I, The Female Protagonist With Superpower, Am Super Fierce Chapter 1232: Amazing female soldiers


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While carrying the weight on their backs, all the male soldiers looked at Gu Yan and Guo Rou.

I saw two beautiful female soldiers. Without saying a word, they shouldered their burdens and immediately ran away.

Wang Lintao was so angry that he roared, “You are all watching a game! They have all run away. Are you planning to give full play to the spirit of ladies first?!”

A group of new recruits trembled in response to the roar, immediately put their weights on their backs, and started running wildly.

Five kilometers, that’s a long way.

At the speed of ordinary people, it takes seven or eight minutes to run one kilometer, which takes at least thirty or forty minutes.

Not to mention, Gu Yan and the others still have a heavy load to bear.

At this time, it is time to really exercise physical strength and perseverance. Naturally, Gu Yan will not be able to use the power of the little jade pendant.

Fortunately, she has been exercising diligently during this period, and her physical fitness has been greatly improved by Xiao Yupei, so she can run with ease.

As for Guo Rou, Gong Sunyu’s physical training some time ago was very effective.

Although Gu Yan and Guo Rou did not run at the front, they were always in the middle of the team. In the end, it took them thirty-two minutes to reach the finish line.

Using Wang Lintao’s calculation method, Gu Yan and Guo Rou’s results this time were in the central zone.

The hair of both girls was wet with sweat, but they both touched the sweat, and neither of them was pretentious.

Gu Yan said to Guo Rou, “The speed of the two of us is not good enough. The entry score is twenty-five minutes.”

“Well, we can practice again later when we find time!”

Gu Yan nodded, that was exactly what she meant.

Wang Lintao, who was waiting to pour cold water on Gu Yan and the others, looked at the results of these two girls and snorted, “The physical strength is actually pretty good.”

The platoon leader next to him held his forehead helplessly.

This is not bad, it is very good.

Batalion Commander, didn’t you see that there are more than 40 male soldiers who have not reached the finish line?

Immediately afterwards, the second item started, with two hundred bodies moving upward.

This area mainly tests arm strength and abdominal strength, which have always been the shortcomings of female soldiers. Wang Lintao looked at the slender arms of the two female soldiers and sneered.

Two hundred…the number is really quite a lot, they should make twenty at most!

Gu Yan and Guo Rou encouraged each other, and then they came to the horizontal bar and started testing.

Gu Yan whispered, “Haste makes waste, pay attention to the rhythm.”


At this time, a few male soldiers with particularly good physical fitness had completed 200 body lifts. They were not in a hurry to move on to the next task and gathered around them one after another.

Female soldiers, two hundred bodies upward.

No matter how you look at it, this is a very difficult task to complete.

Many people gathered around, and even Wang Lintao, who was always paying attention to the testing situation of Gu Yan and Guo Rou, stood in the crowd.

The statistician is working diligently there.

Ten, twenty, thirty…

Both Gu Yan and Guo Rou had the same rhythm, and there was a kind of mutual encouragement. Even so, after a hundred, the two girls still slowed down.

Now there are about ten male soldiers who have completed the body upwards, but most of them are still struggling with the body upwards.

The male soldiers were a little bit intolerant.

“It’s already amazing to be able to do a hundred.”

“Yes, I just finished this and my arms were cramped. It was the result of regular exercise. These two female soldiers are amazing.”

“Yes, the results of the two of them in the weight-bearing run just now were still in the middle and upper reaches, which is indeed remarkable.”

Everyone’s initial views were more or less the same as Wang Lintao’s. They felt that the two female soldiers were too delicate. Even if they persisted in such a high-intensity test, let alone pass it, they might not be able to persist.

The results of the two female soldiers exceeded everyone’s expectations.


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