Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 958: Young and ignorant Lu Yiye


Latest website: Although Xiao Xinghe has the heels of the Jade Blood Sect, he is now a disciple of the Qingdi City after all. big?

If Lu Yi-ye can be brought to Jinglan Lake Pass, then life or death is not entirely a matter of Liu Yuemei’s thoughts?

She only experienced the pain of losing her child. Although she killed that Li Taibai with her own hands, the anger and grief in her heart were hard to vent. At this time, Lu Ye

How could she have no idea when it breaks into her sight?

This is the reason why Lu Ye came here in person, knowing that things would become very complicated when he came here in person.

He is a bait, a bait that attracts Liu Yuemei!

” I’m afraid that I’m going to live up to the love of Lord Liu Ai. I’m now serving as an official in the Law Department. This is also the first time I’ve performed official duties. This errand was not done well,

I have no face to face the boss, how can I vote for someone else at this time “You really want to do a good job?”

Nature. “

“Okay!” Liu Yuemei shouted softly, “I thought about it for a while, you are here with a warrant from the Secretary of Gan, and I can’t help but give you the face of the Secretary of Gan. You want to do it well. If you are on an errand, then the sect master will give you a chance, whether you can grasp it or not depends on your own ability!”

Lu Ye raised his brows: “Really?”

Liu Yuemei sneered softly: “Although this lord is a female, he has always kept his word, how could he lie to you.

Lu Ye showed a look of vigilance and asked cautiously: “But I don’t know what Liu Ai’s main job is?”

Liu Yuemei smiled softly: “I have heard that the Jade Blood Sect Lu-Ye Jian killed the enemy by leaping the steps, and it’s not a step in the ordinary sense, but it’s a pity that I can’t see it with my own eyes…

Lu Ye showed a sudden look: “Master Liu Ai wants me to discuss with others?”

“If you win, Xiao Xinghe will take you away, but if you lose, you have to stay and serve under the command of this sect master. Do you have the courage?”

Lu Ye pondered for a while, then nodded and said: “It’s not impossible, but dare to ask Liu Ai, who will come to discuss with me?” He turned his eyes and glanced at the person standing beside- Chen Ke: “If it’s this fellow Daoist Chen, then there’s no need. I admit that I’m no match.”

Relax, this lord will not be **** others, Chen Ke’s cultivation is indeed much higher than yours. “Speaking like this, Liu Yuemei immediately sent a message and went out, and a thin man flew into the hall in a short time, and respectfully clasped his fists: “I have seen your lord, what are your orders?”

This person is not unusual in appearance, nor tall, but his expression is sullen, his aura is extremely fierce, and there is a faint **** aura, which shows that he has killed many people.

As soon as he appeared, Xiao Xinghe’s expression changed, and he said in a low voice: .


It’s obvious that he’s a little apprehensive about this man.

After the table, Liu Yuemei said, “Qi Wu, I want you to compete with this Lu Yiye. You can only win, not lose. You can understand.”

Qi Wu turned his head and glanced at Lu Ye-, frowning slightly: “What is his cultivation?”

“Three-layer Realm Lake!”

Qi Wu frowned even more: “My lord, my subordinate’s cultivation base is higher than his three-layer realm, he is not my opponent, and my lord knows me, I never compare my skills with others, and I will not compare my skills. , I only have the method of killing, if I accidentally kill him, it will be bad.”

Liu Yuemei hadn’t spoken yet, but Lu Ye refused and sneered:

“What a coincidence, I only have the method of killing!”

Qi Wu said lightly: “I haven’t seen you for a long time, and I hope your methods can be as courageous as you are.”

“each other.”

Between the collision of vision, there is a hidden fire.

Beside Lu Ye, Xiao Xinghe kept winking at him, and even Lin Yinxiu was secretly anxious.

After the table, Liu Yuemei put her arms on the table, folded her hands and supported her chin, watching this scene with great interest, seeing Lu Ye so old

Light-hearted, he immediately made a decision: “Since the two of you only know how to kill, let’s fight to the death.”

“Sir!” Xiao Xinghe’s face changed greatly, he exclaimed and stepped forward, if it’s just to learn from each other, it doesn’t matter, at most it’s not as good as others, willing

Beneath the wind, but if it is a death fight, it is really possible to kill people, especially this Qi Wu is indeed fierce and fierce, three small realms higher than the younger brother, the younger brother is right. How can he have any good fruit to eat.

“There is no place for you to speak!” Liu Yuemei snorted coldly, the power of the Divine Sea Realm pervaded, and Xiao Xinghe was overwhelmed and unable to speak, she supported her hard, she looked at Lu

Ye and Qi Wu, “How do you two feel?”

Qi Wu said lightly: “If it is the order of the lord, the subordinates should obey.

Lu Ye lightly took out an item from the storage bag: “If that’s the case, then do it thoroughly. You might as well enter this item to fight, so as not to let others see blood!”

Qi Wu looked at the things in Lu Ye’s hands, slightly stunned: “Battle stage!”

How could he not know such a famous treasure as the Fighting Platform? He thought that Lu Ye was just a dead duck with a tough mouth. Who would have thought that he would actually take out such a treasure, and his heart sank, the first time Take a serious look at Lu Ye….

