Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 955: Stunning Lake Pass


Latest website: This is a good word. Feng Wujiang’s era was not as complicated as it is today. Lu Ye wants to grow up, and the tests that Feng Wujiang has to face are more and more difficult.

Fan Xiangyi smiled again: “Aren’t you afraid that he is near the water tower?”

He was stunned for a moment, then burst into anger: “He dares!”

At this moment, Wei Ling made a move. After investigating, he found that Lu Ye sent a message to ask him about Lin Yinxiu.

I don’t have a good mood if I don’t do anything, so I immediately sent a message: “The person is handed over to you, but if you dare to think anything against her, I will break your leg!”

Outside the hall of the Department of Law, Lu Ye was speechless.

What can I think of Lin Yinxiu, is this idiot kicked by a donkey? My own woman is not at ease? If you want to ask Lin Yinxiu, tell me what to do!

However, this is the end of the matter. He wants to retain the position of captain and the authority to freely recruit people. Lin Yinxiu has to accept it.

Hurrying back to the courtyard from the Hall of the Law Division, Lu Ye shouted: “Lin Yinxiu!”

“I’m here.” Lin Yinxiu immediately stepped out of the room next to her.

Lin Yinxiu hurriedly followed, with a look of high interest: “What mission, Captain?”

I didn’t expect that there was a task just now, so I couldn’t help but feel a little excited, and I didn’t know whether it was to punish evil or **** this time.

“You don’t need to ask any more, we’ll find out later.” Lu Ye had a stern expression on his face.

Lin Yinxiu responded obediently.

It’s quite obedient, Lu Ye thought to himself, from the limited contact in front of him, this woman doesn’t have much scheming, not much experience, and enough cultivation, so it shouldn’t be difficult for such a person to get along.

Of course, the main thing is to be obedient.

In the future, as the captain, he will have to issue some orders. If this woman violates the order by relying on her back-up and incompetence, or simply disobeys the order, it will be difficult for Lu Ye to do it.

Two figures – one behind the other, soaring into the sky.

The cultivation base is four small levels higher than that of Lu Ye. Lin Yinxiu’s flying speed in the sky is not slow. After leaving Haotian City, she also sacrificed her own flying magic weapon: ” Come up, captain, and save your energy.”

Lu Ye looked at her flying magic weapon, which was in the shape of a flower basket, just like Huaci.

It’s just that her flower basket is obviously much more expensive than Huaci’s, and the decorations are more garish.

Decline decisively: “No need.”

Sacrificing your own spirit boat, – stepped on it.

Flying all the way.

It’s worth mentioning that Lin Yinxiu’s performance is very good. Unless Lu Ye asks questions, she will never disturb him rashly. However, what makes Lu Ye puzzled is that she doesn’t seem to have seen much of the world. It looks like, since he left Haotian City, he has looked around to see that everything is novel.

After pondering for a while, Lu Ye probably understood that this woman was probably like a canary before. She was incompetent, and she didn’t need to run around to earn any cultivation resources for herself. Naturally, she had never seen too much. multi-faceted.

“Fairy Wood”

From this point of view, her cultivation of the real lake seventh-layer realm needs to be discounted. What kind of enemy she really encounters, and whether she can play the required level is particularly clear.

In a few simple conversations, Lu Ye also learned some basic information about her.

She is a ghost repairer with a minor in medicine.

This is a pleasant surprise, because there is no ghost repair among the few team candidates in Lu Ye’s mind, and the appearance of Lin Yinxiu undoubtedly fills this vacancy.

The reason why the Law Enforcement Hall team has six members per team is of course the convenience of using the six-yuan forbidden spirit lock, and another reason is to take care of it

The major factions, so that the entire team can achieve a level of perfect cooperation.

Just like King Gengwu’s A-3 squad, which is a body cultivator and can charge into battle, Kang Yuanqiao is a sword cultivator, Shangguan Qiu is a law cultivator, Xiao Luyun is a ghost cultivator, and Muzheng is a military cultivator, and Some of the methods of medical training, such a team configuration structure is undoubtedly extremely reasonable. Whether it is a big battle or a small battle, the team members can always play a good battle with the cooperation.

Sleeping all the way through the wind meal, spanning more than 10,000 miles, starting from Haotian City, and arriving at this destination at noon on the third day.

Stunning Lake Pass!

Lu Ye came here to transfer the third senior brother from here.

It was for this purpose that he agreed to be the leader of the team.

Although he killed that Qin Shu when he incarnated Li Taibai before, but Qin Shu is not the source, Tian Yuanzong or the people behind Qin Shu are the ones who died, and Zhang Shu and Li Shu, who want to get rid of it completely This quagmire can only leave Jinglan Lake Pass.

Lu Ye doesn’t know what the name of Qingdi City is, and his disciples can’t do anything if they are bullied, but Xiao Xinghe is the third senior brother, and Qingdi City can’t manage it, so only his own senior brothers help each other.

The warrant signed by Gan Wudang gave him the right to freely recruit personnel.

As for whether the third senior brother can be fished out of Jinglan Lake Pass, it depends on his methods. He said that he did not do it properly. If you want to transfer people, you have to see them

Whether Shangfeng is willing to let people go, he can’t forcibly interfere with this kind of thing. The organization is different. Although the head of the legal department has a high position, he can’t order it to go to the side of Jinglanhu Pass. .

