House Dad’s Literary Life Chapter 486: Don’t drink Chaptera (1/4)


Yang Yi and Murphy were toasting the relatives of the Murphy family’s table. An elder blushed and shouted: “Full, full, how can the groom drink so little?”

Yang Yi doesn’t care. So he also smiled boldly, nodded to Guo Ziyi, who just played a little trick and only poured himself half a glass of wine, and said, “fill it up, this is Murphy’s uncle, I’ll accompany him for a drink. “

The two little girls, Xixi and Lan Xin, couldn’t eat much, and the dishes were only half served, and they were full. At this moment, they were also following the children in the village, hopping to and fro between the wine tables, collecting Drink bottles for adults to finish drinking.

“You have to throw it in the trash can, not on the ground.” Xixi said timidly to the adult who handed her the bottle.

“It’s not throwing it away, I want it, you give it to me, and I can sell it for money!” The child loudly corrected Xixi’s wrong idea.

Just in time, Xixi passed by her father’s side, smelled the strong smell of alcohol on her father’s body, and heard the conversation between her father and Uncle Xiao Guo.

How can I drink alcohol?

Suddenly, the little girl couldn’t help herself. She pulled her father’s trouser legs and shouted loudly, “Baba, you can’t drink!”

Yang Yi didn’t take it seriously at first. He looked down and saw his daughter’s anxious little face. He smiled and bent down. He hugged the little guy with one hand and said, “Are you full? Why don’t you talk to Xiner? play together?”

When Lan Xin heard her name, she shouted loudly: “Uncle Yang, I’m here!”

“Okay, let’s go play with Xiner. Dad is still busy. I’ll pick you up later.” Yang Yi wants to put Xixi down.

But Xixi hugged her father’s neck tightly and refused to come down. She pouted and insisted: “Baba, I don’t want you to drink.”

Murphy had to help to persuade Xixi. She patted her daughter’s back lightly and reassured: “It’s okay, it’s okay for Dad to drink a little wine today, it’s a special day!”

“No, no, I don’t want Baba to drink, Baba becomes stinky!” Xixi didn’t listen, she shook her head and said unhappily.

“Dad just drink a little, I won’t get drunk!” Yang Yi wanted to discuss the conditions with her daughter.

However, Xixi stretched out her soft little palm, covered her father’s mouth, pouted her little mouth, and said, “Can’t drink, can’t drink a little!”

Yang Yi couldn’t help laughing, but he didn’t like other parents who scolded the child when he saw that the child was so ignorant and disobedient. Seeing that Xixi refused to let go of whatever she said, he could only laugh helplessly with Murphy. laugh.

In the end, Yang Yi still felt warm in her heart because her daughter was caring about her.

“Okay, Dad doesn’t drink, Dad promises you.” Yang Yi put the wine glass on the table, then pulled his daughter’s hand and said softly.

“Really?” Xixi didn’t believe it.

“Really!” Yang Yi asked Guo Ziyi to change himself a glass, poured water into it, and then brought it to Xixi’s nose, smiling, “You smell it, it’s water, not wine.”

Xixi nodded suspiciously, but after she got out of her father’s arms, the little girl was still reluctant to walk away. She followed behind her father, raising her head and looking at him, as if she was worried that his father would play tricks .

“I’m sorry, uncle, my daughter doesn’t allow you to drink. I’ll give you a toast with water instead of wine! You can drink happily.” Yang Yi didn’t go back on his word. Really use water to honor others.

After drinking, Yang Yi lit the glass to Xixi and smiled slightly.

“Okay, let’s go play with Xiner!” Murphy patted her daughter’s head gently and said lovingly.

However, Xixi shook her head. Now that she smelled the alcohol on her father’s body, it was difficult to feel relieved. While attached to her mother, she said seriously: “I want to see Baba, No drinking.”

Lan Xin also seemed to understand her little friend. She jumped and followed Xixi’s side, shouting loudly: “We won’t play, we have to supervise Uncle Yang!”

I don’t know where she got the word from.

Xixi was rather happy, she saw the little girl smiled and rolled her eyes, held hands with Lan Xin, and giggled: “We are the police, we need to supervise Baba!”

