History’s Strongest Senior Brother Chapter 11: Equipment rolling


   Ahu looked dazed, obviously he didn’t understand the far-reaching intentions hidden under the simple commands of his son.

   But he still carried out the instructions of Yan Zhaoge.

   The other party did not show up with a master-level warrior, so he didn’t intervene.

  Facts also proved that the situation did not exceed Yan Zhaoge’s expectations.

  The young disciples of Guangchengshan suffered a little loss at first, but after Ye Jing and Sikongqing arrived, the situation suddenly reversed.

  The two sides fought in a group fight in Zhenlongyuan. At the end of the fight, they gradually formed a real fire, and various weapons began to appear on the stage.

  The Great Sun Saint Sect is at the same level as Guangcheng Mountain, and even has a sacred land sect that exceeds it. At a young age, martial artists in the body-refining realm dare to enter the fierce land such as Zhenlongyuan. Natural talent and strength They are all outstanding among their peers.

   The sect behind them is also willing to invest in them. Each is rich in wealth, and at least there is a soldier in it.

   Among the most outstanding characters, there are precious soldiers with them.

   There are less than 20 disciples of the Saint Sect of the Great Sun, but there are eight low-grade treasure soldiers, which are displayed together, suddenly agitated, and shining brightly illuminates a radius of 100 meters.


   These Da Sun Shengzong disciples were all dumbfounded.

  Because the sixteen Guangchengshan disciples in front of them have one precious soldier, and some have more than one!

   In the next moment, a tumultuous offensive blasted them and the eight treasured soldiers of the Da Ri Shengzong like small sampans in the storm, as if they might be submerged at any time.

   All the disciples of the Great Sun Saint Sect vomited blood with anger: “Although Zhenlongyuan is a place of great evil, Guangcheng Mountain is too willing to pay for it, right? Everyone has a treasure for everyone!”

  ”Could it be that they have any special missions when they come in this time? But if they have special missions, why do they send disciples from the realm of body refinement?”

   “Should you not come here specifically for us?”

   “There are too many soldiers on the other side, and heroes don’t suffer from immediate losses. Let’s go and get revenge again in the future!”

   The disciples of the Great Sun Sage Sect fought and retreated, while Ye Jing, Sikongqing and others chased them all the way.

  Compared with their current cultivation base, the combat effectiveness brought by the treasure soldiers has improved so much that it is very difficult for the disciples of the Great Sun Sacred Sect to run.

   retreated hard to the place where they camped and rested in the center of the vortex, and finally let the disciples of Guangcheng Mountain be surrounded again.

  The disciple of the Great Sun Saint Sect who caught the light cat, grinned and said: “Okay, you Guangcheng Mountain is against my Great Sun Sect?”

  ”This luminous cat is wild and not raised by your family. If I catch it, I will take care of it. What qualifications do you have to take care of nosy?”

  The female disciple of Guangcheng Mountain who came after the light cat shouted: “The kitten is close to me, I want to raise it!”

   The other party snorted: “Does it have your name written on it?”

  The girl is impatient: “You…”

  ’s leading disciple of the Great Sun Sage Sect said coldly: “For a monster, provoking my Great Sun Sage Sect, Guang Chengshan has gained a lot in recent years?”

   “Don’t forget who is the first holy place in the Eight Great Worlds!”

   A group of disciples from Guangcheng Mountain frowned slightly. Although several sacred sites are side by side, they are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. The Da Ri Shengzong is indeed powerful at present, and its style is also tough and domineering.

   The disciple of the Da Ri Shengzong said: “You are all the disciples of Guangcheng Mountain who have just started, right? The conflict between the two sacred places is caused. Can you bear this responsibility?”

   An ice sword in Sikong Qing’s palm set off the wind and frost, and suppressed the opponent’s precious soldiers: “There is a total conflict between the two holy places. I am a junior disciple of physical training. Yes, only my sword is in my palm.”

   She seems to be subdued, but a sentence of physical training as a junior disciple, makes the other’s face a hot feeling.

