House Dad’s Literary Life Chapter 483: Two little girls and the church worship ceremony (Two/Thursday)


Everyone went downstairs in a mighty way. Yang Yi and Murphy first sent Mo Henian and Zhou Mengyu to the car. Although according to the rules, Murphy should cry with his parents at this time, but it is impossible to leave them alone in the county town, and Murphy can’t cry about this happy event, so this rule has been slightly changed.

Here, Xixi met Lan Xin.

Lan Xin couldn’t wait in the car for a long time. Seeing Xixi appear, she couldn’t wait to open the car door and jumped out.


“Xin Er!”

The two little girls jumped and jumped excitedly, hugging each other. They are wearing different styles of skirts, one is a Hanfu Ru skirt, the other is a princess skirt, but they are all cute.

“Xixi, I miss you so much! You haven’t been to kindergarten for a long time.” Lan Xin’s excitement eased a little, then she pouted and said unhappily.

“I was at my grandfather’s house, and I couldn’t go back.” Xixi shook Lan Xin’s hand and said, “Xiner, don’t be unhappy, let me tell you, I have a puppy, I call it Baozi, a super cute puppy, so big.”

“Really? I’ve never seen such a small dog before. All the dogs in my house are super big.” Lan Xin became happy and said, “Xi Xi, you can show me your little one. A dog?”

“Yes, but it lives in my Baba’s place, and I have to go back to see it.”

The two little girls were chatting, and they were stuck together and couldn’t be separated!

“I want to sit with Xixi!” She shouted reluctantly when Lanzhou Kailai called Lan Xin to get on the bus.

“I want to sit with Xiner too.” Xixi hugged Lan Xin’s arm and looked at Lanzhou Kai eagerly.

Yang Yi came over and saw Lanzhou Kai who was in a hurry to lecture Lan Xin, so he grabbed him and said with a smile, “It’s okay, just let them sit together, the car is big anyway.”

The off-road luxury car as the lead car is very wide, Yang Yi and Murphy are sitting together, and Xixi and Lan Xin are also sitting in the parent’s row. There is enough space in the row, so it will not be crowded. On the contrary, the two little girls sang the nursery rhymes they had learned in kindergarten, one after another, which kept the car in a very cheerful atmosphere.

The welcoming convoy returned, and it took almost another two hours before they returned to the village.

At this moment, the village is already very lively, and there are dozens of banquet tables in the martial arts field, but there are only drinks on it for the time being. The busy chefs will stack the hot dishes and cold dishes to cover them, and wait until the start time. , and serve them on the table.

The people in the village also joined in the fun and gathered near Yang Yi’s house, smiling and watching the luxury cars approaching cautiously.

“The bride is coming!” Someone shouted, and amid the laughter, Yang Yi took Murphy and got out of the car.

At this time, Murphy was not very pregnant. He was tall, slender, with a pretty face, and a blue-like temperament. His clothes were light and graceful, and his face was fair but with a touch of blush.

I have to say that people still need to rely on beautiful makeup and clothes to set off. Today’s Murphy surprised the surrounding villagers, exclaiming and discussing.

“This daughter-in-law, Tie Zi, is incredible! She’s even more beautiful than an angel, isn’t she?”

“I can’t watch the big stars on TV as well as her!”

“Didn’t you say that Tie Zi’s daughter-in-law is a big star?”

At the beginning of marriage, Murphy had to step over the brazier. Although it was not difficult, Yang Yi still took Murphy’s hand and carefully walked over with her.

After entering the door, Yang Huan, who had prepared for a long time, lit the firecrackers in the yard, and the long firecrackers crackled, and the atmosphere suddenly became extremely hot.

“I’m scared!” This frightened the two little girls who came in. Xixi hurriedly covered her ears, and together with Lan Xin, squeezed into Lanzhou Kai’s arms.

In the arms of the big fat uncle, Xixi and Lan Xin screamed while covering their ears, while they looked at each other and smiled, wondering if they were really scared.

In the lobby, cigarettes are lingering, red candles are burning high, and the open space is covered with red carpets, which looks like a red one. This wedding looks so retro!

There are two Taishi chairs on both sides of the square table in the middle. Originally, one on each side was added. In this way, the man’s parents, Yang Chonggui and Dong Yue’e, sat on the left. Mo Henian and Zhou Mengyu were already in their seats, and they were sitting on the Taishi chair on the right.

