I, The Female Protagonist With Superpower, Am Super Fierce Chapter 2134: I misunderstood that you fell in love with me


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Gu Yan turned around and suddenly smiled, “Lucifer, I find that you are not like the leader of a mercenary group, but more like a patriarch. Look, you have to take care of the love affairs of the members of the group. Now I have to take care of my pregnancy. Tsk, before I came here, Miao Xiaoyu didn’t say that this group is like this. She did say that Yin is the most free and casual mercenary group. Everyone can do whatever they want. to do what you like.”

Lucifer lowered his eyes, “Do you want me to investigate who that man is?”

“Lucifer, don’t speak in this tone, because you will make me misunderstand,” Gu Yan interrupted Lucifer. She didn’t want this inscrutable man to shift his attention to Aye. go!

“What’s the misunderstanding?” Lucifer’s voice was still calm and gentle.

But just because of this, he doesn’t take anything seriously. This kind of person is the most terrifying.

Gu Yan held the vegetable cutting knife tightly, but the corner of her mouth raised a charming and sarcastic arc.

She said, “I will misunderstand that you fell in love with me.”


He raised his eyes, and there was a whirlpool in his eyes that made people indulge, “Maybe, it’s not a misunderstanding.”

“It can only be a misunderstanding.”

Gu Yan didn’t care either. She started washing and chopping vegetables very calmly. She cut the frozen beef into cubes and put them into the pot together with the tomato cubes.

She said, “Because you are a very rational person with very strong self-control. Even if you have the unique romance of people from F country, your love is different from what we think of.”

Gu Yan turned her head and smiled slightly, “Did you feel bored because you haven’t had anything to do recently, and then you suddenly found me interesting, so you became interested?”

The people inside Yin do things without any rules and are very casual.

This is the news Gu Yan got before coming here.

Since he is very casual and willful in everything, then it is even more natural when it comes to relationships between men and women.

What’s more, here in M ​​country, it is very open. Sometimes young men and women who like each other can be obsessed with each other and become inseparable one night, and then go their separate ways tomorrow and never interact with each other until they die.

So, it is reasonable for Lucifer to be interested in Gu Yan.

But it’s obvious that this interest is really just a whim.

Don’t expect a person who is super rational and self-controlled to fall in love with another person in a short period of time.

Even if you fall in love with her, you won’t want to stay with her for a long time.

That kind of short-lived love like fireworks is not what Gu Yan wants.

What she wants is long-term companionship.

Chinese people are somewhat conservative when it comes to men and women.


Lucifer frowned, “Why can other men do it but not me?”

He was referring to the fact that not long ago, Gu Yan was very close to the man she met on the desert island, and something more intimate should have happened between the two of them.

And…the child in Gu Yan’s belly at this time.

Because of the subtle time difference that others misunderstood, everyone including Lucifer believed that Gu Yan was dating more than just one man.

Gu Yan just finished cooking a plate of vegetables. She tasted it and was very satisfied with the taste.

Taking the dishes and turning around, Gu Yan smiled at Lucifer, “Because you are full of poison.”

Lucifer’s expression remained unchanged.

But she knew in her heart that this woman did it on purpose. She wanted to use these words to make herself angry.

After all, the weird poison in his body has already caused him to miss love once.

Lucifer lowered his eyes slightly, and the next moment, a charming smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Hurry up and cook, I’m hungry.”

Gu Yan:……


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