I’ll Quit Being a God Chapter 75: We are so cute together, and we are so cute together


The overall layout of the Kagura House is somewhat similar to that of Hontoku Temple, but of course it must be enlarged many times.

The front, well, to be precise, the front mountain is a shrine, one of the largest shrines in Japan, the Hachisha Shrine, which worships Amaterasu Omikami, one of the main gods of Japan.

The eight feet of the eight-foot mirror are the eight feet of the eight-foot mirror. Legend has it that when Amaterasu Omikami gave the three artifacts to Tensun, she said that the mirror should be worshiped as her incarnation.

The Hachiku Shrine in this world is equivalent to the Ise Shrine before time travel, but its status is higher, because there are really gods, demons, Buddhas, demons and ghosts in this world.

Because of this, the Kagura family who mastered the eight-foot mirror have always stood at the pinnacle of Shinto, and it is also the biggest foundation of the Kagura family.

Behind the shrine, the second half of the area bounded by the mountain top is the real residence of the Kagura family.

Applying a modern business perspective, the Hachisha Shrine is equivalent to a storefront, where the shrine maidens represented by Kagura Mangame work.

Of course, remote temples like Hontokuji Temple have a street as their property, and the Kagura family goes beyond that. They directly circled a large piece of land nearby and created a complete block system for business. We need environment and environment, and we need tourism and tourism.

The final evaluation given by Guan Junyan was Ise Jingu + Akechi Jingu + Yoyogi Park + Harajuku Business District. If placed in China, it is not as good as that around Tiananmen Square, but the internal flavor is there – and there is no No high-rise buildings can be built in the surrounding area.

Every time he comes here, Guan Junyan will feel a lot of pressure, and he doesn’t know if the Kagura family will feel uneasy living in such a place.

Occupying such a large area, there is naturally a special passage to enter and exit the real Kagura family.

Built against the mountains, it forms a natural barrier based on the terrain – a double meaning, it is both a physical division and one of the few large-scale barriers in Japan.

The villas outside the mountain and the courtyards at the foot of the mountain are natural nodes for the barrier. While providing support for the barrier, they are also one of the guarantees for the Kagura family’s influence and connections.

The price of the villa is still among the highest in Japan, and the villa is not for sale to the public. Being able to live in it is definitely a status symbol.

The courtyard where Guan Junyan lived when he first arrived in Tokyo has now changed its owner, and the young man has no dissatisfaction with this.

This is one of the reasons why he moved away.

Look at the row of Rexni cars at the door. This is a high-end brand of Fengben series, focusing on low-key luxury and connotation. It is difficult to drive such a car without considerable background.

Looking at a single person, Guan Guan, who has no other external advantages except being handsome, the difference is not as big as usual.

Fortunately, there was Setsuna Yagami, whose painting style was similar to his, beside him, so this mountain climbing trip did not seem particularly abrupt.

Under the leadership of the female ninja, Guan Junyan went up the mountain road.

Almost halfway there is the Kagura family’s real private territory.

In the center is a group of ancient buildings similar to the shrine style, divided orderly according to function, surrounded by exclusive scenery with the same long history.

There is a waterfall and stream on one side, with steaming clouds and mist. Setsuna Yagami said it is the Kagura family’s private hot spring.

On the other side, the greenery fades and the red gradually begins to appear. After autumn, it is a good time to watch the maple leaves. When the mountains and fields are full of red, the Kagura family will organize a traditional “red leaf hunt” – there is no way, the Japanese are I like things that are fragile and poignant, and a little bit of morbidity is even better.

So you can enjoy cherry blossoms in spring and maple trees in autumn. There are also people who specialize in admiring the remaining cherry blossoms and fallen maples.

Walking through the maple and water, and passing through the second barrier guarded by dedicated personnel, is where the true headquarter of the Kagura family lies.

The family can be roughly divided into three areas, corresponding to the current three mountains.

In the middle, with the highest altitude, is the current head of the Kagura family, and Kagura Isshin is in the line of priests he is in charge of.

On the left, facing the water, is the residence of the next leader, Kagura Mangetsu, who commands a group of shrine maidens.

Kagura Chizuru’s residence is also here, but she doesn’t come back often because of work needs.

The right side of Oyaki is the territory of Kagura Zhao, who specializes in logistics and medical care. It is the best place to increase favorability and sell favors in the entire Kagura family.

Guan Junyan has been to the first two places. The shrine maiden, Toshihiko, has been there the most because they have the most interactions.

The priests have only been there once. Since they arrived at Kagura’s house, they wanted to pay a visit to the head of the family, but they didn’t see him.

It’s not that Kagura just despises Guan Junyan, but the old man is in seclusion for matters related to the Netherworld, and no one can see Kagura, let alone other people.

What I am going to now is the last place I have never been to – at least for the time traveler Guan Mou.

Before Kagura Mio went to Okutama, Kagura Zhao went abroad for business because of the “Nanny Conference” and brought his wife with him.

Well, it is actually an exchange seminar for the healing professions. This time it is the Holy See’s turn to host it. The standard is high and the scale is large. The conference does not last long, but many healing professions will advance or stay for a while to continue the exchange. , Kagura Omen is no exception. I had a lot of fun in Italy before returning home in a hurry.

Kagura Mio doesn’t usually live there either, she lives more often in the miko group and practices as a miko.

So far, Guan Junyan has not seen the biggest contributor to the preservation of the Guan family’s vitality. Find Shuyuanwww.zhaoshuyuan.com

With Setsuna Yagami, a female ninja who is familiar with the Kagura family, leading the way, Guan Junyan has no obstruction here.

The atmosphere in this area is also very friendly. There is no condescension in the middle and no desertion on the left. Everyone you meet looks kind.

This gave Guan Junyan a lot of peace of mind.

Although today, Mr. Guan has become more and more accustomed to this world, and the hidden dangers of being exposed are getting smaller and smaller, but after all, what he wants to meet is the elder of the Kagura family who is most optimistic about him, and the biggest benefactor of the Guan family. Guan Junyan didn’t want to disappoint him.

“What’s wrong? You haven’t spoken since just now.” Yagami immediately noticed something unusual and asked with concern.

“Suddenly I didn’t know what to say when I met Uncle Zhao.”

“You can say whatever you want.” Yagami Setsuna said nonchalantly, “Uncle Zhao is the most talkative and least pretentious person in the Kagura family. You just want to talk to him about the new season’s show, and he will pick up everything.”

Why doesn’t he sound like a nanny, but more like a senior homebody?

But as for being a otaku, Guan Somone does have some thoughts.

How do you sing that song?

We are cute together, na na na na na.

My sister, Lolita, has black and white silk stockings, and she wants them all.

Eula and Euler are high together, the wood is big, the wood is big, the wood is big.

Sayounala, Longzeluolada!

Guan was reminded of being an otaku for the first time in a long time. Without paying attention, Sakura, who was lying on his shoulder, jumped out and jumped directly over the wall on one side, shouting: “Mom, I’m here to find you. ”

At that time, Toshihiko Seki said, “Holy shit,” Kagura Mio’s real home is on the other side of the wall.

My parents have just returned home from a trip, and a granddaughter suddenly appears. If it were you, what would you think?


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