I, The Female Protagonist With Superpower, Am Super Fierce Chapter 742: It’s inappropriate to call me aunt


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Everyone was a little confused by such a turn of events.

Xie Luan sharply saw the blood on the hem of Bai Weiyang’s blue skirt, and immediately shouted, “Blood! There is blood on her skirt!”

Bai Weiyang closed her eyes and had only one thought in her mind before she passed out.

That’s why things are different from what she thought…

Gu Yan didn’t know what was happening in the provincial capital. She had finished her day’s rescue work and returned to her temporary residence with her classmates.

Sun Moran was completely stunned by Gu Yan. She could not understand that a freshman who had just entered school and had not attended classes for a day, not only had skilled first-aid skills, but also dealt with any medical problems. Gotta be organized.

One of the injured patients looked fine, but after Gu Yan checked the man’s pulse, he concluded that there was a serious problem with the man’s lungs and that he must be transferred as soon as possible.

Sun Moran couldn’t hold it back at that time and said that you are so powerful, as if it was true.

Gu Yan ignored Sun Moran. She had used her powers to diagnose and treat this person. If he was not transferred to a large hospital for treatment, he would get pneumonia, which is extremely contagious.

Once this person gets contagious pneumonia, the entire temporary resting place for disaster victims will suffer.

Later, at Gu Yan’s insistence, Li Tao contacted relevant personnel and transferred the patient. Two hours later, he received a phone call saying that the patient was indeed about to develop pneumonia.

Suddenly, not to mention Sun Moran, everyone began to admire Gu Yan.

Back at Datongpu, Sun Muran had already walked around Gu Yan.

Guo Rou hasn’t come back yet. Gu Yan has changed her clothes, washed herself, and is sitting there to rest.

She was thinking about the news she got from the victims today.

Comparatively, she believed that Lu Ye might be among the three people who saved the little boy before.

Currently, the troops are still fighting in the flood-stricken areas. Most of them are busy evacuating people from key disaster-stricken areas, and some are guarding several important reservoirs in Xiangcheng.

Once there is a problem with the reservoir, everyone may have to continue to evacuate.

On the other hand, some special forces began to disperse to some mountain villages isolated by floods. Although there were only one or two hundred people in those mountain villages, they were all lives after all.

In the face of danger, our party will do its best to save every people’s life.

“Aye, you must be safe…” Gu Yan murmured to herself

“What the hell, what a **** weather!” A woman’s voice suddenly rang.

And this woman had already placed the things next to Gu Yan, which was Guo Rou’s bed.

She sat on it and crossed her legs.

The woman is wearing perfume and wearing high heels.

Clearly dressed.

But she looked a little haggard and embarrassed. She seemed to have caught a cold, and then sneezed.

Gu Yan looked at this woman, raised her lips slightly, and said with a smile, “What a coincidence, Song Yaqin.”

Song Yaqin, who was looking for a handkerchief everywhere, suddenly froze.

She raised her head in shock, looking at Gu Yan who was very close at hand, and her whole body trembled subconsciously.

“Gu, Gu…”

Gu Yan’s back was turned to this side just now, and she had changed into camouflage uniforms. All the girls from the National Defense University in this room were wearing camouflage uniforms, so Song Yaqin didn’t notice her.

Gu Yan looked at Song Yaqin’s appearance, nodded with satisfaction, and then said seriously, “Song Yaqin, how much older are you than me, isn’t it appropriate to call me aunt?”


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