The relatives and friends of the two families have all arrived. Important relatives are sitting on the chairs on both sides. The best man and bridesmaids are not so well treated. They stand behind the chairs on both sides, but they stand tall Seeing far, such a perspective is also good.

At this time, Dong Qi, who served as the host, shouted loudly: “The bridegroom is here!”

Yang Yi stood up and walked in front of Murphy.

“The groom bows!”

I saw Yang Yi hand over to Murphy as he had learned before.

Murphy also stood up and shyly put his right hand on Yang Yi’s stretched left hand.

“Bride and groom in place!”

The two walked in…

It was another tedious ceremony, and finally it was time to worship the church.

Hand in hand, the two little girls standing on the side watched with gusto, Xixi blinked her big eyes and watched without any leakage, although she still couldn’t understand the meaning of the ceremony, But she still found it funny.

I saw the village chief’s grandfather shouting: “I worship the world!”

Then Mom and Dad bowed in unison to the tablets on the offering table.

The grandfather of the village chief shouted again: “Two thanks to the high hall!”

Xixi saw her father and mother bowing to grandparents and grandparents together.

“The husband and wife worship each other!” The village chief grandfather’s tone was very interesting, cadenced, with a long tail. Just like singing, Xixi couldn’t help but move her mouth, as if she was learning.

Of course, what is even more interesting is that now Yang Yi and Murphy are facing each other and bowing to each other.

Xixi couldn’t understand the sacred feeling of the ceremony at this moment, but Murphy raised her head, her eyes were already flowing like spring water, looking at Yang Yi, the taste of happiness seemed to be overflowing.

“Send to the bridal chamber!” Dong Qi shouted again.

Amid the laughter of the crowd, Yang Yi and Murphy stood side by side, Murphy’s face was so red that even her ears were stained with rouge, Yang Yi also waved her hand a little embarrassedly and said, “There’s no need for this. right?”

“You don’t need to send it to the bridal chamber, just go through the process. The wedding ceremony is almost here. My father-in-law, would you like to say a few words first?” , said.

Mo Henian nodded, everyone quieted down, Yang Yi and Murphy also stood in front of him holding hands and listened.

“Yang Yi, in fact, when I just rushed back to China, I was very reluctant to give Murphy to you, because there were many misunderstandings before, you should be able to understand my feelings as a father.” Mo Henian Said, “Murphy is a kind child. To say something ugly is naive. I have been her father for more than 30 years, and I have always worried that she will be deceived.”

Murphy’s eyes sparkled with sparkling tears. Although it was not sensational, some emotions were difficult to control when it came to marriage.

Yang Yi next to him nodded quickly, Mo Henian has actually said it very euphemistically, he was shouting and killing at the beginning.

“I’m also worried that she’s being treated badly, so I’m very wary of you, and I’ve done a lot of testing to you. Although my attitude toward you was not very good, it was just that I couldn’t change it myself, but I passed the test. I know you for a long time, you are smart and capable, you are responsible for your family, you care about your children, and you are considerate and caring for Murphy, I have seen it all in my eyes.”

Mo Henian stood up, he walked over, took Mo Fei’s hand, put it gently on Yang Yi’s hand, and said, “Finally today, I also made an important decision. , entrust Murphy to your hands, I hope you can take over from me, and in the days to come, continue to take care of her, protect her, and cherish her for the rest of your life! Can you do it?”

“Baba!” Murphy choked up, she was moved to tears.

“Yes!” Yang Yi said loudly and firmly, as if answering a question from the chief in the army.

“!” Mo He showed a kind smile to Yang Yi for the first time in the first year of the year. He patted Yang Yi’s shoulder and Murphy’s shoulder, and nodded in relief. .

“Old Yang, it’s your turn!” Mo Henian turned around and sat down, smiled and nodded to Yang Chonggui.

“I’ll just say a few words!” Yang Chonggui raised two fingers.

“First, Yang Yi, listen, if you don’t treat Murphy well, don’t blame me for asking you to plead guilty in front of your ancestors!” Yang Chonggui said with some anger.

Yang Yi nodded in disbelief.

“Second!” Yang Chonggui paused and shouted, “The wedding ceremony is over, so what are you waiting for? Let’s go to the martial arts field for a drink! Everyone is buzzing on my son’s big day!”

It’s already more than three o’clock in the afternoon at this time, and many people are so hungry that their chests are on their backs, so they are looking forward to Yang Chonggui’s words!

In a sea of ​​laughter and laughter, everyone embraced the new couple Yang Yi and Murphy, and slaughtered them in the direction of the banquet.


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