I, The Female Protagonist With Superpower, Am Super Fierce Chapter 98: The wild wolf on the loose


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Of course Lu Ye had seen Tang Ruidong’s figure a long time ago, scouting the enemy’s situation, checking the surrounding situation at any time, and staying vigilant at all times. This is the basic skill of the all-round soldier king.

In fact, if Lin Haoran hadn’t been so eager for quick success just now, he would have discovered the presence of his teacher Tang Ruidong long ago.

In order to prevent Lin Haoran from distorting the facts, Lu Ye just explained on the spot that it was you, Lin Haoran, who started this matter. Don’t make any trouble afterwards.

Anyway, it’s not like Lin Haoran has never done this kind of little tricks that appear to be one thing but behind the scenes.

But facing the leader, Lu Ye would certainly not admit this little trick.

He immediately changed the subject and looked at Gu Yan, who was practicing shooting. His tone was full of pride and pride, “Commander, look at the soldiers I led. Comrade Gu Yan just moved the target and almost hit the target with perfect accuracy. This is Material for being a sniper!”

“It’s a very good seedling, but you shouldn’t have brought it out, right?” Tang Ruidong ruthlessly exposed Lu Ye’s words, but did not pursue what happened just now.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye knows that it was Lin Haoran who proposed the competition just now, and it was he who failed in the end.

Presumably Lin Haoran himself did not expect the outcome of failure.

This is why Tang Ruidong just told Lin Haoran to go to his office later.

In terms of military ability, Lin Haoran and Lu Ye are both very good. One is a strategist in everything, and the other is as hardworking as a wolf in everything.

But equally, both people have shortcomings.

Lin Haoran sometimes thinks too much and hides everything deeply.

As for Lu Ye…the wild wolf on the run will always make some decisions unexpectedly.

It makes the leaders worried.

After sorting out his thoughts, Tang Ruidong looked at the female soldier who was practicing shooting with approval, nodded, and said, “This Gu Yan is really good. Let me talk to Li Haili sometime.”

Lu Ye smiled slightly, squinting his eyes, feeling happy in his heart.

Little Angel wants to take the college entrance examination in her senior year of high school next year. Due to her excellent personal abilities, she has been appreciated by her teacher. Coupled with the attention of her team leader Li Haili, it must be easy to get that letter of introduction.

After that, it depends on her relying on her own efforts to pass the qualification exam.

In fact, Lu Ye himself could also help Gu Yan, but he knew that the little angel wanted to rely on his own efforts to achieve his goal step by step.

She didn’t want to take any shortcuts through him.

Such a stubborn and strong little girl made Lu Ye feel even more distressed, but also admired her even more.

He found that the longer they knew each other, the little angel would always give him some unexpected surprises, making his eyes unable to help but linger on her again and again, obsessed with her.

After Tang Ruidong encouraged everyone, he turned and left. The target practice quickly came to an end.

Everyone performed well today. Lu Ye waved his hand and told everyone to disperse and rest. However, those who needed to be punished for running laps in the evening still needed to run under the supervision of the deputy instructor.

As for him, his eyes wandered in Gu Yan’s direction without any trace, then turned around, put his hands in his pockets, and left slowly.

As soon as the mainland demon king left, the female soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, and the next moment they became active.

Today I slapped the swans in the medical department hard. It was the first time that the female soldiers in the logistics department were so proud. Everyone was very excited.

The female soldiers surrounded Gu Yan and Guo Rou and walked to the canteen together.

Lin Xiaoyu followed with an ugly expression, and she was full of grievances because Guo Rou didn’t ask her to go with her for the first time.

Zhang Cuihua’s eyes purred a few times, then she immediately came up and said, “Lin Xiaoyu, let’s go to the cafeteria to eat together.”


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