I, The Female Protagonist With Superpower, Am Super Fierce Chapter 2137: Oriental beauty


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The man speaking is Ron, the son of the jeweler who was let go by Gu Yan yesterday. He is also the rich second generation that Gu Yan met in the bar.

Now that the dust has settled and France was elected, all forces in country M naturally have to express their opinions.

On this occasion today, all the big shots are here.

Whether it is the business world, the entertainment industry, or…

Okay, Gu Yan raised her head and saw Guan Yujue.

I don’t know if he felt Gu Yan’s gaze, so Guan Yujue turned his head slightly, just in time to meet Gu Yan’s gaze in mid-air.

But the next moment, Gu Yan blinked, and the other party turned his head away.

Gu Yan felt that she seemed to be disliked.

But this is a good thing. She doesn’t want Guan Yujue to think of her. She just hopes that Guan Yujue will be fine and smooth in the future.

The man standing next to Guan Yujue was a white man in his fifties. He followed Guan Yujue’s line of sight and looked over and smiled, “She is an Oriental beauty.”

Guan Yujue frowned and turned around and said, “Mr. Moss, you have been married four times, so stop harming other women.”

“Hahaha, Jue, your mood fluctuates a bit. Why, do you like that oriental beauty very much?”


Moss raised his head again, watched Gu Yan leave, and then said, “Jue, your current state is not very stable, but don’t force yourself too much. I also told you before that if the last two personalities It’s really impossible to integrate, and maybe we will separate again, but you don’t have to worry, just let it take its course.”

“I know.”

Guan Yujue picked up the wine glass and drank the red wine in one gulp.

He still remembered that when he woke up, he was confused for a long time. Later, under the persuasion of his aunt, he decided to go abroad for development.

All domestic matters were left to my aunt and Tan Jiang to handle.

Guan Yujue knew that his aunt and Tan Jiang wanted him to start a new life in a new place.

Before, Guan Yujue thought that it was due to his dual personality and that he had done something unavoidable, so he did not investigate the past. Instead, he filmed movies abroad and developed his business.

But gradually, he discovered that this was not the case.

He seems to have forgotten something.

Very important thing.

So Guan Yujue found someone to help him forcibly combine his two personalities into one. He thought that in this way he could become his original self.

But…it doesn’t seem to be the case.

Thinking of this, indescribable pain flashed through Guan Yujue’s dark eyes.


Gu Yan has already met Francie, who is very concerned about Gu Yan’s health.

After seeing that Gu Yan looked good, he felt relieved, and then said, “Next, I will give you a big holiday. You have a good rest. When you are ready, you can just report back.”

Because Gu Yan was about to go on a mission with Lucifer and needed a vacation, she did not refuse and nodded.

Lian next to him pushed up his glasses and said enviously, “Hey, I really want to take a vacation too.”

Francie smiled and said, “Then I’ll give you half a year’s vacation too?”

Um, if I’m off for half a year, isn’t that just like being fired?

Here, Ryan immediately said seriously, “That won’t work. After you take office, you still have a lot of things to do. I have to stay here and devote myself to you until I die!”


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