I Cultivate Passively Chapter 656: Dojo Fragments


   In the face of Zhou Feng’s rude remarks, Guan Kong still maintained a calm expression.

  Because he used to be like this, he was forcibly detained in this ghost place by the last bald donkey.

   He was so impulsive and ignorant at that time.

   I thought that my talent was enough to settle everything, but in Zhongzhou, there is no shortage of talent.

   The so-called chance encounters are all giant pits.

   “Junior Brother~~ This inheritance of King Ming is handed over to you, and this ancient temple of ten thousand years is also handed over to you”

  Guang Kong took a step forward, his spiritual energy surged, and the bell in the ancient temple rang.

   An Arhat Buddha rose up, constantly reciting Buddhist scriptures.

   Countless diamond chains locked Zhou Feng, this is Guan Kong’s forcibly handing over the inheritance of King Ming.

   As long as he gets rid of this Ming Wang inheritance, Guan Kong can leave this ghost place and regain his freedom.

   If you miss this opportunity, I’m afraid I don’t know how long it will take.

   To this end, Guan Kong spewed out a mouthful of blood essence, forcibly driving the wishing power in the ancient temple.

  The vast Buddha’s power and vows once again converged into a torrent, and a demon-subduing vajra was also forcibly shoved into Zhou Feng’s hands.


   Along with Guan Kong’s roar, the entanglement of cause and effect was slightly loosened.

   noticed that the cause and effect on his body was slightly loosened, and Guan Kong escaped at the fastest speed.

   In Zhou Feng’s perception, the aura of Guan Kong suddenly weakened to the extreme.

   If the previous atmosphere of watching the air was like a bright sun, then now is the yellow flower of yesterday, and it is sluggish for a moment.


   Zhou Feng couldn’t figure out why the so-called inheritance of King Ming was so terrifying. Looking at the sky was like throwing away a hot potato, even if he paid a huge price to do it.

   And he has nothing to do, after all, the realm of viewing the sky is still above him.

  Although he can guarantee immortality when facing Guan Kong, he cannot refuse such a forced inheritance.

   A white lotus appeared on Zhou Feng’s forehead.

   directly overlaps with the previous Buddhist seal of the old monk Bodhi.

   These two marks represent two lineages, all of which are now inherited by him.

  The two forces began to entangle with each other. They were clearly inherited from the Buddha, but at this time, the two forces seemed to be incompatible.

  The violent conflict began in his flesh.

   This is not the biggest headache for Zhou Feng.

   The thing that gave him the most headache was the abnormality of the surrounding world.

  The phantoms of various Buddhas and Bodhisattvas seem to be constantly returning to their positions, and the power of Buddha’s light and vows is transformed into a cassock and draped over his body.

   Zhou Feng was under tremendous pressure immediately, and these Buddhist auras constantly suppressed his physical body.

   From this moment on, the ancient temple of ten thousand years called Kongshan Temple has been completely inherited by him.

   There are countless Buddhist Taoist treasures, treasures of wishing power, and attached spiritual grounds all belonging to him.

   But correspondingly, Zhou Feng needs to bear the rise and fall of this ancient temple.

   Responsibilities and obligations are always together.

  Since Zhou Feng inherited Kongshan Temple, he needs to maintain the interests of Kongshan Temple and have some responsibilities.

   This is the dojo of Mahayana Buddhism, and it is also an asset of Mahayana Buddhism, and Zhou Feng, the new host, is the manager of this dojo.

  ”what the hell”

   His brows were even more restrained, and the cassock of willpower on his body was pressing down on him.

   inexplicably became the host of this ancient temple?

  ”It’s done!”

   Guan Kong, who was thousands of miles away, only felt that his soul suddenly loosened, and the heavy shackles were shattered.

   An uncontrollable ecstasy immediately emerged from Kan Kong’s face.

   That person can really endure the inheritance of King Ming, and he deserves to be the person favored by the Bodhi monks.

   This time he was right.

  Speaking of which, Guan Kong is not the first time he has forcibly handed the inheritance of King Ming to others.

   As early as I don’t know how many years ago, he began to try to pass this damned King Ming inheritance to others.

   However, there are not many people who can bear the inheritance of King Ming, and I don’t know how many people are crushed into pieces by the inheritance of King Ming.

   I didn’t expect it to be a success this time.

   Get out of this ghost place! Gotta get out of this hellish place.

   At this time, there is only one thought in Guan Kong’s mind, that is, to quickly leave this ghost place and go to the road to the center.

  Only in that place, you don’t need to worry about losing your chance all the time.

   Thinking of this, the spirit of Guan Kong relaxed slightly.

   In the next second, a cloud of black smoke covered the sky, and scarlet eyes appeared above the nine heavens.


   screamed, Guan Kong’s body was pierced by a huge claw.

   On the other hand, Zhou Feng has completely digested the specific information in King Ming’s inheritance.

  ”Dojo. There is such a thing”

   This so-called Kongshan Temple is actually a fragment of an ancient Buddha’s dojo.

   The so-called dojo is actually something that will definitely appear after the cultivation base reaches a certain level.

   Throughout the journey of cultivation, from the body to the soul, mortals become non-humans, and the power that can be controlled becomes more and more exaggerated.

   But starting to understand the rules of the Great Dao, monks seem to be able to only borrow the power of heaven and earth to use the rules of the Great Dao.

  Although only with the help of the power of heaven and earth, he can accomplish the feat of moving mountains and seas.

   But that’s not enough for the mighty, they need to control even more powerful forces.

   It is best to fully control the power in your own hands, without resorting to the rules of the Dao.

   The so-called supernatural powers are only displayed by means of the rules of the Great Dao, and they need to get rid of the rules of heaven and earth.

   So condensing the dojo, reversing yin and yang within a certain range, changing death to life, and replacing the rules of heaven and earth with their own rules have become the best method.

   This is the realm above the fairyland, and Zhou Feng can’t understand more information.

   But one thing is certain, these condensed dojos are like independent spaces.

   Even the owner of the dojo has fallen and can survive.

   Now the Kongshan Temple inherited by Zhou Feng is a fragment of the Buddha’s temple that has fallen.

  It’s unique inside~IndoMTL.com~ can also connect to other places.

   What he needs to do now is to stably harvest the incense and wishing power of the small world inside Kongshan Temple, and at the same time resist the erosion of the nearby demon clan.

   simply means all kinds of dirty work.

  ”And it’s not enough if you don’t do it.”

   Zhou Feng already felt that the cassock on his body was getting heavier and heavier.

   This is simply forcing him to 996, and he doesn’t even have a chance to refuse.

   After thinking about it, he chose to rot.

   The whole person sat on the ground, and Zhou Feng wanted to see if the so-called inheritance of King Ming could force him to work.

  ”Just in time to see the new passive”

   When he chose to rot, he opened the skill panel and found that the progress bar was full.

   Heaven and Earth can’t stop him from extracting new passive skills.



   After a while, a brand new passive skill appeared in front of him.


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