   I am a junior disciple in the realm of body refining, and I can’t afford this responsibility. So are you too. What qualifications do you have to pull the flag and pull the tiger’s skin?

   Dainichi Shengzong and Guangcheng Mountain, there are not many conflicts between the younger disciples on weekdays. They will win each other. Unless it is a matter of great importance, they will not easily disturb the upper echelons. They will fall into the eyes of the elders. It is the experience of the younger disciples.

   Lost face in the    contest, it is the same way to find the face, and it will not be easy to fight.

   The full-scale collision between the two giants of the current world involves too much, and there are other Holy Land forces on the side, and it will not happen easily.

   But once a fight really breaks out, it will inevitably be magnificent.

   Ye Jing sneered: “You Da Ri Shengzong disciple, if you can’t fight, you will only be better than the backstage and backer?”

  The Great Sage Sect has taken the lead over the past few years, and his disciples are indeed outstanding in their cultivation skills. They have always been domineering and used to walking outside, especially those who are new to beginners. They are even more unscrupulous, so that they are against other sacred forces such as Guangcheng Mountain. The descendants of, have gradually begun to be a little contemptuous.

  The conflicts between the younger disciples and Guang Chengshan in recent years, the Da Ri Shengzong generally won more than defeated, and suddenly suffered a big loss at this moment, and I feel more unbelievable.

   That Da Ri Shengzong disciple spoke carelessly for a while, and was squeezed by Ye Jing and Sikongqing, but he was also a bachelor, and snorted: “Hey, you have a lot of precious soldiers today. If you have the ability, just bury us all. In this town of Longyuan, otherwise the enmity will be reported in the future, thinking that there are no more than a dozen inferior soldiers, my Dari Shengzong?”

  Guangchengshan disciple sneered: “When the precious soldiers were not used, did you beat us?”

   All the disciples of the Great Sun Saint Sect wore the fire. When the treasure soldiers were not used, they only suffered a little. Who would have thought that if they used weapons, they would be at a greater disadvantage. They would be beaten like grandson Hui, and it would be difficult to escape.

  , the disciples of Guangcheng Mountain were too cool: “Thank you all, Brother Yan, it really feels good to be equipped with equipment!”

  While talking~IndoMTL.com~ Ye Jing and the others shook their hands suddenly.

  It’s not just him, all the precious soldiers in the hands of the disciples of Guangchengshan are shaking, as if they were warning.

   The next moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone without warning.

   Around his body, there are thousands of needle-like golden lights lit up together, dazzling and dazzling.

   was stressed out, Ye Jing, Sikongqing and the others’ treasure soldiers, their spirits soared, and they pressed toward that person together.

  The golden light flashed, but sixteen precious soldiers, together with their masters, were all shaken back!

   The needle-like golden light, like real gold and iron, touches the treasure soldier and makes a harsh impact.

   Everyone in Guangcheng Mountain only felt that when they were lightly stabbed by the golden needle-like light, their originally surging vitality suddenly stagnated, and their cultivation was like snow under the sun, instantly melting and unsustainable.

  The brilliance dissipated, and a young man in a white robe with gold rims stood proudly in front of the crowd.

  He stood there and didn’t make any gestures, but he had invisible positions all around him, suppressing everyone.

   This gentleman is like a black hole, generating a huge suction force, so that all the disciples of Guangcheng Mountain can’t do it if they want to stay away temporarily, but are drawn a little bit closer to him.

   Everyone’s low-ranking soldiers were shocked by this person in their previous blow, and fell to the ground at this time, flashing a faint light.

   The people in Guangcheng Mountain wanted to call back the psychic treasure soldier, but the treasure soldier shook on the ground, but it was difficult to move, and he was also forcibly suppressed by the opponent.

   The young man carried his hands on his back and said indifferently: “Cao Yuanlong of a certain great day saint sect, who is the master of your Guangchengshan team this time~ IndoMTL.com~ Welcome all book friends to visit and read, the latest, fastest and most Huo’s serialized works are all on ~IndoMTL.com~ For mobile phone users, please go to read it.


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