I’ll Quit Being a God Chapter 65: Knife Daughter




The sudden development left the two women who came to visit at a loss.

Iori Setsuna and Kagur Mio couldn’t even look at each other, they just stared blankly at the pink dress lying on Kagur Mio’s chest, as if they were hit by “Theworld”!

Until the pink girl called out again: “Mom”.

Time began to flow again, and the two women finally reacted and could observe carefully.

Hanging on Kagur Mio’s chest was a little girl, about one to two years old in human terms, no more than three years old at most.

The hair is pure black, very long, and stretches to the feet.

The style of the clothes she wears is very unique, like a miko uniform, but much more fancy than a miko uniform. The skirt from the waist down is a beautiful cherry color, and the white top is also decorated with scattered cherry blossoms.

Of course, these are nothing compared to the names the girl called out twice.

“What…she called just now?” Kagura Mio felt that she heard wrongly.

“She called her mother.” Yagami Setsuna felt that she must have heard correctly, “Sister Mio… do you have a child?”

“Do you think it’s possible?” Kagura Mio said expressionlessly.

“Maybe, from a physiological point of view.” Yagami nodded seriously for a moment, “This is a crime.”

“Don’t jump to conclusions casually.” Even with Kagura Mio’s clear mind, it was difficult to maintain composure, “I am still the ‘Sword-Serving Miko’. No new candidates have been born, and I have not lost the qualification to serve the Divine Sword.”

“Yes, but she really looks like you.”

While speaking, the little girl had raised her head and looked at Kagur Mio and Yagami Setsuna curiously.

The two girls were also able to see clearly the girl’s appearance, which was really similar to Kagura Mio’s, especially the eyes and eyebrows that humans have shaped since birth, and they were printed from the same mold.

With one big and one small side by side in the same frame like this, no one would believe it if they said it didn’t matter.

The little girl seemed to have seen enough, and for the third time she called out the title that has extremely sacred meaning for women: “Mom.”

“You got the wrong person. I’m really not your mother.” Kagura Mio quickly denied.

After hearing this answer, the little girl’s big eyes instantly filled with tears, and she cried loudly.

“I’m tired of biting——! Mom, mom, woo woo!”

Because of crying, her pronunciation became messy, and her fleshy hands tightly hugged Kagur Mio’s neck, seeming to declare that she was her mother in this way.

“What should I do…?”

In her seventeen years of life, Kagura Mio had never experienced anything like this before. She was at a loss for a moment and subconsciously looked at her good friend.

“You ask me…I also…”

But Setsuna Yagami has never experienced this kind of thing, but as a ninja, her thinking and adaptability are stronger than Kagura Mio. She quickly stabilizes her emotions and imitates her master’s way of coaxing her and patting her gently. Little girl’s back.

“Cute little girl, what’s your name?”

“…” The girl sniffed and answered intermittently.

“It’s Sakura, it’s such a good name. Sakura, Sakura, tell me, how old are you this year?”

“How old are you?” The girl named Sakura tilted her head, as if she couldn’t understand.

Iori Setsuna did not force it, but changed the question: “Why do you want to call her mother?”

“Because mom is mom, and only with mom can I exist.”

With her attention drawn, Sakura’s crying became much weaker and her answers became more and more fluent.

“Hey~ That’s it.” Yagami Setsuna blinked at Kagura Mio and asked the most crucial question, “Your mother is here, where is your father?”

“Dad? Dad is at home.”

When this topic came up, Sakura finally let go of Kaguramio’s hand and slid off her body.

First he rubbed his eyes vigorously, and then walked towards the door with the same fleshy legs.

While walking, he waved his arms, as if he could maintain his balance in this way, and his swaying look was not as agile as before.

But that effort softened the hearts of the two girls.

Who doesn’t like soft, cute children? As long as it’s not a bear.

The two women looked at each other and followed Sakura into the apartment in small steps, not forgetting to close the door at the end.

It took a minute to cross this medium-sized apartment. Sakura walked into the south-facing room and came to a single bed that was nothing special. Her two small hands held up the big hand that stretched out the quilt. , acting coquettishly as if smelling something.


Then he hugged me with a smile on his face.

At this moment, the atmosphere became weird.

Kagur Mio and Yagami Setsuna looked at each other again.

The former is embarrassing and the latter is dangerous.

Perhaps he didn’t sleep deeply at first, and he was hugged and pressed by Sakura. The man on the bed woke up, opened his sleepy eyes, looked at his arms that were restrained and oppressed, and yawned lazily:

“It’s Sakura, don’t make trouble, let me sleep for a while, and play with Kanesada if you feel bored.”

Ying didn’t let go, but said, “Dad, mom is here.”

“Mom? Where did you come from——”

Halfway through his words, he couldn’t continue because he saw the two girls behind Sakura and couldn’t help but tremble.

“——Why are you here?”

“If I have anything to ask you, Sakura opened the door for us.”

Iori Setsuna reached out and pointed at the little girl who was still clinging to her father, her eyes moving up and down like razors.

“Compared with this, Guan Junyan, why don’t you explain? When did you have a daughter? Why do you look so similar to Sister Mio and why do you call her mom?”

Guan Junyan did not rush to answer Iori Setsuna’s question. He pinched Sakura’s cheek with his other hand and educated him: “Next time, don’t open the door casually. Wake me up first.”

“Because I feel mom, other people definitely don’t.” Sakura squinted her eyes and smiled, her cuteness skyrocketing.

“So the mother you were talking about is…”

Guan Junyan also reacted at this moment and looked at Kagura Mio, who had deep eyes.

“Sorry, I didn’t know this would happen. I apologize if it causes you any trouble.”

“No, since I gave it to you, it is your property.” Kagurami gradually returned to normal, shaking her head with a complicated expression, “I just… didn’t react for a while, mother, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.comWhere’s mom?”

Mama called out twice in succession attracted Ying’s attention. She let go of Guan Junyan’s hand, kicked off the clogs on her feet, stomped on the bed hard, and bounced up in an arc. He pounced on Kagura Mio.

Although Kagura Mio was still a little stunned, she did not think of dodge. She stretched out her hands to catch the daughter who suddenly appeared and looked very similar.

It was obviously a little guy less than one meter in height, but the impact it brought was not light. Of course, this was not a problem for Kagur Mio.

Besides, Sakura was just shocked, and she felt unusually light in her hands.

“Mom~Mom~!” Sakura waved her little hands happily and rubbed her nose against Kagur Mio’s body.

“Yes.” Kagura Mio responded softly.

Although she was small, she did not escape Yagami Setsuna’s eyes. The female ninja’s eyes shone with incredible light and she exclaimed:

“Sister, you…are you admitting it?”

“Admitted it.” Kagur Mio sighed, “Because I know how she came here, haven’t you seen it yet?”

“Why should I see it?” Yagami was confused for a moment.

“Sakura, there is only one Sakura beside me, and you have seen her too.”

“I have also seen…difficulty, could it be——”

The girl who was supposed to have the first reaction speed finally realized belatedly that she could activate the spiritual vision which is almost compulsory in the supernatural world.


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