch the sea alone with such a girl is not the only object. In this regard, Fang Li is really the object of envy for boys.

(Speaking of which, I also had dinner with Horikita…)

Fang Li couldn’t help laughing when he remembered the scene where he and Horikita Suzune had dinner together at the outdoor restaurant on the roof.

It can be said that this is the case.

“Is there anything you want to tell me? Ichinose.”

Fang Li said this to Hobami Ichinose.

“…I can’t hide it from you.”

Ichinose Hobami was silent for a while, but then he laughed in relief, and the complex expression on his face began to disappear.

“I do have something I want to tell you, no, it should be confirmed with you.”

Ichinose Hobami turned around and faced Fang Li.

His pair of good-looking eyes were already completely focused on Fang Li’s body, and the inside was also agitated as if it could **** people into it.

Immediately afterwards, Hobami Ichinose spoke.

“Student Qiye has actually found out how to select the preferential treatment. Have you confirmed the identities of the twelve preferential treatment people?”

Ichinose Hobami said these words in a completely different tone from before.

What kind of tone is that?

Not hostile.

Not a tribute.

Not killing intent.

It was a determination that seemed to be risking everything to achieve it.

With such a tone, Ichinose Hobami asked Fang Li this question.


Fang Li was silent for a while.

Did not answer immediately, Fang Li just turned around and looked directly at Ichinose Hobami, facing her pair of eyes that seemed to be able to hook people’s souls in, faintly ‘s voice.

“Why do you think so?”

Fang Li did not answer the question.

Ichinose Hobami gave such an answer with a sudden smile.

“Remember what Qiye-san said to Ryuuen-san after the results of the special exam on the uninhabited island were announced?”

Ichinose Hobami said a sentence that Fang Li once said, perfectly repeating it.

“To judge whether a person has truly given up, it is not based on what he has done on the surface, but whether he still has the will to fight. If there is no fighting spirit, no matter how good the superficial skills are, it is impossible to win in the end. , and vice versa.”

This is indeed what Fang Li once said to Long Yuanxiang.

Now, Hobami Ichinose turned it over.

The reason is this.

“Although there is no way to see the fighting spirit or something, after all, I’m not as good as classmate Qiye, but it’s not the first day I met classmate Qiye. Even if I can’t say that I know you very well, at least I have the best understanding of you. Basic understanding.”

Ichinose Hobami looked Fang Li in the eyes and said softly.

“And based on what I know about Qiye, although you don’t treat Ryuyuan as an opponent, you don’t completely ignore him.”


If Fang Li wanted to ignore Long Yuanxiang, at first, Fang Li did not need to be invited to the special teaching building to lead to violent incidents, and he did not need to set a trap for Long Yuanxiang in the special exam on the uninhabited island. Take in the spy Ibuki Mio.

This is bound to create a situation.

“If Qiye-san doesn’t have the confidence to win this special exam, then, if you don’t consider Ryuuen-san as an opponent, you should pay attention to what he does, but just now in the dragon group , you simply exposed his schemes, but you didn’t feel that he was a threat at all.”

In front of Fang Li, Hobami Ichinose delivered a beautiful blow.

“Combining with the reaction of the rabbit group, I think that you should have been one step ahead of Ryuyuan classmates and obtained the key to the end of this exam.”

These are unfounded.

Like Fang Li’s “Theory of Fighting Spirit” mentioned earlier, it’s just a self-perception at best.

But Hobami Ichinose is confident in her own feelings.

That kind of confidence is not something that Fang Li takes for granted about his own keen intuition, but a conjecture based on a little understanding of the other party.

“Of course, this may be my illusion, but when I think of you, classmate Qiye, I think this possibility is very high.”

Ichinose Hobami asked with a chuckle.

“So, can you please help me with my doubts?”

This is something Ichinose Hobami wants to confirm.

Fang Li’s eyes flashed with a hint of deep meaning.

“If I say yes, what are you going to do?”

Fang Li did not answer the question again.

Facing this question, Hobami Ichinose could only smile wryly.

“I don’t know what to do.” Ichinose Hobami said with a wry smile: “It’s just that there is a rare chance to repay your favor, and now it seems that there is no way to do it.”

Having said this, Ichinose Hobami was both amazed and frustrated.

The marvel is that Fang Li really found all the favored people on the first day of the exam.

Frustrated is that all of the previous energy was lost.

Originally, in order to repay the favor when he was on an uninhabited island, Hobami Ichinose made the decision to give Fang Li the answering right of the preferential treatment of the rabbit group.

Now that Fang Li has found out all the 12 groups of preferential treatment, Ichinose Hobami’s plan completely failed.

No, it’s not just a failure.

“Class B will owe another big favor to Qiye during this special exam.”

Ichinose Hobami said so helplessly.

Isn’t it?

Since Fangli has found all the preferential treatment recipients, it naturally includes the preferential treatment recipients of Class B.

And because of the cooperative relationship, Fang Li will not provide the list of preferential treatment for Class B, right?

Isn’t this a great favor?

Not to mention…

“If Qiye is ready to answer the preferential treatment of Class A and Class C, it will also be a good thing for our Class B.”

Ichinose Hobami sighed.


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