Yang Yi scratched the little guy’s nose lovingly, and said with a smile: “Okay, then let you supervise, Dad won’t drink today.”

According to what he said, in the toasting table by table, Yang Yi and Murphy also carried two small oil bottles behind him. He had to explain with a smile to these relatives and neighbors that he could not drink. reason.

“No way, my daughter is really not allowed to drink, everyone agrees, please!”

The rest are basically the other neighbors in the village. They don’t dare to drink Yang Yi’s wine. Who made Yang Yi’s identity different now, and even paid to help them build the road, they all laughed. , agreed with Yang Yi’s proposal to replace wine with water.

Privately, Yang Yi also took time to pick Xixi up, kissed the little **** the cheek, and said with a smile: “Thank you, Xixi, because of you, Dad drank a lot less today!”

Xixi was a little embarrassed to be praised by her father, giggling and writhing in her father’s arms.

Between pushing the cup and handing over the cup, the most affectionate and long-lasting, the water is not intoxicating, but the person is self-intoxicating.

Two-thirds of the wedding banquet was underway. Yang Yi and Murphy visited table by table, reaping blessings from table to table, tired and happy.

Finally, they can take a break, sit back at the main table, and have a good meal on their stomachs.

Murphy doesn’t have much to eat. She drank a lot of water and panicked.

“Eat whatever you want, just drink water, there’s no nutrition.” Yang Yi felt distressed for his wife, he stood up and gave Murphy some fish meat – only the skeleton of the big fish was left. Fortunately, the belly of the fish And a little meat.

At this time, Dong Qi walked over with a few people, smiled and said to Yang Yi: “Yang Yi, let me introduce to you, this is our county magistrate, Ren Kangle, Ren county magistrate, this is our county magistrate. The mayor of Wang Yun.”

Yang Yi was stunned for a while, then stood up slowly, saying hello while thinking secretly, what are these two officials doing at their wedding venue?

Fortunately, Wang Yun gave him the answer: “It’s like this, the county magistrate Ren is inspecting the work in our town. I heard that you are getting married, so come and see.”

Ren county magistrate held Yang Yi’s hand and smiled affectionately: “Xiao Yang is young and promising, I never knew it before that we have such a big star in Peiguo County. It’s really dereliction of duty. Exactly, I heard that today is the wedding of you and the big star Murphy, so I came here to offer our blessings, and hope that you and the bride will be united forever and be happy!”

Who wouldn’t say nice things? But Yang Yi didn’t show a smile because of this. He had always been wary of the official, only to see him smile lightly and deal with the other party.

However, Yang Yi thought too much. Ren Kangle really didn’t think about what to do with Yang Yi when he came over this time. He came to say hello. After all, the fleet of luxury cars was too dazzling to make He did not dare to neglect.

But since the parents and officials are can’t let the other party leave in a daze, out of courtesy, Yang Yi let them sit down.

Dong Qi was very enthusiastic. He accompanied him throughout the whole process, accompanied him to drink, and greeted the chef to bring some new dishes to deliver.

He talked to Ren Kangle about some road construction and development plans in the village. Dong Qi was not greedy for credit, and he explained that it was Yang Yi’s credit.

Ren Kangle was a little surprised to hear that Yang Yi had donated money to repair the road in the village, and secretly fell in love with Yang Yi and Wudaokou Village.

Dong Qi is trying to get more financial support from the county, but of course this is not so simple to achieve, Ren Kangle just said that he would help.

However, Dong Qi’s diligence still paid off. After Ren Kangle had a few glasses of wine, he promised Dong Qi and Yang Yi on the spot that he would urge the relevant departments to complete the telephone and TV network of Wudaokou Village as soon as possible. Covering, but also laying water pipelines for Wudaokou Village to solve the people’s water and electricity difficulties.

“You do it boldly, please rest assured, the county will not hold back, I hope to see Wudaokou Village take off the hat of poverty soon!” When he finally left, Ren Kangle blushed and pulled Dong Qihe. Yang Yi said with his hand.


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