House Dad’s Literary Life Chapter 205: I only hate that the golden hoop is not a crescent knife (three/four)


Yang Yi prepares more than just pudding and barbecue for the children. He also crafts pastries such as pea yellow, pumpkin pie, mango puff pastry and egg tarts with blueberries and cranberries. Mango sago, double skin milk and other desserts.

It can be said to be good-looking and delicious, not to mention the little ones, the adults all see the index finger.

However, the children’s food intake is small after all, even the chubby girl Lan Xin, she ate a few pieces of barbecue, and drank some sago, and she was full.

Just as Yang Yi was introducing some housewife-level mothers about the tips for making delicious food, Xixi ran upstairs noisily with the well-fed little ones to play. She said she wanted to Show them your toys!

Lan Xin didn’t wipe her greasy mouth, and she followed up with a giggle. Lan Xin’s mother hurriedly called out to Ding Xiang, who was going to be a babysitter for the whole process today, and asked her to help her daughter wash her hands and wipe her face.

Children have their wonderful children, and adults also have their own topics. Except for some worried mothers who will go upstairs to see their children, other adults are chatting downstairs.

While Yang Yi was circling in the crowd, the real estate tycoon Lanzhou Kai looked at Yang Yi’s shop with interest while eating roast chicken legs in a particularly unimpressive manner.

“Brother Yang, is this coffee shop your current business? This location is not very good!” Lanzhou Kai suddenly stopped Yang Yi, who was passing by him, and laughed, “I have no other intentions. , your store layout is very impressive, but from the point of view of a businessman, it is not a good choice to open a store at the gate of Jiangcheng Media University.”

“Brother Lan, what advice do you have?” Yang Yi asked.

“If you want to open a coffee shop, especially if you want to build a brand with your own personal characteristics, you must take into account the problem of your customer source. There are two problems with your current coffee shop’s customer source. The first is this backdoor person. Low traffic is a big constraint on your sales from the start.”

“Secondly!” Lanzhou Kai finally acted like a businessman this time, and said in an orderly manner, “After all, the purchasing power of students is much worse, unless you sell cheap coffee and win by quantity, but now you are selling handmade The price of coffee cannot be set too low, so you should consider the white-collar class who have relatively high incomes and have quality requirements for life.”

Lanzhou Kai had a good impression of Yang Yi. He not only gave instructions to Yang Yi’s business history, but also assured him that as long as Yang Yi wanted, he could provide Yang Yi with a facade in the Binhai Business District at the cost price. Rent it to Yang Yi.

But Yang Yi still declined, he revealed a little about his main business of writing novels, and then smiled: “Opening a coffee shop is just my personal hobby. Opening a coffee shop here at the university can enjoy a peace of mind, and can also The artistic atmosphere of Jiang Chuan is not for making money.”

Lanzhou Kai had little interest in literature and did not ask questions, but he still expressed his appreciation for Yang Yi’s pure heart and asked Yang Yi to make him a cup of coffee.

“Not bad, not bad! Your craft is much better than my secretary’s. Grandma is a jerk. I think I want him to come over and learn how to do it with you.” Lanzhou Kai tasted the blue that Yang Yi specially brewed for him. Mountain Coffee, laughed.

At this time, the little guys ran down again in a swarm, and Xixi jumped up and down in front of Dad with an excited face, took Dad’s hand, and said expectantly: “Baba, Baba, you Can you show us that golden hoop like Monkey King?”

The little girl is still pouting and learning the “woo woo” sound of the stick wind, and she also seems to be holding a stick in her hand and swings it to her father.

Yang Yi had no choice but to make an apologetic gesture to Lanzhou Kai.

“Go, go, you don’t have to entertain us, just serve these little ancestors!” Lanzhou Kai laughed.

The store was too crowded to perform, so Yang Yi was surrounded by little guys and came to the lawn outside the store, carrying a “golden hoop stick” in his hand.

That’s right!

