I’ll Quit Being a God Chapter 67: Green House


To use a very classic sentence to describe Yagami Setsuna’s current mood is——

Setsuna Yagami has a great advantage. Setsuna Yagami goes up with A, and Setsuna Yagami plays GG.

The reason is very simple and very realistic.

The simpler the thinking, the poorer the knowledge, the more solid the cognitive world is.

Children are the best examples.

No matter how well Yagami Setsuna does, feeding, holding, playing with… he is better than Seki Toshihiko and Kagura Mio in everything, Sakura is closer to her parents.

Obviously she is better at holding children in an instant, and her chest is softer, but even if she stays there for a long time, she will still reach out to her father or mother. Even if the latter two are not hugging, they will hang them around their necks, and they cannot be hooked with snack hooks.

If Sakura were allowed to walk on the ground, she would hold her father with her left hand and her mother with her right hand.

Cry if you don’t do it, laugh if you do, it’s that simple.

So Yagami instantly returned to his previous state of sitting in the living room, hugging the pillow.

The family of three over there was enjoying themselves happily. Although Junyan Guan and Mio Kagura showed very unqualified expressions from time to time, they could not stop their children from being happy.

Of course, because outside, Yagami suddenly lost his pillow and replaced it with a sword bag.

Guan Junyan’s sword bag contains the nine-character sword bag.

“I feel that my status is not as good as yours.”

The female ninja held her sword tightly and sighed like an angry concubine of a feudal family.

Because the young lady does not pay for the concubine, but pays for the sword.

Just now, she tried all kinds of tricks to get Sakura to call her aunt.

Although they called themselves sisters at first, when Seki Toshihiko and Kagura Mio were promoted to parents, Setsuna did not want to fall behind – being the same generation as Sakura, what else could they do?

However, Yingying had a preconceived idea and refused to change her mind. Halfway through her efforts, she started asking for her parents again.

Guan Junyan was on the phone at that time and had no time to get away, so he handed over the sword bag.

Sakura took the sword bag and immediately became honest.

It doesn’t cry or fuss, it’s like a big doll, it’s extremely well-behaved, and it works better than any other method.

Iori Setsuna felt sorry for the child and felt that it was inappropriate for her to hold such a long sword bag at such a young age, so she took it on her own initiative.

Not long after, Sakura returned to her old ways and had to be led by her parents at the same time before she could smile again.

Iori Setsuna is very helpless, why is it always me who gets hurt?

Why don’t you get rewards every time you take it seriously?

The girl who doubts her life doesn’t know that Sakura’s birth is inseparable from the nine-character Kanesada, and that Guan Junyan’s peaceful sleep is also due to the nine-character Kanesada.

But even if he doesn’t know, Setsuna Yagami is not someone who gives up easily.

It’s too early to give up now.

Setsuna Yagami, you still have a chance!

Not being a witch is the biggest advantage, as long as the gap is evened…

Thinking like this, the female ninja laughed again, her jumping steps became a little lighter, and she ran all the way to catch up with the family of three who stopped in front.

The place where she stopped was a cake shop. Sakura was staring at the various cakes displayed in the window with kind eyes.

“Food, delicious…”



The attitudes of Guan Junyan and Kagura Mio are surprisingly unified. Anyway, there is no shortage of money and as long as their daughter is happy.

“Wait a minute.” Iori Setsuna stopped him, “We’ll be there soon. Buy it when you get to the place. I guarantee that whether it’s a cake or other things, it’s the best in the neighborhood. Sakura, can you bear with me a little longer? I’ll buy it soon.” There will be something more delicious.”

“Oh! Something more delicious.” Sakura is easy to coax, unlike other children who insist on it.

“Come, Auntie will carry you and run over. It’ll be quick.” Yagami stretched out his hands in an instant.

“Oh ~ soon, soon.”

This time Sakura did not get upset, but smiled and let Yagami Setsuna pick her up, even ignoring the title of aunt.

It seems that there is still hope.

Iori regained his confidence in an instant, endured enough and succeeded in power, open!

Guan Junyan and Kagura Mio looked at each other.

What else?

Follow me.

At this time, almost an hour had passed since the mother and daughter were reunited. The three people and the daughter had already left the apartment and embarked on the most important trip of the day-visiting the Sword Master.

Kagurami and Yagami Setsuna came over just to tell him this.

Although Guan Junyan complained at the time that he would have just sent you an email, but people who take you to play are just to give you face, so it’s not good to be too demanding.

So Guan had no choice but to pack up as soon as possible and take his daughter out with him – given his daughter’s current condition, he didn’t feel comfortable leaving her alone.

After coaxing, playing, and all kinds of farce along the way, the group finally arrived at their destination.

A cafe called Green House.

In the prosperous city of Tokyo, the location of Tsuiwu can only be regarded as average.

But it feels very comfortable, and you can see the owner’s intentions.

Needless to say, the basic windows are bright and clean. The style is not pretending to be deep cold colors, but warm colors consistent with the word “green”. The interior and exterior of the store are dotted with carefully cultivated flowers and trees. Sitting here for a while, you will be immersed in it.

Before you officially enter the store, you can smell the faint aroma of coffee, which is condensed but not dispersed. Obviously, it is not comparable to the deep roasted beans, but it is a high-quality coffee.

This is even more rare.

These days, capital is crushing and the chain industry is booming. Faced with the quantified business of some well-known brands, it is becoming increasingly difficult for specialty coffee shops to operate. Those that can survive must be unique.

And this unique feature, Yagami Setsuna has just mentioned – cake. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Jade House is not a pure coffee shop, but a cake coffee shop.

You don’t need to enter the door, but you can see a dazzling array of colorful cakes through the glass.

The wide variety and sufficient stocking show the store’s confidence.

And the look and feel of the cake is indeed much better than what I saw before. It’s best not to exaggerate Yagami Setsuna’s words.

My daughter, Sakura, was so stunned that she was lying on the window glass, her eyes shining brightly.

“Delicious, delicious…”

Guan Junyan rubbed his daughter’s head with one hand and greeted the boys and girls waiting at the door of the store with the other hand.

“Sheng Lu, Miss Bingli, I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

“No, no, it’s not time yet, we are too early.”

Nu Liang Lu Sheng walked over naturally, and only halfway there, Guan Junyan suddenly felt a light touch in his hand. His daughter actually dropped the cake in the window and rushed towards Lu Sheng waving her little hand.

“Monster, fight! Monster, kill!”

Lu Sheng paused on the spot, and Bingli rushed over in three steps at a time, protecting her young master behind her, trembling in her mouth.

“Young Master…”

In the eyes of outsiders, this is like a child going crazy, but the boys and girls who inherited the bloodline of the great demon can feel the chill coming to their faces. This child is serious and has the ability to really hurt them.

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