If there is no certainty, how can the opponent take the initiative to use the battle platform, but he really doesn’t understand, where does this guy named Lu Ye get the confidence to fight him to the death, if the opponent hides his cultivation, That is impossible, how can he hide under the eyes of the great cultivator of the Divine Sea Realm? So he must be a genuine third-layer real lake realm.

“I only listen to the orders of the lord.” Qi Wu suppressed a trace of uneasiness in his heart and turned to look at Liu Yuemei.

Liu Yuemei’s eyes narrowed slightly: “Lu Yiye, it looks like you are very confident.”

Lu Ye is neither humble nor arrogant: “I just want to do my best in a humble position.”

Liu Yuemei was silent for a moment, then said, “If that’s the case, then the two of you will enter the battle arena to fight!”

Lu Ye clasped his fist: “Before this, there is another requirement for the humble post.


In my humble position, I ask Lord Liu Ai to set up a heavenly opportunity. If I am lucky enough to survive, I will take Xiao Xinghe away, and Lord Ai Liu cannot stop me. “

Are you questioning this lord?” Liu Yuemei’s eyes were a little fire-breathing.

“There is no reason to speak!” Lu Ye Yiran looked at her without fear. From a simple touch, things were just as Xiao Xinghe had worried before. Liu Yuemei, who had experienced the pain of losing her child, lost her mind. As the master of a narrow pass, he can even agree to his subordinates fighting to the death. This is not a

A Divine Sea Realm overhaul should have the bearing.

She probably wants to kill herself now, but because of her bad status, she can only do it herself, so she can only use the hands of others.

Such a crazy woman who has lost her mind naturally has no credibility at all.

Before a fight, it’s the best way to deal with it. .

“Okay, I’ll do as you say!” Liu Yuemei drank coldly, raised her hand, golden light surged, she seized an opportunity from it, and drafted the terms,

Bring your own imprint and throw it to Lu Ye.

Lu Ye lowered his head and carefully checked one by one. When he saw one of them, his heart was full, and things were developing according to his expectations.

Liu Yuemei really moved some imperceptible hands and feet in the terms of Tian Ji Qi.

He just pretended that he didn’t see it, and with a posture that he couldn’t wait, he branded his own imprint.

The heavenly opportunity turns into fluorescent light and disappears.

“If you two have nothing else to say, let’s start.” Liu Yuemei urged impatiently.

“I will try my best to leave you a whole corpse.” Qi Wu said.

Lu Ye didn’t say a word, he urged his spiritual power to pour into the fighting platform in his hand, raised his hand and attacked Qi Wu.

Xiao Xinghe was so impatient and determined to stop him, but he had been suppressed by Liu Yuemei’s Divine Sea Realm, so he couldn’t move at all, he couldn’t even speak

Can’t do it, how can I stop it?

On the contrary, Lin Yinxiu lost the impatience he had just now, but his face was thoughtful.

The small battle stage flew towards Qi Wu and burst open, but at this moment, Liu Yuemei suddenly raised her hand and took Qi Wu to her side from the air, and

Chen Ke, who had been standing by the side motionless from the beginning to the end, dodged and came to Qi Wu’s position.

Lu Ye’s expression became extremely stunned at this moment, and blurted out exclaimed: “You….

Chen Kechong grinned at him: “Please enlighten me!

When the words fell, the figures of the two disappeared together.

Hahahaha!” Liu Yuemei suddenly burst into laughter, looking crazy,”

Do you really think that my lord will be calculated by you? Really young and ignorant!”

There are so many real lake cultivators in Jinglan Lake Pass, and there are many people who meet the requirements. She didn’t find anyone, but she called Qi Wu, the fierce and fierce one, naturally hoping that in the process of discussing, Qi Wu would be able to Abolished or accidentally killed Lu Ye.

She had this plan originally.

But what happened after that made her vaguely aware of one thing–Lu Ye doesn’t seem to be afraid of Qi Wu, which can be seen from his initiative to take out the fighting platform. Not only is he not afraid, he even There is still a lot of confidence in being able to beat Qi Wu, otherwise how could he take the initiative to take out the battle platform?

Liu Yuemei is a little unbelievable. They are three small levels apart from each other. Where does Lu Yiye’s confidence come from?

No matter what, Lu Ye’s attitude and actions did give her the basis for these In this case, if Qi Wu was really allowed to fight, he would most likely die in battle. .

If you can’t count on Qi Wu, you can only count on Chen Ke.

Chen Ke is her disciple, and the cultivation level of Zhenhu’s seventh-level realm is only one level higher than Qi Wuqiang’s, but his strength is far beyond that.

Lu Yiye is confident that he will outperform Qi Wu, so he must not be Chen Ke’s opponent.

As for changing candidates at a critical moment, for a Divine Sea Realm like her, it’s just a small effort, and no one in the field can stop her.

For this reason, she has already laid the groundwork in the terms of the Lietian Opportunity. In many terms, there is no mention of the word Qiwu at all, just for the sake of

It’s convenient for her to take advantage of this.

Fortunately, although she is now losing her mind and acting crazy, she knows that it is inconvenient for her to take action. Otherwise, it is not Chen Ke who enters the battle stage at this moment, but herself.


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