I, The Female Protagonist With Superpower, Am Super Fierce Chapter 1155: It’s easy to invite God but hard to send away


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Alang’s heart was beating very fast at this time.

He understands Lei Qing’s cruelty better than anyone else!

A Fang and Xiao Baozi will be in more danger if they stay in Lei Qing’s hands for one more minute.

And the blood stains inside the house…

Alang no longer dared to think too much.

He would rather be cut into pieces than see A Fang or Xiao Baozi get hurt at all!

There are some secret codes when conveying information among the Helllight mercenaries.

So, when he saw the symbols carved by the knife on the table, he knew that Lei Qing was here and brought Afang and Xiao Baozi to a boat!

Lei Qing will definitely not go to the big pier, after all, there are many people there.

The place Lei Qing will go must be the kind of sparsely populated… abandoned dock!

Alang grew up in the South Island as a child, so he naturally knew where the abandoned pier was.

He felt that he was running too slowly, so he quickly picked up a bicycle that had fallen on the ground from the side and jumped on it immediately.

“Hey, hey, why are you riding my car!” a man shouted.

“Lend me your car!” Alang shouted in the local dialect, then pedaled away quickly on his bicycle.

Gu Yan and Lu Ye followed closely behind.

In fact, the two of them followed closely, but for some reason, Alang never looked back.

Now seeing Alang riding a bicycle, the speed has increased a lot, Gu Yan and Lu Ye looked at each other.


The two people walked to the side and borrowed bicycles from the islanders next to them.

At first, the islanders didn’t agree, which was reasonable. After all, they didn’t know them.

The islander also said to Gu Yan, “Mei, although you are very handsome, this car is too expensive. We…”

Lu Ye directly took out two hundred yuan for the islanders.


Five minutes later, Lu Ye was riding the bicycle and Gu Yan was sitting on the crossbar in front. The two of them continued to chase A Lang.

However, because of the delay, they were far behind Alang.

But fortunately, there are not many roads here, and there are also few branch roads. If Gu Yan and Lu Ye keep chasing, they should not lose them.

But while the two were riding their bicycles quickly, Gu Yan said to Lu Ye, “Aye, do you think Alang led us there on purpose?”

“It’s possible,” Lu Ye also thought of this.

He continued, “Either he is still with Lei Qing, the arrest of his wife and son is false, and he deliberately led us into a trap. Or, he knows that he cannot do it alone. He can deal with Lei Qing, so he wants to lead us there. After all, if we see his wife and son in danger, we will definitely lend a helping hand.”

In any case, Ah Fang and Xiao Baozi are innocent.

Gu Yan nodded, “I think it’s the latter.”

Those who can be mercenaries are definitely not the kind of street gangsters.

So this Alang may not look rough, but he is very thoughtful.

The reason why Gu Yan guessed the second possibility was not because he thought that Alang was a good person… After all, the mercenary who had been in Helllight for a long time must have had the blood of innocent people on his hands.

However… even if this Alang has killed someone and is not a good person in the actual sense, his feelings for his wife and children must be true.

Perhaps, it was for the sake of his wife and children that he decided to wash his hands and never return to his old career.

It’s just…

Some things are easier to climb than to descend.

It is easy to invite God but difficult to send away.

Alang wants to quit and withdraw from the light of **** for the sake of his wife and son. Will Lei Qing agree?



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