Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 950: Headmaster is here


Latest website: “My cultivator, if we blindly pursue Anping, then we don’t need to practice. The humble post can stagnate in the Lingxi Tianjiu Realm or Yunhe Ninth Layer Realm. It is said in the Yunhe Battlefield of Lingxi Battlefield. Wouldn’t it be nice if the king was the hegemon!”

Gan Wudang nodded when he heard the words: “What you said…it seems to make some sense, but I still hope that you will consider it carefully. With the efficiency of your refining of explosive fire spirit stones, monthly The military exploits you have gained are enough to satisfy your cultivation, and you don’t need to go out and take risks. If your cultivation base will increase a few more layers in the future, if you still want to enter the Law Enforcement Hall, there will naturally be no problem.”

In the entire Kyushu, there is only one Lu Ye who can refine the explosive fire spirit stone like that. Gan Wudang really doesn’t want him to take any risky actions, but he also knows that this kind of thing cannot be forced, so there is no way to order it. Lu Ye can only persuade with kind words.

Lu Yedao: “My lord cares, I will remember it in my humble opinion, but I am still very confident about improving one’s cultivation base. The adults may not know something, but my humble rank’s cultivation qualifications are excellent!”

In the future, he will be a servant under Gan Wudang. He will definitely not be able to hide his cultivation base. It is better to tell him now than to make him guess because the promotion is too fast.

Gan Wudang almost laughed: “How did you get the name of Yiye, you don’t know?”

” Your lord misunderstood. When I tested the talent in Xieyue Valley that day, I did get the title of Yiye, but there was probably something wrong with that test. Later, I also tested the talent once, and the result was the same as the one I got. It was a very different day.”

“Oh?” I’m a little interested, “What’s the result?”

The talent for the humble job is extremely high, and the eight branches and eight leaves open together, which is the ultimate talent!” Lu Ye was calm.

Although he has not really tested it himself, the huge stone plate that Ying Wuji and others encountered in the Cangyan Crater that day should have been tested for talent.

“Really?” Gan Wu could not help but be moved. Among the nine states, there are not many monks with talents above 60 leaves, but there are not many. Basically, the core disciples of the top sects all have this kind of aptitude. But above the sixty leaves, with each additional leaf of talent, the number will decrease sharply.

As for the 64-leaf talent, there are very few.

If Lu Ye really has the talent of 64 leaves, then some things make sense.

Gan Wudang has always been puzzled. Lu Ye’s cultivation speed is not in line with his name. I thought it was because he had many opportunities. Now, it seems that the chance is part of his own qualifications. The most important thing, otherwise, if you have the chance and don’t have the qualifications for cultivation, it will not work.

I remember the last time I saw the adults, I was at the first level of the stinking lake, and now, I am at the third level!” Lu Ye said in this way,

Slightly stimulated my spiritual power.

He didn’t say this, and he didn’t realize that he was doing something wrong. Although he was a major cultivator of the Divine Sea Realm, he wouldn’t go to investigate other people’s cultivation if he had nothing to do.

Until this moment, when Lu Yezhen Lake’s three-layer spiritual power fluctuations manifested…

Stunned for nothing.

Calculating the time, it’s only three months, and he has been promoted from the first level to the third level. If you continue to look forward, Lu Ye was not even in the real lake level when he joined the Bingzhou Guard.

In other words, in just over four months, he was promoted from the Yunhe Ninth-layer to the True Lake third-layer.

Such a cultivation base increases the speed, it’s terrifying!

With the facts in front of me, I had to believe what Lu Ye said without doing anything, so I couldn’t help sighing, “Old Tang has really picked up a treasure.”

He has heard about Lu Yebai’s entry into the Jade Blood Sect.

It is said that Lu Ye detected Yi Ye’s talent that day, and he had no hope of joining the cultivation sect. As a result, he did not know who secretly instructed him to choose only one of the Jade Blood sect in the choice of joining the sect. This is worshipped in the Jade Blood Sect.

It’s true that he picked it up.

” Well, I believe what you said for the time being, and I have granted you what you asked for. It just so happened that the missing member of the third team has not been supplemented. Since the last time you performed a mission with them, King Gengwu has If you keep talking about you in front of me, how about you go to the third squad?”

“Adults can call the shots!” Lu Ye naturally had no opinion.

In any case, he and King Gengwu’s group of people have cooperated once and drank once, so they are barely familiar with each other.

Gan Wudang nodded slightly: “_In this case, you have a feeling, you can act freely until an official order is issued.”

“Yes!” Lu Ye stepped back.

After he left, Gan Wudang turned his eyes and looked at the corner of the hall with a helpless expression: “I haven’t come out yet!”

In the darkness over there, there is a woman who is t different from the shadow. A slim figure turned out to be the woman who served tea to Lu Ye before.

She had already retreated before, but she came in again at some point, even Lu Ye didn’t notice it at all.

Her means can hide from Lu Ye, but she can’t hide the Divine Sea Realm like Gan Wudang.

The woman revealed her figure, flushing it playfully and sticking out her tongue. Gan Wudang glared at her: “It’s getting more and more outrageous.”

The woman stepped forward, grabbed Gan Wudang’s arm and said something, dizzy and dizzy, and raised her hand: “Okay, if you have one thing, just say it!”

