House Dad’s Literary Life Chapter 304: Two little girls dancing


The weekend is here, and it’s not cold at all with two little angels dangling in front of my eyes this winter.

Yang Yi was dragged from left to right by Xixi and Qiqi, and walked upstairs, quite embracing from left to right, enjoying the feeling of enjoying the blessings of everyone,

Not every child likes to play in a coffee shop. Yang Luoqi doesn’t like a crowded environment very much. She is in the coffee shop with Xixi and looks at the strangers walking around, she can’t let go.

After Xixi came to inform, Yang Yi moved the position upstairs.

Upstairs, Yang Luoqi became much more lively. She and Xixi ran in and out of each room, laughing happily. The silver bell-like laughter of the two little girls filled Nuoda’s room. full of joy.

Yang Yi just took care and didn’t interfere too much. He took the pen and sketched, and revised the outline and some names for a new book in the future.

Sahara Publishing House has been renamed and handed over to him. Yang Yi is now preparing to move the entire publishing house to Jiangcheng. After all, Yangcheng is too far away from him and it is inconvenient to operate.

However, there is a problem that Yangcheng is also far from Jiangcheng for Saharan employees. Although Yang Yi has attracted a group of employees to come to Jiangcheng by means of raising wages and improving welfare, most grass-roots employees do not I am willing to leave my hometown and come to Jiangcheng to start anew.

Fortunately, Yang Yi asked Fu Jun to settle these employees in the online mall, and he used the key employees he could come as his team to recruit the talents he needed. It happened that Yang Yi also hoped that the publishing house would have a group of more capable employees. Operation, organization, public relations talents.

Of course, these are minor issues that can be handled by others. What Yang Yi has to do now is to write a book, which will be operated by the reborn Sahara Publishing House. Like “Bright Sword” and “Soldier Assault”, it will be a hit!

However, for the book Yang Yi is going to write now, the plot setting that needs to be changed is a bit big. After all, the original author and the setting of the story are in an island country. It is obviously inappropriate for him to write a story that takes place in an island country. It is even more unreasonable to bluntly change the setting to domestic, because the national conditions of domestic and island countries are different, and the social atmosphere is also completely different, and it will only make people feel ridiculous.

So Yang Yi has been looking at materials for a while. After researching, he found that Baodao Province is very suitable for his story setting. In this world, China is unified, and so is Baodao. Although it has experienced a history of lease and concession for a period of time, it is somewhat similar to Hong Kong City, but it has finally returned to the embrace of the motherland.

However, this history of concessions, which is different from the previous life, and the unique geographical environment and location of Treasure Island made it have a certain similarity with the social environment of the island country for a period of time-class rigidity, seniority ranking, There is a huge gap in the status of men and women, and the concept of marriage is distorted.

Fortunately, after his return, he merged with the mainland and increased communication, and those special circumstances gradually disappeared.

But Yang Yi felt that he could take advantage of this special period and revise the settings of the original novel.

But Yang Yi’s train of thought was interrupted again.

“Baba, Baba!” Xixi took Yang Luoqi’s hand excitedly, and the two little girls ran over.

I don’t know if it’s because of the heat or if they ran too fast. The faces of the two little girls were flushed, and their foreheads were sweating in the winter.

“What’s the matter? Don’t run too much, what if you fall down later?” Yang Yi laughed.

“No, Dad Xixi, Xixi and I want to dance for you!” Yang Luoqi whispered.

Don’t look at her soft and weak voice, in fact, Yang Luoqi and Yang Yi are already familiar with her in just over an hour. In the face of familiar people, she is not as shy as before, and she will take the initiative to say something.

“Oh? Is that so?” Yang Yi was interested. He put down the notebook in his hand and sat up with his legs closed. “Okay, how can I cooperate with you? Move the coffee table?”

“Baba, if we dance well, you have to applaud, and then tell us a story!” Xixi took care of Yang Luoqi like her big sister, and she took the initiative to explain, “Qiqi, she wants to hear from you. Story!”

That’s why!

Yang Yi is happy: “No problem!”

“Tell a nice story!” Yang Luoqi whispered.

“Also tell me a story that Kiki and I haven’t heard before!” Xixi’s long eyelashes flickered, her big eyes shining brightly at her father, and she said expectantly.

“Okay! I promise to tell you a story you haven’t heard before!” Yang Yi had already moved the coffee table away, and then ran to the study to get his SLR camera, put it on a shelf, and wanted to make this passage Record it.

He didn’t plan to upload the video online, but how could he not share such a precious clip with Murphy?

The two little guys are still dancing the dance taught by the teacher in the kindergarten, and Yang Yi is still shouting the beat.

“One two three four, two two three four, three two three four…”

I saw the two little girls dancing in unison. Yang Luoqi really had a foundation in dancing. She danced very naturally and her movements were more coordinated. Qiqi, who was just dancing, was unsmiling, with a serious expression on her little face, and Yang Yi couldn’t help being awe-inspiring.

Xixi is trying hard to follow the beat on the right. She has a good memory and can remember those movements. She doesn’t need to see Qiqi, she just dances by herself. She is in a good mood, and she jumps very hard and is very lively.

Although Xixi’s dancing is still a little flawed in comparison, Yang Yi feels that the flaws are not hidden. The daughter danced this dance alive, and the smile between her eyes brought endless vitality to the cold camera.

If Yang Luoqi is a little peacock dancing solo like Yang Liping, elegant, soft, intelligent and delicate and fragile, then Xixi is a little angel who loves to laugh like a little bunting, with long hair fluttering and moving away from innocence. There are not many dance highlights, but it can always leave a deep impression in people’s minds.

No one can dance better, it can only be said that it is Chunlan Qiuju, each of them is good at winning!

Actually, it doesn’t matter what kind of dance you do, it doesn’t matter if you dance well or not. The two pretty little girls in front of you are dancing and dancing, showing their dance. It’s already the most beautiful scenery in the world. !

Yang Yi didn’t dare to interrupt, he only stopped recording after they finished dancing, turned off the SLR camera, and then applauded vigorously: “Okay, great, Très_Bien!”

I was so excited that Yang Yi couldn’t help but utter a sentence of French.

The two little girls were gasping for breath after the dance, and were praised by Yang Yi. Not only did Xixi smile, Yang Luoqi also laughed shyly.

“ can you tell us a story?” Although it was Yang Luoqi’s wish, Xixi was also looking forward to her father’s story.

“Of course! Wait a minute, you drink water first and take a breath, I’ll get the sketch paper and tell you a story!” Yang Yi smiled and poured water for them, but when he turned back, he saw two little girls pulling the water with a smile. With small hands and jumping there, it is really a child with high energy.

For a while, the two little girls sat in a row on the sofa, looking at Yang Yi expectantly.

“What do you think this is?” Yang Yi sketched an animal on the sketch paper.

“I know! This is an elephant!” Xixi raised her hand first.

“But elephants don’t have hair… they don’t have curved teeth.” Yang Luoqi said weakly.

“Yes!” Xixi also tilted her head in confusion.

“Haha, this is indeed an elephant, but it’s not the kind of elephant we usually see in zoos, it’s called a mammoth!” Yang Yi pointed to his painting and continued, “Today, we will Tell a story about Manny, the mammoth.”89


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