I’ll Quit Being a God Chapter 73: Learning swordsmanship also requires five years of college entrance examination and three years of simulation?


Guan Junyan looked confused.

Takamachi Kyouya smiled and said nothing.

The way of swordsmanship can be explained thoroughly, but some things can only be understood and cannot be expressed in words, otherwise you may be beaten to death.

It is true that he is a sword master, but a sword master does not mean he is invincible.

When the Kagura twins pull in the “three evil female stars” including their own sisters, he will have to kneel down like he has changed from the two-sword style to the four-sword style. Unless he breaks through in battle, he will not be a human being.

Throwing a meaningful look and letting the boy figure it out on his own, Takamachi Kyoya continued teaching:

“After talking about the heart, let’s talk about skills. This is the easiest to understand. Skills, there is a Chinese saying called ‘Practice makes perfect’, which means——”


Guan Junyan knew it was impolite to interrupt, but he couldn’t help it.

Because practice makes perfect is not said in Japanese, but in Chinese, a language with nine tones – Cantonese.

“Can you speak Chinese?”

“I learned it in college. When I was young, I went to the special forces there with Miyuki to receive training and work as bodyguards. I learned a lot. If you have the opportunity, you should also go there and take a look. The land is vast, the resources are vast, the sea is vast, and the sky is vast. It will broaden your horizons a lot.”

“Definitely.” Without these words, Guan Junyan would have gone to see it.

“Continue to talk about skills. Once you are proficient in something and find the trick, it becomes a skill. If the skill is constantly polished, it will reach a higher state. This level also has many names, such as Tao, reason, essence, and essence. Wait.

Among them, the term “reason” is the most accurate. Understanding, cognition, the essence of skills, control, precision, etc. are all based on “reason”. As long as you truly understand the ‘sword’, all the techniques can be easily mastered, just like this. ”

Speaking of this, Takamachi Kyouya swung his sword several times in succession. The brilliant sword light and slashes combined to form a palm-sized golden-winged roc, which is the “Golden-winged Bird King Sword” with controlled power.

The Bird King soared into the air, spun around in the air, and hit Kyouya’s own head, and was cut through by a knife in the next moment.

That knife was the cut that Guan Junyan was most familiar with.

“I have never practiced Itto-ryu, I just integrated my own understanding based on your sword strokes. Do you understand?”

“To be honest, I don’t quite understand.” Guan Junyan shook his head.

“It’s okay if you don’t understand. Just hone your skills and strive to make every detail perfect. Then you will naturally understand. ‘Reason’ is the best path for all swordsmen, no, warriors. More than ninety percent of the swordsmen take this step first.”

“Kyoya-sensei, I would like to ask another inappropriate question.”

“You asked.”

“Since martial arts are all good, why is it a sword? Why is kendo so unique?”

The proportion of swordsmen in Japan and even the world is too exaggerated. The total number of users of other weapons in Japan may not be as many as swordsmen. The world is slightly better, but swordsmen still account for upwards of 30%.

“Because the sword was born early enough and has lasted long enough in history.”

Guan Junyan is still not satisfied with this explanation.

“Gors and spears were born earlier than swords, and later turned into guns, and have never left the stage of history. Why are the number of spearmen far outnumbered by swordsmen?”

This was already a bit of an argument, but fortunately Kyouya not only didn’t pay attention, but started to think seriously.

“Let me explain this problem.”

A gentle male voice sounded, and Takamachi Kyouya’s father, Takamachi Shirou, came over with tea.

You can tell from the moderately thick tea soup and exquisite snacks that they are freshly made, which is why it took so long.

“Whether it is a sword or a gun, including other weapons, even fists, legs and feet, they are actually media. The sublimation of skills is to first understand the media, and then understand the world through the media. This may not be easy to understand. You put weapons Wouldn’t it be much easier to switch to mathematics, physics, and chemistry?”

It is indeed much easier.

I can’t remember which teacher said it. The principle of science is understanding, in order to understand the real world.

So humans have developed from simple four arithmetic operations to various mathematical models now, so humans have continuously subdivided basic physics and basic chemistry into macroscopic and microscopic ones, unified opposites, etc.

The same goes for martial artists who practice martial arts. Through continuous understanding, they can achieve the greatest results with the least amount of force. Originally, it was a thousand pounds hitting a thousand pounds, but now it is four or two.

But why does such a metaphor sound so awkward?

Isn’t it true that professions in the field of science only require five years to simulate the college entrance examination for three years? Do physics professions also require it? Isn’t physics here just…

It seems that even if you don’t have to worry about getting into higher education, you still can’t avoid the nightmare of college entrance examination.

But Takamachi Shirou hasn’t finished speaking yet:

“Based on the time of birth, ease of portability, usage class, etc., swords became the mainstream at the earliest. More people use them, and more people study them. The derived categories, the depth of study, and the influence of swords will all increase. .Unless it is falsified and denied from the root, sword is like a mainstream subject in education and is difficult to shake.

It’s not that other subjects are not good, but that the advantages accumulated by countless people over a long period of time are too great. This is a gap in background that cannot be made up by a few geniuses. ”

“Thank you for your advice.” Guan Junyan stood up, saluted, and said, “It seems that it won’t be long before science and mystery will reach unity.”

“This is the wish of many people.” Obviously Takamachi Shirou is one of them, “Is there anything else you want to ask?”

“There is another one, but not through words, but I hope to experience it personally, what the qualitative change of the swordsman is like, and how different it is from who I am now.”

To put it more bluntly, tell me what are the advantages of swordsmen and how to defeat other professions.

“That’s it.”

Shirou Kyouya and his son looked at each other, the former said.

“Then show your skills a little bit. Remember, you can only watch, never study it deeply, let alone imitate it. That is my way of swordsmanship, not yours. A swordsman who cannot get out of his own way of swordsmanship will never become a swordsman. Holy.”


“What Goshen-ryu pursues is speed. Find the ultimate speed in Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. In front of the Goshen Sword, all distances and weapon gaps will cease to exist. What is the specific performance? —”

With a thud, Guan Junyan felt as if his heart was suddenly grabbed by something, and he couldn’t breathe smoothly. When he came to his senses, he inexplicably had a cup of tea and three biscuits in his hand.

Looking around, the dojo that was originally a battlefield has returned to calm. Kagura Mio and Yagami Setsuna no longer have weapons in their hands, and they have the same refreshments as Guan Junyan.

Miyuki also took off her bamboo sword, covered her wrist, and complained to her brother: “Don’t just use ‘dodge’ to make a surprise attack.”

Kyouya, who was standing still, as if he had never moved, returned an apologetic look, and continued what he just said: “——That’s pretty much it.”

At this moment, Seki Toshihiko finally understood why Takamachi Kyouya’s Gogami-ryu is “Gogami Unbreakable”. In the world of martial arts, only fast ones cannot be broken. How can such a secret sword that is close to stopping time be broken?

Seki Toshihiko also understood why Takamachi Kyouya and Miyuki became bodyguards. There was nothing more suitable for them than bodyguards – cutting down the enemies before they took action was the most perfect way of protection.

PS: Takamachi Miyuki’s mother is the captain of the Fourth Unit of the Hong Kong Special Police Force, so everyone speculates on her combat effectiveness.

PS2: So you understand, why are we splitting the world line, and the Takamachi family are hanging on the wall… What else is going on with Nanoha? I have always thought that Fite is on the wrong path, fix those who have and don’t have them, and learn the God-style style. This is the real speed.

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