Based on his understanding of women, he naturally sees that a woman has something to ask for, and suddenly his head is big, because whenever he does, it is difficult for him to refuse, otherwise there will never be peace.

“I want to go to the Law Enforcement Hall!” The woman’s words were astonishing.

I couldn’t help frowning: “What are you doing in the Law Enforcement Hall?”

“Nonsense! Just stay by my side, it’s dangerous outside.” Gan Wudang stared.

“Then I can’t stay by your side all my life. Those people who are lower than me are running around. I’m already at the seventh level of the real lake. Isn’t it better than them?”

“That’s not what they say, they have a reason to run around, you don’t need to.”

“Why don’t I need to do this, they are monks, I am also a monk, I don’t care, I also want to enter the law enforcement hall, you can agree or not.”

“Impossible!” He refused categorically.

“嘤嘤嘤…..” The woman’s pear blossoms suddenly rained, and pea-sized tears dripped out.

Gan Wudang, the dignified head of the Law Department, the famous overhaul of the Divine Sea Realm in Kyushu, was at a loss for a moment, and was about to give a good voice to comfort, but the woman stomped her feet and said with red eyes: “I hate you!”

Turn around and swept out.

Gan Wudang’s raised hand froze in the air, and only the words “I hate you” echoed in my ears, and my heart was about to break!

Shaoqing, in the messenger, the woman ran in crying and threw herself into the arms of the messenger: “Aunt Fan!”

Fan Xiangyi was stunned: “What happened? Who bullied you? Tell Aunt Fan, and Aunt Fan will teach him a lesson.”

“It’s not right to bully me!” The woman raised her head and called out a name decisively.

Fan Xiangyi was speechless.

Out of the hall of the Department of Law, Lu Ye looked up and suddenly felt a sense of wandering.

Impossible to let him move without a formal order, and he doesn’t know what to do for a while.

The disciples of other sects still have their peers or elders in Haotian City, but now he is the only one here in the Jade Blood Sect, and they can’t find anyone to talk to.

After thinking about it, I decided to send a message to King Gengwu. In the future, everyone will become colleagues and even teammates. It is also good to contact them in advance.

King Gengwu quickly replied that the Jiasan Squad is not in Haotian City, and is currently on a mission outside, and it will take a few days to turn around.

He had no choice but to give up.

When I was about to find a room to rest at will, there was a movement in the battlefield mark.

Lu Ye investigated and was surprised.

Because of the summons, it was actually the old man who taught him! This is the first time in history.

Although Lu Ye has the imprint of the headmaster, he has never communicated with each other. He usually has more contact with the water mandarin duck, but I don’t know how the headmaster suddenly sent a message.

I hurriedly replied: “What’s the headmaster’s order?” After a while, another message came.

“Are you in Haotian City?”

It’s not surprising that the headmaster knows about this. Shuiyuan and Nian Yuexian have a very close personal relationship. Nian Yuexian must have sent a message to inform him about his departure from Cangyan Mountain Pass. The head teacher must have come from Shuiyuan. I heard about myself.



Lu Ye scratched his head, but before he could answer, the headmaster sent another message: “I see you.”

Lu Ye was stunned, but the next moment, he felt that someone was approaching him quickly, looked up, and saw two streamers falling rapidly in mid-air, instantly falling not far in front of him.

One of them, immortal and spiritual, who is not the headmaster?

Lu Ye was overjoyed and hurriedly saluted: “I have seen the headmaster.”

Tang Yifeng looked at him with a smile, stretched out his hand and lifted Lu Ye up with an invisible force.

Lu Ye looked at the person beside the headmaster again. He was valiant and heroic. Although it was a woman wearing men’s clothes, she had both the feminine beauty of a woman and the boldness of a man.

“Pang Gongzhu.”

“I’ve seen Senior Brother.” Pang Huanyin bowed, but it was not a woman’s etiquette, but a clasped fist from the male cultivators.

“What are you…” Lu Ye couldn’t understand for a while, how did the headmaster come to Haotian City, and Pang Huanyin also came with him.

“The old man came to Haotian City to take up a post. As for the palace master Pang…he was going to join the army, so he came with the old man.”

“”Occupation?” Lu Ye was astonished and didn’t know what job the headmaster was The headmaster smiled slightly, looking a little unpredictable: “You are still young, naturally you don’t know, this Bingzhou guard Among the elders, there was originally my Jade Blood Sect

—The seat of the seat, but these old men are so obsessed with self-cultivation that they have never been there. “

Lu Ye understood instantly.

In the past, Ding Xiaoshuang, a member of the Jade Blood Sect, was a member of the Jade Blood Sect in the elders.

But the situation is different now. Lu Ye joined the Bingzhou Guard, and more and more Jade Blood Sect disciples will join the Bingzhou Guard in the future.

When disciples from other families come here, they will all be taken care of by their elders, so as not to be bullied by others. Naturally, the Jade Blood Sect cannot be without it.

Otherwise, something similar to the last time could easily occur. If nothing else, the disciples of the Jade Blood Sect will enter the Bingzhou Guard in the future, and at least they will not be recruited to some special narrow places by people with a heart.

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