History’s Strongest Senior Brother Chapter 8: Old rivals in the past


   Whether it was Ye Jing, Si Kongqing, or the ideas of others, Yan Zhaoge didn’t pay much attention to it.

   Although the matter of Zhen Longyuan is urgent, since it passes through the Eastern Tang State, others are fine. The contemporary monarch of the Eastern Tang State, Yan Zhaoge must pay a visit.

   The other party is not only the lord of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, but also the hero of Tiandongzhou, but also the old friendship that Daddy Yan knew when he was young, and he always respected and cared for Yan Zhaoge.

   A change occurred in the town of Longyuan. The martial arts powerhouses of the Eastern Tang Dynasty closest to here, and the warriors guarded by Guangcheng Mountain here, naturally arrived at the first time, first suppressed and explored, Yan Zhaoge and others are going to town Longyuan In such a dangerous place, we must first understand the latest developments there.

   After seeing the Lord of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, Yan Zhaoge paid a visit to the principal elder of Guangcheng Mountain in the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

   This is not as easy and harmonious as meeting the former, because this Guangcheng Mountain’s top leader in the Eastern Tang State is a member of Yanzhaoge’s second master.

   Dongtang chief elder looked like a serious old man. He looked at Yan Zhaoge without much nonsense, and made a few simple sentences to make it clear that he had grasped the situation. Yan Zhaoge listened to it while thinking.

  ”Chao Yuanlong of the Great Sun Sage Sect also appeared in Zhenlongyuan, so please refresh yourself.” After introducing the change of Zhenlongyuan, the old man finally said calmly.

  Zhao Ge smiled and said: “Isn’t it because of him that Zongmen let me lead the team this time?”

   There were several sacred places in the world standing side by side. The Da Ri Shengzong is a giant in the same series as Guangcheng Mountain, and its power even exceeds Guangcheng Mountain, making it the number one holy place at the moment.

  Chao Yuanlong is the proud son of the young generation of Da Ri Shengzong, the young grandmaster strong, his age is similar to the Yanzhao song, and his cultivation has reached the realm of the late Neigang grandmaster, and he is also a prominent rising star in the Eight Great Worlds.

  The original owner of Yan Zhaoge’s body has fought with it three times, all tied, and the two are also regarded as old rivals among the younger generation of warriors in the Eight Great Worlds.

  The principal elder of the Eastern Tang Dynasty said: “This is also a rare one. He has practiced the Sun Jinzhen Qigong of the Great Sun Sect to the eighth level. He is outstanding in talent and has a steadfast temperament. If he goes further this time, he will What is the result, I don’t need the old man to tell you?”

   Sun Jin Needle Qigong is a relatively unpopular martial arts school of the Da Ri Shengzong. If it is practiced to the depths, it is extremely powerful. It is one of the top existences in the same level of martial arts.

   But the power in the first and mid-stage training is relatively limited, at least the sixth and seventh tiers of training are required to be extraordinary.

   The difficulty of practicing this method is extremely high. The practitioner has to endure the pain of the burning fire, and the whole body is like tens of thousands of steel needles, and the practice is like self-abuse.

  With the improvement of the cultivation level, the Da Ri Shengzong has its own higher, deeper and powerful martial arts for the disciples of the martial arts to choose, so few people practice this martial arts.

   Yan Zhaoge said nonchalantly: “If Chao Yuanlong has cultivated the ninth level of the Sun Jinzhen Qigong at his current age, in the entire history of the Da Ri Shengzong, it will not exceed the number of five fingers, it is really rare.”

   “Being able to become a leader among the peers in the Da Ri Shengzong, has its own advantages.”

   Yan Zhao Ge smiled: “Thanks to the elder for reminding me, I know it in my heart.”

   Dongtang principal elder glanced at him, and said lightly: “In that case, go on your own. If you find anything in Zhenlongyuan, report back in time. A group of experienced disciples, take good care of him, and there is nothing wrong with it. “

   Yan Zhaoge stood up: “I’m leaving, the elders stay.”

  Looking at Yan Zhaoge’s leaving back, the old man looked calm and slowly closed his eyes: “Yellow-mouthed child, frivolous and impetuous.”


