I, The Female Protagonist With Superpower, Am Super Fierce Chapter 1456: Secret smile


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“Gu Yan, what are you going to do!?” Feng Nana prides herself on being very righteous, and she wants to reveal Gu Yan’s ugly true face!

A-Yuan will never like such a cruel, ruthless, and selfish Gu Yan again!

Gu Yan, who was running wildly in the night, turned around and looked at Feng Nana chasing behind him, with a mysterious smile on her lips.

It’s a pity that Feng Nana is still living in the great image she has conceived. She thinks that she has finally caught Gu Yan’s shortcomings this time. When she chases after him and sees what Gu Yan is going to do, she will definitely be able to do it completely this time. Let Gu Yan stumble.

Gu Yan ran wildly while squinting her eyes.

Thirty-five seconds left.

Although it was late at night, there was snow everywhere, the moonlight reflected, and there was a faint silver color everywhere.

So Gu Yan has a very good field of vision, and she also knows exactly where to run.

Because before coming to the snow mountain, there is a cliff on the other side of the mountainside.

The valley below is deep and steep.

Although it will still cause avalanches, there is not much snow on this side of the mountain due to the wind direction. The avalanche caused by that time will not be very large, and it will not affect the checkpoint.

“Gu Yan, stop! Do you think you want to escape after doing such a vicious thing? Your comrades will cover you, but I won’t!” Feng Nana was still shouting there.

Gu Yan ignored her.

Feng Nana’s speed naturally couldn’t catch up with Gu Yan, but she thought this was the only chance to reveal Gu Yan’s true face, so she refused to give up.

It was windy at night and even colder.

But the two of them were running and chasing each other.

Gu Yan clenched the things in her hands.

Twelve seconds left!

With the deep cliff in front of him, Gu Yan took a step forward and threw the bomb in his hand.

The next moment, she turned around and ran back.

Feng Nana was actually about to lose her physical strength. She didn’t expect that Gu Yan would run back. Even after Gu Yan passed her, she still paused for a few seconds.


Feng Nana felt that she had been deeply played by Gu Yan.

When she was about to scold Gu Yan with her hands on her hips, suddenly there was a loud sound behind her!

It exploded!

Although the explosive was thrown down by Gu Yan, before it reached the cliff, there was a huge explosion, lifting up the surrounding snow.

However, the sentry station located upstream did not have much of a problem, except that the snow on the trees nearby was shaken down.

If the ones affected were Gu Yan and Feng Nana who were closest to the explosion site.

Fortunately for Gu Yan, she had already run further than Feng Nana, and at the moment of the explosion, she hid behind a big rock very quickly.

So she wasn’t hurt at all.

But Feng Nana was much more miserable. She was buried mostly in the snow, and then struggled to crawl out.

Unfortunately, there was too much snow and I couldn’t move for a while.

What’s more, Feng Nana was timid to begin with, but just when she was struggling to crawl out of the snow nest…a grizzly bear came.

Normally speaking, grizzly bears will not run out at this time and must be hibernating in their dens.

But by chance, there really was a grizzly bear with a special personality like Guo Rou mentioned before. Because he was too hungry, he crawled out of the hole in advance to look for food.

As a result, this bear was also unlucky and happened to catch the big explosion.

Small-scale landslides occurred in the snow within this local area.

Not only buried a large part of Feng Nana, but also buried the bear.

Coincidentally, it was not far from Feng Nana.


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