No longer the poor broom, since Yang Yi performed once

–0—0—Small—say—this is a gorgeous dividing line–

Dad’s Literary Life 00 Novels Please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 novel recommended reading: the great cause of the late Sui Dynasty

-0–0—small—say—this is a gorgeous dividing line—

, Xixi likes it very much. Sometimes when she listens to the story of Journey to the West at night, she is very interested in asking Yang Yi to perform it again.

So, Yang Yi asked someone to order such a “golden hoop stick” specially, according to his figure, the corresponding proportions and the pattern he drew. , very nice!

“I want to play too.” Chen Shiyun, who was a little violent, said with envy.

“This is very heavy, you can’t lift it!” Xixi waved her hand and explained to her, “My papa won’t let me move. If it hits my foot, it hurts to death.”

The children huddled together, giggling and watching Yang Yi, Yang Yi was not stage fright, and put on a posture of performing on stage, holding a stick and **** to greet the small audience.

“Hee hee, have fun!” The children started having fun, everything was so new to them!

Yang Yi put on a stance and began to perform. There was no foreshadowing. As soon as he came up, he used the coolest turning stick to attract the attention of the little guys.

“Wow!” When Yang Yi turned the stick with both hands, Lan Xin and the others were exclaimed by the stick figure like a big windmill, how have they ever seen such a trick?

Yang Yi started to turn the stick with one hand, and twisted his body. After turning his right hand, he handed it over to his left hand and then turned. The whistling wind and the powerful momentum directly made the little guys dazzled.

Chen Shiyun even screamed loudly. She was the most excited to see it, and wished she could end up doing such a cool move on behalf of Xixi’s father!

If so, she will definitely become the most popular child in Spring Kindergarten!

However, when Yang Yi danced with a stick, the smile on his face couldn’t be hung up.

He saw the only two boys in this group of children, Nan Zhaoyu and another little boy. They were standing next to Xixi, one left and one behind!

What makes Yang Yi’s eyes fire even more is that while Xixi is holding Yang Luoqi’s hand, she is also holding Nan Zhaoyu’s hand!

How old is he? Let someone else hold hands! Childish or not? !

Alert, Level 1 Alert, Red Alert!

At this moment, Yang Yi only hates that the golden hoop in his hand is not the Qinglong Yanyue Saber…

“Cough cough!” Yang Yi still He pretended to be nothing, walked over and instructed the children, “Uncle is going to perform a big one later, you stand a little bit, in the middle Leave a passage, yes, come, Zhaoyu and that little friend, stand here, Xixi, stand over there with Qiqi…”

In order to isolate Xixi from the source of danger, Yang Yi also asked her hard-core fan Chen Shiyun to hold Xixi’s empty hand.

This is pleasing to the eye!

Yang Yi calmly started his performance again, with “Oolong around the pillar” for a while, and “Drinking Heaven Punishment” for a while – smashing it on the ground with a golden hoop.

The children watched with relish, but they didn’t notice the carefulness that Yang Yi was playing just now.

Of course, Yang Yi really took advantage of the passage that had just been evacuated, and saw that he came with a “tiger jumping forward”, turned a little somersault on the grass, and then built a pergola with his hands to make a classic Looking back at the moon.

This posture is still the same, and even the parents who walked to the door of the store cheered.

“Young is good!” Nan Yiyun, who was already fifty years old, sighed with emotion.

“I just think he’s jumping up and down like a monkey. It’s a little too serious!” One parent couldn’t help but muttered.

Yang Guo, who was standing on the side, retorted: “How can you say it’s not serious? This is a monkey show, an art that was gradually explored by monkey performers who were handed down from the Han Dynasty in the past.”

There is something similar in this world! (don’t take it seriously)

Lanzhou Kai also said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter if it’s art or not, I now envy this kid Yang Yi for being so good at it. Look, he’s so popular with children! This is what we do. Parents, what you dream of achieving, right?”


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