I, The Female Protagonist With Superpower, Am Super Fierce Chapter 2509: Wishful life


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Fortunately, Xiaoyan is fine.

We were finally away from that group of tough sea creatures, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone gathered around Gu Yan, asking for help.

Guo Rou asked curiously, “Gu Yan, you are so awesome, you actually jumped out of the sea on a big bird! But by the way, how could that bird jump out of the sea?”

“The animals here are different from the animals we know, and there are signs of atavism. The bird can also stay on the bottom of the sea for a period of time. It took advantage of the big octopus to be seriously injured, and then took advantage of it to get sick. It’s dead. There are too many animals in the sea. After I broke free from the shackles of the big octopus, it was not easy to leave, so I took advantage of the moment when this big bird came down and took a ride. ”

Miao Xiaoyu was standing next to him, smiling with his arms folded, “Gu Yan, you are such a great free rider.”

Gu Yan smiled and looked back at the sea where they were left behind.

The sea eagle was probably very angry, but it was seriously injured and had to be wary of other creatures taking advantage of this moment.

Just like what it did to the big octopus just now.

Gu Yan squinted her eyes slightly.

At any time, the Seahawks who have developed some intelligence cannot be taken lightly, let alone make such a fatal mistake at this time.

However, they still have to seize this opportunity and escape quickly.

Because once the Seahawks recover, the outcome will be uncertain.

After finally escaping, the sun had slowly slid down to the sea level, spreading its golden light all over the sea.

Occasionally, there will be some seabirds flying over, but they all fly very high, and having learned from the past, Gu Yan and others are always paying attention to the surrounding situation.

At this time, Liu Xingyun slowly walked to Gu Yan’s side, and his broken hair was gently blown by the sea breeze.

“Xiaoyan, if you look back at this time, maybe…”

“I won’t look back.” Gu Yan looked at the rough sea quietly. She turned her head with a smile on her face, “Boss Liu, I like my life now very much.”

Wilful and flamboyant.

Do whatever you want.

No need to act like you did in your previous life, making one wrong step and one wrong step after another.

No need to be afraid anymore.

Even though there will be many dangers, she is still willing to do it!

Liu Xingyun looked at Gu Yan’s firm eyes, he smiled warmly, and then immediately took out something from his pocket.

He handed this thing into Gu Yan’s hand.

Gu Yan looked at the thing in her palm and raised her head in surprise, “Boss Liu, this is…”

“You still remember what I said about Lu Ye’s life and death, right?”

“I remember! But you also said that he is still alive!”

Liu Xingyun nodded slightly, “Lu Ye is indeed still alive at this time, but your danger is far less than this. Xiaoyan, you no longer have a small jade pendant. If it is the last resort, this bodhi seed , can help you.”

The thing in Liu Xingyun’s hand must be a good thing.

It’s just…

Gu Yan shook her head and said, “Boss Liu, you said that you are already an ordinary person like me. You should keep this Bodhi seed for use. Although, I don’t know that you want to find that mysterious place What to do, but it’s definitely dangerous.”

Looking at Liu Xingyun’s increasingly younger face, Gu Yan’s brows furrowed tightly.

At this time, Liu Xingyun looked to be eighteen or nineteen years old at most.

“When you get married, I haven’t given you a gift yet. This bodhi seed can be regarded as my wedding gift to you.” Liu Xingyun gently but decisively pushed the bodhi seed back to Gu Yan’s side. in hand.


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