House Dad’s Literary Life Chapter 206: Another way


“…I made such an excuse so that the little **** couldn’t hold Xixi’s hand. He didn’t even realize it. Later, he applauded me cheerfully during the performance.” At night, Yang Yi On the phone, he showed off his cleverness to Murphy with pride.

“Pfft! You really are, do you need to be so careful? Children of four or five years old don’t know the difference between boys and girls!” Murphy said angrily after being amused by him.

“Hey, don’t tell me, since Xixi went to kindergarten, we have to be careful. We don’t know how many sinister people there are in this world. I think, when you come back, let’s discuss how to treat Xixi. Let’s conduct child **** education! I’m going to buy some books for research.” Yang Yi said seriously.

Murphy was influenced by Western-style education since she was a child, and she really recognized Yang Yi’s idea.

The two talked about Murphy’s recording of today’s program. Murphy also talked to Yang Yi about her performance in detail, and also said happily that her singing was recognized by the audience.

“When will this show be broadcast? I want to see your performance.” Yang Yi was intrigued. Although he had heard Murphy sing, he had never heard the live version of the song.

“It should be ten o’clock on Friday night in two weeks, right? But when you watch it, don’t make fun of me for being dumb while recording the show. I don’t know what to say when I go up.” Murphy worried. said.

“How could it be? You look like the cutest in my eyes!” Yang Yi said love words.

The two of you were close to me for a while, and Murphy remembered something: “Yang Yi, there is something I can’t figure out, you can help me with the staff…”

It turned out that after the recording of the program, Li Manman, who was trying to show her goodwill to Murphy, glued it up. “Sister Murphy” and “Sister Murphy” were so sweet.

“…She asked me to give her Mu Ziang’s contact information. She wants to invite him to sing with Mu Ziang.” Hearing Murphy’s voice, Yang Yi could feel her pouting, as if she felt that her toy was being stolen by someone else. Like the little girl who was robbed.

Yang Yi smiled secretly and asked, “How did you respond to her?”

“I want to refuse directly. I think Li Manman is too hypocritical!” Murphy felt right this time, she said, “But she was so enthusiastic that I don’t even know how to say no.” /

“Then did you give Mu Ziang the mailbox you gave her?”

“No, I was worried that Mr. Mu Ziang would be angry. So I told Li Manman that I would go back and ask Mu Ziang.” Murphy said to Yang Yi, “But I was also worried that Mu Ziang would be recommended by me. relationship, he is too embarrassed to refuse, it will affect his judgment.”

“Just give her your email address, it doesn’t matter! Mu Ziang won’t mind, anyway, this email address has already been known by your company!” Yang Yi said, “Mu Ziang will have his own Judge, you don’t have to think too much, he will make the right choice.”

Yang Yi wanted to let Murphy make his own music without distractions. As for Li Manman, he would handle it all. A problem that could be solved by rejecting an email did not require Murphy to worry about it.

“Is this really good?” Murphy asked worriedly.

“It doesn’t matter, you just told that Li Manman that you asked Mu Ziang and said that Mu Ziang doesn’t care about an email address, but if she can get Mu Ziang’s approval, then she has to work hard.” Yang Yi taught Murphy.

Where is the effort? All sugar-coated shells, all in one email, no sugar-coated!

However, Yang Yi ate someone’s sugar coating.

After Ju Jie knew that his remittance slip had been withdrawn, he hurriedly found his dog-headed military advisor, Du Lun: “The money was spent, and that Mu Ziang also sent me sheet music and lyrics using a new mailbox. !”

“How about this song?” Durham asked curiously.

“Look.” Ju Jie didn’t know how to comment.

Looking at the lyrics first, Duren’s face suddenly became weird. how to say? The name of the song is very special!

“This song, this song…” Du Lun also smiled wryly, not knowing how to comment.

“Du Lun, do you think this Mu Ziang is deliberately cheating on my money? He wrote such a song for me!” Ju Jie said a little depressedly, “Finally you became someone else’s mistress, this is a human being Song lyrics?”

“Cough, Ajie, wait a minute, I see that the lyrics are also neatly aligned, and it’s quite catchy to read. I’ll look at the tune.” Durham comforted.

Du Lun is not like Mo Xiaojuan, the latter relying on his kinship with Murphy to become an agent, and he completely understood the entertainment industry through brute force, while Du Lun is a complete insider. I used to have a dream of debuting, but unfortunately, when he was a trainee, his talent was mediocre and he couldn’t reach the level of debut, so he switched to the agent business.

But he still has the musical literacy he should have. Looking at the score, he can sing it completely.

After a while, Durham stumbled and sang a few lines: “Although I didn’t say it, I actually had a hunch…”

After taking a closer look, Du Lun said to Ju Jie: “From the melody point of view, there is no problem. This is a saliva song. It is not difficult to sing, and it also sounds very good.”

“Is it a good song to write a junior? Have you been greened by others?” Ju Jie was full of feces, and he didn’t choose what to say when talking to his own people.

A look of helpless anger flashed in Du Lun’s eyes, but he still held back and said to Ju Jie with a smile, “Don’t say that, Ajie, how about I play this song for you?”

After Du Lun’s performance, Ju Jie had a certain degree of approval, but he was still dissatisfied: “Is this Mu Ziang old and confused? He wrote to Chen Yijie, and the songs he wrote to Murphy were so good. Is my song so bad?”

“I can’t say it’s bad, but the lyrics are quite special.” Durham advised, “It’s not bad that three million can buy such a song. If he gave you one, I wouldn’t dare let you use it. , This song, Mu Ziang can earn at least 10 million in copyright revenue in a few years, how can he be willing to sell it to us. Giving such a song shows that he has no plans to use it himself, and we are not worried that he will go back and sue us !”

“It makes sense for you to say that.” Ju Jie nodded thoughtfully, “How can I sing such a song?”

“Hehe, Ajie, you don’t understand this, right? You can’t improve your cast in a normal way, but let’s change the song of a different style, and change the way of operation. The song, coupled with the fact that we deliberately sought media hype, and packaged you as the little prince of a sentimental song, you see, you have no competitors, and you can become popular right away!” Du Lun’s head turned quickly.

“Really hot?” Ju Jie was a little moved, he longed to become a big star! This is the motivation for him to leave his identity as the eldest young master to study hard and make his debut!

“Really!” Durham also felt that his opportunity had come, and he encouraged him vigorously.


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