I’ll Quit Being a God Chapter 76: The funny couple of the Kagura family


By the time Seki Toshihiko and Kagura Mio made a big circle from the main entrance to the other side of the wall, it was already too late.

Sakura was caught red-handed after jumping over the wall, and was held high by a man holding his armpits with both hands.

This is a unique middle-aged man.

He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his beard is deliberately left long and neatly combed. Although he is dressed casually, he has a sense of British gentleman-not in a derogatory sense, but in a positive way.

Now, this gentleman is holding Sakura’s arm, raising it high.

“Mio, Mio, what’s wrong with you? Why have you become so small? Could it be that I unintentionally awakened the power to travel through time and space and returned to when you were just born?”

Although Sakura was being held up, she immediately retorted: “Sakura desu! Let me go! I want my mother.”

While talking, she did not forget to attack randomly with biubiubiu – it was the “can shooting” game that Nanoha taught her in the afternoon.

After an afternoon of playful practice, Sakura can easily punch through a can, and it will definitely leave a **** hole in an ordinary person’s body.

But this gentleman completely ignored this attack. Before the attack touched his body, he was blocked by an invisible force without even breaking his clothes.

Beside the man, there is a woman with the same black hair and eyes. She is shorter than Kagura Mio. Her face, especially the area below the nose, is very similar to Kagura Mio.

The woman also stretched out her hands and said to Sakura gently: “Mom is here, my good daughter.”

Anyone who sees this picture will think that it is a family of three enjoying themselves harmoniously.

However, the real Kagur Mio herself was standing behind the two of them, no more than three meters apart – Kagur Mio took a taxi back home, and Seki Toshihiko and others also took a taxi, but because they passed through the bustling area of ​​Tokyo , not only failed to catch up, but got further and further away.

After all, it is rush hour, and a traffic light may be the dividing line between traffic jam and no traffic jam.

What is going on?

Sakura has not been out of my sight for more than a minute.

Guan Junyan looked at Kagura Mio, and Kagura Mio expressed that she did not want to speak.

Guan Junyan looked at Yagami Setsuna again, who whispered: “It’s good to get used to it, that’s why Sister Mio is closer to Aunt Wangui.”

I understand, this is a joke.

No wonder Kagura Mio always has an expressionless face. Born in such a family, if she didn’t keep her face straight, she would probably die of laughter or embarrassment.

No wonder the heir fell on Kagura Mangui.

That’s right, these inconspicuous middle-aged man and woman are Kagura Mio’s parents.

The Kagura family has the largest number of men, the eldest son Kagura Omen.

And Koizumi Anko, one of the inheritors of red magic, took her husband’s surname after getting married and changed her name to Kagura Anko.

As a daughter, Kagura Mio didn’t speak, and Guan Junyan couldn’t speak either, so he just waited nearby.

Seeing Junyan Guan’s arrival, Sakura changed her target again and shouted: “Dad.”

“Hey~” Kagura Zhao responded with a smile, “My daughter is so good.”

Guan Junyan: “…”

Can I say shit?

“Let’s go.” Kagura Mio guessed that she was feeling very careless inside, so she spat out one word.

“Where to go?” Yagami Setsuna asked.

“Aunt Wangui and Aunt Qianhe will also come over today, just in time to ask about things in Shikoku.”

With such an attitude of their own daughter, the teasing parents finally stopped. They first pushed Sakura into her arms, and then stopped her left and right.

“Daughter, aren’t we looking at you with a stern face and being unhappy to liven up the atmosphere?”

“It’s just that we haven’t seen each other for more than a month. It would be too heartless to leave just after seeing each other. Wow, oh, oh, oh, why did I give birth to a daughter like you.”

Okay, it still hasn’t stopped, it just changed into a funny way.

Fortunately, it was not the first day that Kagura Mio met her parents, so she responded calmly:

“You can have another one.”

“I really want to, but your mother doesn’t agree.” Kagura Zhao replied seriously.

“Because it hurts to give birth.” Kagura Anko puffed her lips, looking more like a girl than a daughter, “And there are risks for the devil to give birth to a child, so when this child appears, your father and I will So happy.”

“Sorry, Sakura doesn’t like you, right, Sakura.”

Honestly, Kagura Mio has no talent at coaxing children, but Sakura just accepted this trick and nodded vigorously.

“Yes, mom. Sakura likes dad, mom, Aunt Nanoha, and Setsuna-nee-ah, aunt.”

Iori Setsuna was overjoyed.

Finally I know how to change my name. I’m not hurting you little guy in vain.

Looking at it this way, I still have hope.

“Why is this like this?” Kagura Hongzi started to talk again.

Kagura Zhaoze changed his goal and adopted a curved strategy to save the country: “Toshihiko, how does uncle usually treat you?”

“Well, Uncle Zhao is very kind to me.” Even if the elder is a tease, Guan Junyan cannot lose his etiquette.

“The happiness of my uncle and aunt will be left to you.”

As expected of a joke, you are really not particular at all, “begging for help” for such a trivial matter.

Guan Junyan was helpless. Although it was not good to interfere in other people’s housework, Kagura Zhao said so. He could only secretly send an apologetic look to Kagura Mio, and reached out to pinch Sakura’s cheek.

“Sakura, these two are your mother, father and mother.”

“Mom, dad and mom?” Sakura tilted her head.

“Well, my mother is my grandpa, and my mother is my grandma.”

“Grandpa? Grandma?” Sakura is still very smart and learns quickly.


The funny couple agreed in unison.

“Sakura is so good.”

“I have a granddaughter.”

Kagura Mio: “…”

Iori Setsuna couldn’t help but cover his face, and his mood took a turn for the worse again.

I knew these parents were being funny, but I didn’t expect them to be so funny.

Normal parents would always feel a little conflicted when a girl suddenly calls their daughter mother and calls another man father, even if they can see that their daughter is not human, even if they know that they are not biological.

This is great, I wish I could directly step into the role of grandparents and start a life of entertaining grandchildren.

Hey, hey, hey, you can’t be like this. Where is the moral integrity of the Kagura family? What about the purity of Shinto? I hope you will add resistance to control what Toshihiko and Sakura brought.

If I had known you were like this, I wouldn’t have brought them here.

This is not over yet. After obtaining the identity of grandparents, the couple started a new life again.

“Sakura, your name is Sakura, what is your last name?”

“What’s your last name?” Sakura’s knowledge reserves still match her appearance.

“That’s before the name. Grandpa’s name is Kagura Zhao, whose surname is Kagura, and his given name is Zhao. Grandma’s name is Kagura Hongzi, whose surname is Kagura, and whose given name is Hongzi. My mother’s surname is Kagura, whose given name is Mio, and the family has the same surname. ”

“Ah, I know, my father’s surname is Guan and his first name is Junyan.”

“Yes, Sakura is really smart. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com”

“But, mom and dad don’t have the same last name.”

“Because they are not married yet, Sakura can choose a last name first.”

“Um…Guan Ying?”

“Kagura Sakura is also very good. You look so much like your mother.”

At this point, the funny couple laughed together.

Kagura Mio always had an expressionless face, and Guan Junyan also learned to be smart, pulling his face away and treating himself as a decoration – this was the smartest thing to do.

Only Yagami Setsuna felt regretful, I shouldn’t have brought these people here.

“How about we go to Aunt Wangui’s place?”

ps: It’s a cliché name. In fact, grandpa, grandma, grandpa and grandma are both grandparents, unless the written name is deliberately used. So don’t be surprised if you become a grandparent one day when you write smoothly. After all, we are the only ones in China who are so detailed. In Europe and the United States, grand is the beginning of the world.


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