   Town Longyuan is a big rift valley that traverses the earth, with high mountains on both sides, the rift valley is bottomless, and it is shrouded in black mist all year round.

  The black fog hurts people, and the deeper it gets, the more dense it becomes. Even the martial arts experts dare not easily take risks. Many spirits and monsters will breed in the fog, which is extremely fierce.

   Deep into Zhenlongyuan, under the black fog, there will be bizarre spatial disorder, which makes it difficult to distinguish the position. It is also difficult for people outside the abyss to rescue.

   But Zhenlongyuan will also produce some rare or even unique treasures in other places on the mainland, so warriors often enter it to hunt for treasures.

   Of course, most of the entrants never came out alive.

   Therefore, since ancient times, Zhenlongyuan has a fierce reputation.

   Yan Zhaoge and others left the capital of Eastern Tang Dynasty and came all the way to the periphery of this fierce land.

  ”You all know the origin of Zhenlongyuan?” Standing on the mountain ridge beside the rift valley, Yan Zhaoge said: “The Eight Great Worlds are customarily divided into eight vast areas by people. Heaven, earth, wind, thunder, water, fire, mountain, and Ze are called on behalf of.”

  ”The area has been turned into a dead place due to the abnormal changes many years ago. It has become the most dangerous place in the world. Because of the homophonic relationship, it has been dubbed ‘Hell’ ever since.”

  ”From the **** to the surrounding heaven and earth, there are many great rift valleys. This town of Longyuan is one of the largest, and a considerable part of it passes through the heaven where I am located in the Guangcheng Mountain.”

  Zhao Ge said: “Zhenlongyuan suddenly changed, the reason is unknown, you need to be careful.”

   All the disciples of Guangcheng Mountain nodded and said yes.

   Under the leadership of Yan Zhaoge, everyone slowly walked down the Rift Valley.

   Although it is a dangerous place, the outermost area has been artificially opened up for easy roads.

   Every certain distance on the road, lights are lit up, and green smoke emerges, which isolates the black fog in a small area and allows people to walk.

   This is the martial arts powerhouse of Dongtang Kingdom and Guangcheng Mountain. They came as soon as they noticed the change~ IndoMTL.com~ The path opened during the first temporary suppression, and then guarded and informed the Guangcheng Mountain gate. , Send someone to fetch a special ritual exploration.

  If it is not suppressed in time, the black mist may rush out of the canyon.

  Meet the local warrior who was in charge of the guard, and Yan Zhaoge and his party began to penetrate further into Zhenlongyuan.

  Zhao Ge walked in the forefront, paying attention to the surrounding situation, while thinking in his heart: “This black mist is indeed a mess of evil spirits. Although it can produce something that is beneficial to the work of the inner crystal furnace, it itself has a hundred harm but no benefit. .”

   “Wait… I think about it, it doesn’t seem to be useless?”

  ”From the late Neigang stage to the outer stage stage, the change in strength is far greater than the mid-stage Neigang stage to the late Neigang stage. Not to mention the difference between the world and the land, it is also reborn.” Yan Zhaoge thought in his heart: “Gang Qi is released. , Its own defense becomes extremely powerful.”

  ”The Neigang Grandmaster made an all-out effort to strike at the vital parts that the Waigang Grandmaster did not specifically protect, before it could be effective, otherwise most of it would only be wasted.”

  ”On the other hand, Grandmaster Waigang’s gas is released outside, and the lethality is amazing. It is easier to break the defense of Neigang master.”

  ”Unfortunately, one step away from the inner gangway to the outer gangway is the gap. It is not easy to break through. The key is to spend a lot of time carefully polishing the qi and tempering the body.”

  Walking in the dangerous Zhenlongyuan, Yan Zhaoge smiled.

  ” However, if you change the vortex countercurrent method of the Tianyuan Countercurrent Art, and then channel the evil spirits of the chaotic path into your body, you can turn waste into treasure, make it a good grindstone, and hone your own Qi. , Can help me break through the barrier of turning the inner gangway into the outer gangway from the inside out~IndoMTL.com~Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~IndoMTL.com~ mobile phone users Please go to read it.


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