House Dad’s Literary Life Chapter 274: The ups and downs of those years (1/4)


The recording of the program has started. In the set up studio, Murphy and Luo Xin sat face to face, and several cameras filmed them from different angles.

“So you were only fourteen or five years old when you released your first album?” Luo Xin asked with a smile.

“Fourteen.” Murphy nodded.

“Oh, that’s very young! Why do you think about debuting so early?” Luo Xin asked.

Murphy’s answers are always concise and easy to be left out. Fortunately, Luo Xin is the host. She has been finding words for Murphy in various ways and guiding her to tell her own story.

“Because I like music.” Murphy still answered very simply, but after looking at Luo Xin’s eyes, she continued to expand, “Sister Luo Xin is not quite right, I am not fourteen years old. I made my debut because it was the age when I released my first official record. Before that, I had arranged to release some single CDs, or sang New Year songs with other singers, and I also participated in some TV competitions when I was young.”

Luo Xin said with a smile: “So it turns out, we Murphy have been a musical genius since childhood!”

“I can’t say genius, I just learned earlier than others and was more influenced by my mother,” Murphy said.

Luo Xin turned to look at the camera and said with a smile, “I would like to introduce to some viewers who may not know. Murphy’s mother is Ms. Zhou Mengyu, a singer from Hong Kong City in the 1970s.”

Not famous, but Luo Xin didn’t point it out.

“We all know, Murphy, your first album was pretty good, and you were nominated for Hong Kong City’s Newcomer of the Year at that time, but why didn’t you continue to stay in Hong Kong City? Instead, choose to come to the mainland?” Luo Xin asked.

“Because I didn’t really win this year’s Rookie of the Year award, and the subsequent development was not smooth. At this time, Sister Ling, who had just founded Tianmei, felt that my singing skills had the potential to develop, so she brought me to the mainland.” Murphy said lightly.

The real reason is not just these. After Murphy lost the award, some people in the company questioned her, thinking that Murphy gained the company’s resources through her mother’s relationship, thus This has also become an excuse for those people to criticize the music director.

Of course, this rumor is not rootless, Murphy’s mother did have a good relationship with the company’s music director at the time, so Murphy’s entry into the music scene was smooth, and she almost won the Rookie of the Year award.

But Murphy himself is actually very hardworking. The rumors of these people made Murphy, who was only fourteen or five years old, a little bit unbearable. She isolated herself from these people with indifference, ignored the intrigue, and worked hard to make her own music.

With Murphy’s angular personality, after the music director was replaced and she lost her backer, she was naturally isolated by the whole company. For two consecutive years, she had no chance to make a difference.

This difficult situation continued until Niu Meiling appeared. Niu Meiling, who was interested in Murphy’s potential, brought her to the mainland.

In this regard, Luo Xin asked: “So in Tianmei, in the mainland music market, you almost started from scratch. We all knew that the first few years would be difficult. Do you have anything particularly memorable about this period? Want to share your story with the audience?”

However, Murphy was very upright, she thought about it, and said, “Tough? It’s not very difficult, I think it’s okay, because my father asked us to speak Mandarin at home, so when I first came, I spoke Mandarin. It’s not bad, and people don’t treat me as a Hong Kong singer.”

This is a bit embarrassing. Fortunately, Luo Xin is experienced. She smiled and said, “Then Murphy remembers the first Chinese song she sang after she came to the mainland?”

In this way, Luo Xin slowly sorted out Murphy’s singer career from beginning to retirement through repeated guidance, and then asked: “What’s the reason? Years later, I chose to come back and start from scratch again!”

This question, Murphy has actually answered many times in the past few months when she released her comeback album, but the words at that time were revised by the company’s public relations. This time, Murphy wanted to say what she said.

“Because I still like to sing, even though I have been away for more than five years, I still long for that stage. This is my wish since I was a child. So no matter how difficult it is to start over, I want to come back and continue singing!” Murphy said.

“Indeed, we saw that your return to the album was not very good, and it is not too much to say that it was a fiasco, but it is good to see that after more than two months, you have achieved a new song “Crossing the Sea” with the help of a new song. “Looking at You” has returned to the public again.” Luo Xin’s voice fell, and the audience burst into applause.

“To be honest, I was very emotional when I heard your song. Does Murphy know why?” Luo Xin asked with a smile.


“Because after so many years, listening to you sing “Across the Ocean to See You” is like hearing you sing “Love Like a Stranger” back then, it’s still a familiar and pleasant song, and it’s still a familiar and sad mood , or you, the familiar and beautiful Murphy, you haven’t changed at all in five years!” Luo Xin said emotionally.

Murphy’s indifferent face was also slightly moved, and there was a mist in her eyes. She said softly, “Thank you, Sister Luo Xin.”

“Can you tell us, how did you maintain such a good voice and singing after you retired for so many years?” Luo Xin asked.

“Because even though I’ve left the music scene, I still maintain the same training every day as I do at work!” Murphy said simply.

Actually, in the script, this is the key!

Luo Xin diligently guided Murphy: “Day after day? Year after year? Then how did you persevere?”

Murphy just remembered at this moment, she followed Luo Xin’s words and said: “It’s because the dream of music is still there, I have not given up.”

“Very well said! Because of her dream, Murphy has come all the way to the present. Despite the ups and downs, despite the twists and turns, she has been persevering. I also firmly believe that you can succeed Murphy, just like before you retired. One day I will stand at the pinnacle of the music on the stage you desire the most!” Luo Xin said with a smile.

After some sensationalism, Luo Xin suddenly became naughty again. She blinked her eyes funny like a young man in the camera: “Murphy, I have said so many good things to you, today is Don’t I have to sing a new song for everyone here?”

“Huh?” Murphy couldn’t react to Luo Xin’s routine, as if it shouldn’t have come out suddenly on the table.

“It’s rare to come to “Interview with Zhixin”, you can’t sing old songs here, right? You can’t sing “Across the Ocean to See You”! I heard that you are preparing a new album, twelve songs The songs are all written by Mu Ziang for you, and the first one is excellent, if you don’t come out with a new song today, the audience will not agree!” Luo Xin laughed.

Murphy understood, she smiled lightly, and said to herself: “Since that’s the case, then I’ll sing a new song for everyone. This song is also in line with the content of the conversation with Sister Luo Xin tonight, and the lyrics are more It’s the voice of my heart!”

“Then what are we waiting for, let’s get to the most anticipated part…Music!”

“Thank you, Sister Luo Xin…”The First Dream”, I hope everyone likes it!”


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