That Liu Yuemei is very likely to be reluctant to let go. If this is the case, Lu Ye can’t force Xiao Xinghe away.

Jinglan Lake Pass is located in the center of a large lake, so it is named after it. More powerful formations have set up a large water curtain here based on Jinglan Lake. If a strong enemy comes to attack, the entire Jinglan The water in the lake can be turned into a barrier, and it can be said to be unique in terms of defense.

When Lu Ye led Lin Yinxiu to this place, he saw that there were cultivators coming in and out constantly, in a hurry. There were even many cultivators who were injured when they returned from abroad, and even more Already dead, only the corpse was brought back.

Lin Yinxiu’s face was slightly pale, and she hid behind Lu Ye and whispered

said: “Captain, the battle here seems to be very fierce.”

There was no war at Jinglan Lake Pass originally, but since the last time he took the initiative to launch a storm on the Dark Moon Forest Pass and broke the protection of the Dark Moon Forest Pass, the tacit peace has been broken.

Dark Moon Lin Pass suffered such a big loss, how could it be possible to let it go? After Li Taibai left, Lin Yue and Zhang Kun ordered their soldiers to attack, and the two soldiers fought endlessly in the buffer zone between the two passes. .

However, in this war, both sides are still restrained, each other’s Divine Sea Realm has not been dispatched again, and it is not a large-scale war, but a small share

The team constantly encounters collisions.

As a result, both are killed and wounded.

The Great Array of Jinglan Lake Pass is in a state of activation. The soldiers of the pass itself are free to enter and exit, so Lu Ye and Lin Yinxiu cannot enter without authorization.

Fortunately, there have always been monks on duty here. Lu Ye found the monks on duty and clasped his fists and said, “Lu Ye, the law department, has been ordered to run errands, please inform the sect master.”

Department of Law?” The monk on duty was stunned, wondering how his own pass had attracted the people of the Department of Law.

The Law Division has a good reputation outside. Generally, it is not a good thing to mobilize the people of the Law Division to dispatch, so this monk–listen to Lu Ye is the law

Sir, I couldn’t help feeling a little uneasy, and I didn’t dare to neglect, so I hurriedly said, “You two wait!”

As he spoke, he turned around and entered the city to report.

Lu Ye and Lin Yinxiu stood outside waiting, which attracted the attention of the other monks on duty, but no one dared to come up to talk, which shows the power of the Law Division outside.

Shaoqing, in a large hall in the city, the cultivator on duty hurried in, clasped his fists and saluted: “My lord, there are two law divisions outside asking to see you.”

Above, — the man is investigating a lot of tedious information. In recent days, the soldiers under the two major passes have been colliding constantly, and the leisure time to 8 has disappeared. Naturally, he has a lot of official business to deal with.

Unfortunately, Liu Yuemei first experienced the pain of losing her son, and she was unable to extricate herself from it. He had to handle everything by himself, which made him a little dissatisfied.

The man is another pass master of Jinglan Lake Pass, Che Zixiong. Although he and Liu Yuemei are in the same cultivation level, and even slightly stronger than Liu Yuemei, in this Jinglan Lake Pass, he is a small person. The lord, Liu Yuemei is the big lord.

After all, Yu Huajin is standing behind him, and Jinglanhu Pass is also affiliated with Tianmenguan. In the background, he cannot be compared with Liu Yuemei.

What are the people from the Department of Law coming here for?” Che Zixiong frowned. He heard that it was from the Department of Law. His first reaction was the same as that of the monks on duty. I took someone, but soon realized it was wrong: “You said there were only two people?”

“Yes, there are only two people, one male and one female.”

Che Zixiong is even more puzzled.

The people from the Department of Law are dispatched to carry out tasks. Usually, there are six people in a team. They never act with two people. From this point of view, it does not seem like they are here to get people.

With a little reassurance, Che Zixiong said, “Please come in.

“Yes!” The cultivator on duty retreated, stayed outside the big formation, ordered someone to open a gap in the formation, and led Lu Ye and Lin Yinxiu toward the hall.

After a while, Lu Ye and Lin Yinxiu came to the hall, looked up, and saw a man sitting above, but Liu Yuemei was nowhere to be seen.

“Lu Ye, the Law Enforcement Hall of the Department of and Lin Yinxiu, a member of the team, have met the lord!”

Che Zixiong nodded: “What are you two doing here?”

Lu Ye stood on the knife and said loudly: “At the command of the Secretary, I will come to your pass to recruit one person, and I also ask the pass of the pass.” After saying this, he took a few steps forward and signed the signature by Gan Wudang. Take out the warrant and hand it up:

“This is the warrant signed by the master, please read it.”

Che Zixiong took it, urged his spiritual power to pour it into it, and immediately noticed a wisp of inappropriateness, and checked the remaining information on the -Xiayu card, confirmed that it was correct, and returned it to Lu Ye.

“There is no problem with the warrant.” Che Zixiong nodded slightly, “Who does your company want to transfer?”

It’s not surprising that there are always some monks who have performed well or have some strong backgrounds in the major passes on the front line.

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