I, The Female Protagonist With Superpower, Am Super Fierce Chapter 744: Beauty saves hero


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The person who spoke was none other than Zhang Lifeng.

She had preconceived ideas and had always had a bad impression of Gu Yan. Just when she asked several team leaders about the rescue situation this afternoon, Zhang Lifeng specifically asked Li Tao how Gu Yan was doing.

Li Tao praised Gu Yan very excitedly at that time. In fact, this was true. If Zhang Lifeng had been present at that time, he would have known that what Li Tao said was true.

But Zhang Lifeng didn’t believe Li Tao’s words at all, and asked directly, are you praising Gu Yan so much because she is good-looking?

At that time, the honest man Li Tao became a big red face.

Zhang Lifeng was in a irritable mood. She called Gu Yan a goblin in her heart and made all her male classmates dizzy. When she returned to Datongpu to rest, she saw the scene just now.

She was unhappy with Gu Yan, so she came up directly and said why Gu Yan was bullying others.

When Gu Yan saw that it was her, she was not in a hurry, but said with a smile, “Senior Zhang, I am not bullying anyone. If you don’t believe me, ask her, have I bullied her?”

After saying this, Gu Yan turned to Song Yaqin, smiled, and said with a particularly good attitude, “Song Yaqin, this is a senior from our school, please talk to her.”

She’s just a senior, so Song Yaqin, take it easy.

If it was Gu Yan’s teacher, Song Yaqin would definitely want to take the opportunity to add insult to injury and make a small report to embarrass Gu Yan.

However, if this is just a senior senior sister…

That can’t control Gu Yan at all.

When Song Yaqin thought that she would stay here all night, what would she do if she really offended Gu Yan and beat herself up? !

Song Yaqin’s nose still hurts from the fall last night.

So she sniffed and said, “Are you kidding? Someone is bullying someone. We are old acquaintances, so we just chatted.”

Zhang Lifeng asked suspiciously, “Real or false?”

“Really.” Song Yaqin gritted her teeth and nodded.

After saying this, Song Yaqin was really worried about what Gu Yan would say and immediately said, “I’m going to find a bunk,” and then left in despair.

Zhang Lifeng was a little confused. Could it be that she had really seen it wrong just now.

At this time, Gu Yan ignored her, turned around and walked back.

Because Guo Rou is back, she still has a band-aid on her face, looking a little embarrassed.

Gu Yan quickly asked, “Guo Rou, what’s wrong? What happened this afternoon?”

“There was nothing wrong at first. In the area where our team was responsible, there was a disaster victim who was emotionally unstable and suddenly got violent and beat someone. Lu Xiaodong was directly pressed under him by that person. Later I went to help, but I accidentally scratched my face.”

Things that may seem serious to others are downplayed by Guo Rou.

Gu Yan was stunned, “You are a beauty saving a hero, so why do you look like this?”

“What’s so beautiful? Just Lu Xiaodong’s skinny arms and legs. Hey, I’m not depressed because of this incident, but…” She paused, then raised her head, and found that Zhang Lifeng was actually standing there. next to them.

Gu Yan also discovered it.

She raised her eyebrows, “Senior Zhang, if you want to know about Lu Xiaodong, why don’t you ask him directly. After all, you have known each other for so many years, haven’t you?”

“I don’t want to hear about Lu Xiaodong’s situation!”

“Oh, I thought you had known each other for many years and you cared about him very much. But that’s right. He was beaten this afternoon and you didn’t even go to express condolences to him. It shows that your relationship is really not good.”

After listening to Gu Yan’s words, Zhang Lifeng couldn’t stand at all. She snorted, turned around and left, but she walked faster and faster, and finally walked out of the temporary Datong shop.

Guo Rou was curious, “What’s wrong with her?”


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